Status: New

The Entertainment

Chapter 16-2: Just Like Me

The Entertainment Chapter 16 part 2 © 2011 by SheaRyhai

Just Like Me

“Look, as much as I want answers from you – if I'm not back before Gavin wakes up. I'll-” Salina broke off, not really sure how much trouble she would be in.

“We better not waste any time then,” Xavier observed, pulling a beer from the grungy looking fridge.

'How can he be so calm about this? Oh wait – cause it's just a game to him.' Grabbing a chair at the small kitchen table, Salina sat down, trying to organize her thoughts.

“You said they wanted my signature. What kind of document are we talking about?” She asked, deciding to start with the last question he'd left her with.

“Something to do with handing over power of attorney and some kind of inheritance,” Xavier answered, taking the seat across from her.

“But, - I have nothing,” Salina answered baffled.

“What about our Dad? He leave you anything?”

“A house with two mortgages – and that's long gone,” Salina joked, sinking into the chair puzzled.

“And your Mom?”

“I never knew her, and she's dead,” Salina answered quickly. Xavier frowned and took a drink from his beer. “Where did you learn about all this stuff anyway?” She asked, suddenly wondering if he was playing her even now. His gaze shifted to her face, almost as if he knew what she was thinking.

“Before I answer that, I have one question for you,” Xavier countered, looking suddenly serious.

“Okay-” She spoke uncertainly.

“And I want the full, honest truth, or you can go looking for the rest of these answers by yourself,” Xavier continued with a threatening tone.

“Okay – okay,” Salina agreed, fingers twisting the strings of her jacket.

“How do you know Connor Murray?”

'Shit-' Even if she wanted to lie to him, she knew the answer was written all over her face. Frozen in her chair, probably looking like a petrified gold fish, she struggled frantically for an answer to buy herself time.

“The whole truth,” Xavier reminded her, setting his beer down, eyes focused on her face.

'Crud.' Salina looked away first, her stomach twisting. Telling him could risk everything. Not telling him, would mean everything she risked tonight had been for nothing.

“Why do you want to know?” Salina asked hesitantly.

Xavier's hand tightened around the beer can, the aluminum crumpled slightly to the pressure. Standing, he hurled it into the sink where it clattered, the beer and foam splattering all over the counter and wall. Salina jumped slightly in her seat startled, staring at his back, wondering if she had ruined everything already.

For the next several tense moments all Salina could hear was her heart pounding, and the beer pouring down the drain. Then Xavier sighed deeply, leaning his back into the counter he turned to face her.

“Connor Murray is my uncle,” he stated, voice dripping with undisguised hatred. “He's also the reason my mother is dead.”

Heart slowing back into a steady beat, Salina studied his face, scarcely believing him.

“Connor – is the reason – my Dad died,” She finally answered back, voice scarcely above a whisper. “Him – and Dylan Cruz.”

“Your Dad?” Xavier repeated, his expression surprised.

“Yes, my Dad. E-ethan Black.” Salina nodded, voice cracking as she spoke his name.

“Ethan Black – and Salina White?” Xavier raised an eyebrow. She could almost hear the gears in his brain grinding this new information.

“I changed my name – after – when I decided-” the words died in her throat. Her mind screamed at her to stop. 'Don't tell him anymore. You can't trust him!'

“When you decided to get revenge?” Xavier finished for her. Raising her eyes to his, she nodded slowly. Something in his eyes, a feeling she couldn't shake, like he understood better then she could guess. 'Like he's just like me?'

The tightness in her chest constricted. Telling someone, finally letting it out, even to this jerk. If she could have, Salina would have preferred telling Gavin, but. 'Don't break now-' she fought back the tears, digging her nails into the skin of her arms.

Xavier moved back to his chair, still glancing her way, but not staring.

“Then you're real name would be -?” he pressed curiously.

“Jackie – Jackie lack.”

“Jackie?” he repeated quizzically, eying her up and down. “Weird name for a girl.” She almost laughed, remembering hearing those words from another boy in high school. The strangest look flickered across Xavier's face. Oddly, it helped ease the knots in her stomach as well as the numbness in her chest.

“Getting back to your previous question,” Xavier leaned onto the table serious again. “I got this information from my uncle. He was trying to get my sister to scare you away from acting. Naturally, I was curious.”

“I don't understand,” Salina blinked. 'Did Connor know who she was? But how?' “Why would he do that?”

“Missing piece of the puzzle I'm afraid,” Xavier tapped the table, clearly attempting to figure it out. “I'd say maybe he knows you're real identity, and as guessed your reasons – but Gavin and Mr. Kennedy have both been very tight lipped about that. Even I didn't know until you told me.” Breathing out relieved, Salina puzzled silently.

“Wait! Is that why you – saved me, that day she locked me in the room?” Salina asked, suddenly recalling their first meeting.

“No. I had no idea who you were then,” Xavier smirked faintly.

“But why would your sister be helping him?”

“Because she hasn't seen the side of him that you and I know. She just sees the handsome, popular actor thousands of other woman love,” Xavier answered with a scowl. “She doesn't know he's playing her for a fool.”

“Can't you tell her? Warn her?”

“I tried in the past – while we were still close,” Xavier shook his head, his expression pained. “Connor was already a trusted member of our family, even then. And he-” The anger returned to his face as he smiled coldly. “ My uncle knows how to make people do what he wants, one way or another.”

Salina decided it was best not to press the matter further. Glancing at the kitchen clock she shifted nervously. Already it was approaching 5:30 AM.

“So you became an actress to what – get close enough to kill him?” Xavier asked with a chuckle.

“If you hate him so much, why don't you kill him?” Salina shot back angrily.

“Maybe – eventually.” Xavier's eyes stared out the window. “When the right moment presents itself.” The cold matter of fact way he said it sent shivers down her spine.

“Why did he – kill your mother?” Salina asked curiously.

“Why do most people kill other people? She stood in his way, and he knew he could get away with it,” Xavier answered with a shrug, but unable to mask pain with his usual carefree smile.

“I'm sorry,” Salina whispered. 'You really are just like me.'

“As much as I hate my uncle,” Xavier shifted in his seat, “and personally believe Jordan is a spineless monkey, - how does Dylan fit into your Dad's death?”

Not really comfortable with the topic change, Salina reluctantly answered, “Let's just say it was Connor's idea, but Dylan was the one to kill my Dad.”

“Well whatever your plan is, you're going to need my help,” Xavier responded, digging into his jacket pocket. He pulled out a small flat cell phone which he slid across the table to her. “Use that to get a hold of me, but don't call me from inside your apartment.”

“Why?” Salina asked puzzled, picking the phone up.

“You really don't have a clue what kind of person Gavin is do you?” Xavier sighed.

“I met him at the hospital-” Salina answered, lamely dodging the question.

“He's not a doctor, or nurse, or manager either,” Xavier muttered darkly with a shake of his head.

“What is he then?” She whispered, trying to conceal her inner fear. 'She needed to stop hiding from this.'

“Well, lets just say, if Gavin were a doctor,” Xavier smiled faintly. “He would search for the patients weakness, their cancer if you will. He uses whatever he can find to make people trust him and do what he needs them to do.”

Her fears confirmed Salina looked away, suddenly feeling nauseous. Whether Xavier had meant to or not, his description made her think back to the time she first met Gavin. How he had looked after her, how kind he had been, how she had blindly grown to trust him. A tear fell down her check, and she twisted away so Xavier wouldn't see it.

“What I really want to know,” Xavier continued deep in his own thoughts. “Is who Gavin's working for. It's not Mr. Kennedy and it's not my Dad.”

“Your Dad?” Salina repeated confused. “What does your Dad have to do with any of this?” Xavier's face closed up instantly, and the same familiar but irritating smile beamed back at her.

“Time to get you back Miss White.”
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© 2011 by SheaRyhai