Status: New

The Entertainment

Chapter 13-1: Bitter Heart

The Entertainment Chapter 13 part 1 © 2011 by SheaRyhai

Bitter Heart

Salina stared right back into Arianna's cold blue eyes. The older girl's breathing and posture was tense with apparent anger as she came closer. Uncertain and frozen in place, Salian, now acting as Tabitha again, watched her ex-best-friend's approach with obvious concern.

“I owe you an apology,” Tammy gritted out through her teeth.


Arianna winced as Mrs. Peterson's high heels clipped loudly across the floor towards them for the 2nd time since they'd started filming. Salina sighed as quietly as she could at the lunch tray in front of her on the school table. After three hours of watching Arianna hanging on Jordan's arm for the movie, she really just wanted to get her two scenes done so she could get back to debating her new movie.

Of course her biggest interest had been 'Don't Mess with Sally', or had been – until Gavin got the call saying all the roles had been filled a month ago.

“Miss Hughes,” Mrs. Peterson's loud voice quickly pulled her back to the present. As much as she didn't want to watch another stare down between the two, she couldn't avoid hearing it. “Do you need more time to go over this script? In case you haven't grasped what were looking for allow me to explain. Tammy, that would be you, is trying to make amends with Tabitha, that would be Miss White. Tammy is hoping to rebuild a friendship she threw away. Where is the remorse or hope?”

Arianna's usual silence was all she got in return. Daring a glance over her shoulder, Salina found the cold eyes burning into her yet again. Looking away quickly she went back to examining the creases in her home wrapped sandwich. Not that she'd be really eating it anyway but it did smell good.

“We have three other scenes to shoot today, Miss Hughes. If you need more time to think-”

“Just roll the damn camera,” Arianna snapped.

A glanced towards the cameras and the actors all around revealed the same visible shock Salian knew was on her own face. Arianna was really testing the Dragon Lady's patience today. 'What the hell had her in such a bad mood anyway? Haven't seen her since -'

Since the jerk kissed her at the Hughes charity party.

“Very well Miss Hughes,” the directors voice dripped with honeyed malice. “If you're ready now.”

Salina quickly cleared her mind of unpleasant thoughts as the high heels clipped away back behind the wires and camera.

“Rolling in 3, 2, 1.”


Tabitha looked up from her diet tea and homemade BLT when Tammy appeared beside her at the lunch table. She stiffened involuntarily. It had been weeks since they'd exchanged words. 'What did Tammy want now?'

Her 'ex-best-friend' offered a weak smile before murmuring, “I owe you an apology.”

'There is no way the cameras heard that' Salina cringed inwardly, but continued on with the script.

“What could you possibly have to apologize for?” Tabitha scoffed, getting up from the table suddenly not hungry at all.

“For – hurting you.” Tammy spoke, louder this time. Tabitha stopped, not expecting an apology, not even sure she wanted one. “F-for betraying you,” Tammy practically shouted this time. She heard the girl get up as a hand gripped her shoulder tightly turning her around to look at Tammy's face glaring at her murderously.


Arianna jerked her hand away from Salina and whipped it quickly on her uniform.

'Nice. Really nice.' Salina replaced the tray on the table glancing at the clock on the wall. Only 9:20 AM. 'Will we ever get through this scene?'

The high heels were clipping through the lunch tables towards them again. This time Mrs. Peterson walked past Arianna and addressed Salina.

“I apologize for this enormous waste of time Miss White. We'll be moving onto the next scene with Mr. Cruz,” the director explained with a pleased expression. 'What was she so happy about?' Salina pondered nodding quickly that she understood.

“What?” Arianna snapped angrily. All around them the student actors were wandering away, and the crew was dissembling cameras and wires. “This is my last scene. I've done everything else perfect today.”

“Yes, your acting with Mr. Cruz has been adequate,” Mrs. Peterson turned towards her with a disapproving look.

“Adequate?” Arianna gasped.

“But this particular scene is the crux of the movie. So I'm afraid I can't accept any more half ass attempts on your part today. You may go home, and return tomorrow when you're feeling more serious about acting,” the director ordered calmly.

Salina watched her rivals mouth drop open in mute shock. Allowing herself to enjoy this moment for a moment, she started to walk away when Mrs. Peterson tapped her on the shoulder.

“You two seem to have some unresolved issues, and as much as I hate to involve personal matters with business I would appreciate if you dealt with them here and now,” she tapped her wrist watch. “You have ten minutes till the next scene Miss White.” Offering a small encouraging smile to Salina, she walked briskly out of the now empty lunch room.

Sighing, Salina glanced over at Arianna, who appeared to be visually struggling with several emotions. She watched the next to minutes tick past on wall clock before speaking.

“Anything you need to say or get off your chest?” Nothing came in return. Counting to twenty in her head, Salian tried to remain patient. Finally giving up she started to walk away again.

“This is all your fault you know,” Arianna blurted out barely above a whisper. Salina stopped, glancing at the door where she could see Gavin's back waiting outside.

If they couldn't get past whatever Arianna's problem was, Salina was never going to get through her last scene. Worse yet, the movie might be postponed or incomplete. 'Guess this is worth a try' she conceded turning around to face Arianna again.

“How exactly is this my fault?” Salina asked crossing her arms.

“You shouldn't even be here,” Arianna answered with a sneer. “If it wasn't for Mr. Kennedy kissing up to the other directors, you wouldn't be.” Salina didn't even bother to hide the smile that crept over her lips in return.

“Wow. That's what you're hung up on? That I had help getting into the auditions?” She shook her head sadly. “I admit, I was surprised when I got the job. But you're kinda missing one very important fact here.”

“Oh yeah, like what?” Arianna smirked. The same smirk Salina had seen on Xavier's face one to many times. 'They're definitely related.'

“You're the no who can't act. You're the one being sent home to get serious,” Salian answered smiling satisfied as the smirk fell away instantly. Arianna's face flushed to an almost purple hue as she stepped towards Salina with a raised hand.

The slap was intercepted by Gavin, who quickly stepped between them.

“Miss Hughes. Your manager is looking for you,” he informed her with a nod towards the door.


Salina let out a small sigh of relief once Arianna had left under the watchful eye of her manager.

“What was the point in provoking her?” Gavin asked curiously standing beside her.

“I'm just tired of people thinking they can step all over me,” Salina answered tensely.

“Mr. Kennedy told me about what happened at the party,” Gavin added hesitantly.

“Okay,” Salina amended. “I'm tired of the Hughes messing with me.” She glanced up at him with a slight smile which he returned. The moment lingered, and she felt herself relaxing in his company, till the doubts started to flicker in her mind. “Well,” she cleared her throat looking away. “I better get going. Don't want to be late.”

“You won't be,” Gavin assured her heading for the door. “They postponed the next scene for another twenty minutes. Mrs. Peterson has a guest she'd like you to meet.”

“Wow. Who could possibly be important enough for the tyrant to pause filming for?” Salina wondered allowed as she followed him towards the directors office.

“The director of 'Don't Mess with Sally'.”

Salina stopped in her tracks as her heart flipped with excitement. “Why would- why does she?”

“The director asked to see you. Apparently, she came to watch you act today,” Gavin answered pausing to wait for her.

“But- all the roles are filled. You told me this morning,” Salina quickly caught up to him. “What did you do?”

“What did I do?” Gavin huffed, smirking slightly. “Let's just say the director had a change of heart when she saw you acting with Miss Hughes a moment ago.”

“She – wait – oh my God!” Salina stopped again. Chuckling, Gavin grinned back at her.

“You 'Miss White', might have a chance at stealing Arianna Hughes role in the movie,” he voiced her thoughts aloud. “Might,” he added as they continued walking. “They say she's just as hard to please as Mrs. Peterson.”
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© 2011 by SheaRyhai