Status: New

The Entertainment

Chapter 17-2: Shattered Paradise

The Entertainment Chapter 17 part 2 © 2011 by SheaRyhai

Shattered Paradise

Arriving as promised to Ed and Ray's Movie studio, Salina tried to contain her excitement. Despite her reasons for acting, Arianna's pranks, and Julia proclaiming her a mental case: she was really happy to have another role.

Holding the new script like a Bible to her chest, she followed Gavin and their guide, who introduced herself only as Ray's secretary, towards the directors office.

“Salina!” Ray greeted loudly around a piece of candy in his mouth. Ed smiled and waved, silent as always. The secretary, Lucy as Ray called her, left with a promise to prepare the paper work. Closing the door behind her, Ray motioned for Salina and Gavin to help themselves to a bowl of candy. They both declined politely.

“You have the script, excellent! How do you like it?” Ray inquired gathering a pile of candy wrappers from his desk and whisking them over the edge, most falling into the trash can below. “Not that it matters -” he cut Salina off, “well it does,” he chuckled at his own contradiction.

Some what put off by his behavior, Salina darted a glance over at Ed who was scowling slightly at Ray.

“I like Karisa's Character,” Salina answered determinedly. Ed's gaze shifted to her, with a somewhat bored expression, and Ray grunted.

“Why do you like the character, Miss White?” Ray asked still smiling.

She felt like she was being toyed with, either that or they were testing her. Faintly irritated, but anxious to prove her sincerity and eagerness to play the role Salina collected her thoughts.

“Karisa will be a challenge,” she began slowly. “She's dynamic, complex. Ever changing but constant. Not boring and cliché like-”

“Excellent, excellent,” Ray cut her off again, looking more interested in the bowl of candy beside him on the desk then her answer. Biting her tongue Salina exchanged a glance with Gavin, who mirrored her uncertain frown.

'What the hell had changed since yesterday. They had been so eager, 'delighted' to have her play in their movie. Now they acted like they couldn't care, -or would even rather she didn't.'

The phone rang, interrupting her thoughts, and Ray quickly picked it up with a cheerful. “Greetings!”

'Greetings! Seriously, why don't you hold your fingers up and say 'we come in peace' weirdo.' Exhaling, Salina tried to calm herself. Another movie chance falling through was the last thing she needed right now.

“Wonderful. Send him up please there's a dear,” Ray smiled widely in Ed's direction. The silent brother moved from the chair by the window, and took a seat beside the desk. Salina watched Ray hang up the phone, his eyes shifting over to her, analyzing her.

Starting to feel more then a little uncomfortable, Salina shifted closer to Gavin. She felt his hand cup her elbow, as he simultaneously moved closer to her. They both heard voices and foot steps approaching the office.

“If you have another meeting perhaps we should continue to the set?” Gavin suggested politely.

“No, no. Stay! You will want to meet him. After all he will become your 'father' on set,” Ray answered moving swiftly behind his desk to take a seat beside Ed. Both brother looked expectantly as the door seconds before a firm knock was heard.

The door swung open and in came Connor Murray, looking relaxed in a lose white silk tee shirt, and pants. He removed his sunglasses, instantly moving towards the brothers without so much as a glance towards the surprised Salina and Gavin.

'What – how?' Salina could only blink dazed, watching the charming man exchange hellos and pleasantries with Ed and Ray who both beamed at him.

'How do I escape Dylan – to end up acting with him?'

This was beyond coincidence, but worry about how would not help her now. Connor was turning towards them, hand stretched out below a charming smile. 'The man who had killed Xavier's mom, and instigated her father's death – wanted to shake hands.'

“So nice to finally-,” Connor was cut off as Gavin intercepted the handshake, stepping further infront of Salina.

“I assure you Mr. Murray, we are more then pleased to meet as well,' Gavin returned politely. “If you gentlemen will excuse us for a moment, Salina has an important call to make.”


Gavin kept a hand on her arm, guiding the stumbling girl back to the parking lot. Mind whirling Salina stared blankly at the pavement below her feet, trying to comprehend everything that had happened in the last two minutes.

'Connor was suddenly acting in the movie she had fallen back on after Julia had rejected her for 'Don't Mess with Sally'.Even if she had become an actress to get close to both of them and get revenge, how did she come this close to both soon soon? And Gavin – once again he had-'

“Wait, Gavin – Where are we going?” Salina blurted, snapping out of her shocked state.

“Away from here,” he answered in a matter of fact tone.

'He does know.' Her heart hammered painfully. Jerking her arm away, Salina stood her ground.

“Why?” she demanded angrily. Gavin turned around and grabbed her hand.

“Because he-” he stopped, and the grip on her hand loosened.

“Because Connor – what?” Salina pressed, suddenly aware both her hands were shaking. Gavin's eyes dropped and his jaw clenched.

“You know-” Salina laughed faintly, trying to pull away, but he held on. “When I met you – I thought I was the only one with secrets to hide.” She stepped back still trying to free her wrist from his grip. “But in the past few months I've learned – you not only know my secrets – you've-”

He pulled her suddenly, forcefully, towards him. Strong arms wrapped around her, holding her in a firm but gentle prison.

“Everyone has secrets Salina,” he whispered as if to comfort her. His kindness wrapped itself around her chest, crushing her already trembling heart.

'Every word, every action. He didn't do it because he cared, he just pitted me. The only reason he's every helped me is because he had to, so he could keep control of me.'

“Well let me tell you something you don't know – whoever you are,” Salina snapped coldly, this time when she pushed him away he didn't fight her. “I did what I did to get close to that man,” she pointed back to the studio, voice trembling with rage. “To make him pay for what he did to me.”

“I know Salina. I know about the accident and your Dad,” Gavin admitted, his expression sympathetic.

'Does he really think I'll fall for that now that I know what kind of manipulator he is?'

She spun on her heels towards the studio, but he caught her wrist again hold her back.

“You're not ready to face him. He's more dangerous than you know,” Gavin urged. “Acting is something you enjoy. How can you possibly pretend the man who killed your Dad is your father – even for a movie?”

His words made sense, and yet she couldn't – she wouldn't be controlled by him anymore.

“Despite what you and Julia might think about me,” Salina forced through clenched teeth. “I know what I'm capable of. And I will not be held back by either of you anymore.”

“Salina, I'm not trying to hold you back. I just want you to be safe,” Gavin pleaded.

'Liar' her mind screamed and without thinking she lashed out, her hand cracking as it slapped across his cheek.

“Is this the part where I'm supposed to believe you care about me, that I'm not just another job for you. Another puppet on your strings!” Salina seethed. Hot tears fell down her face as she looked at him.

The uncaring mask spread across Gavin's face and he released her hand. She didn't wait for him to speak, he didn't deserve that chance. Turning she marched back to the studio to face the directors, her father's murder, and the impossible task ahead.

Confused and alone once more.
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© 2011 by SheaRyhai