Status: New

The Entertainment

Chapter 24-2: Hunting Secrets

The Entertainment Chapter 24 part 2 © 2011 by SheaRyhai

Hunting Secrets

“Clear up?” Xavier growled, “I've held up my end of our bargain. Salina is safe from the DiNapoli and you have the information you wanted on Connor.”

“Did you even tell her I was still alive?” Gavin asked in a low menacing voice.

“Was that part of the agreement?” Xavier asked innocently. Gavin threw a fist but stopped shy of Xavier's face. “Yeah, that's right,” Xavier chuckled at the anger in his abductors eyes. “You still need me to protect hr for you. I'm all that stands between her and the DiNapoli after all.” A smug smile spread across his lips as Gavin's grip on his shirt collar loosened.

A sudden flash caught Xavier's eye as Gavin's hand whipped past his face, leaving a large gleaming knife embedded in the wall beside his cheek.

“Just so you remember, no one will stand between you and me if you even think about hurting her – or tricking her into actually marrying you,” Gavin smiled just as smugly, stepping back.

“Might as well kill me now then,” Xavier returned tilting his head away from the knife. “I'm not going to be one of your puppets.”

“Why would I kill you while you're still of use?” Gavin grin widened as he adjusted his tie and shirt. “Tell your boyfriend goodbye for me, I won't be returning.”

“I don't know who you're-”

“He still has pictures of you in his room,” Gavin cut him off. “Did you know that? What on earth possessed you to send me to him?”

Xavier managed half a smile and shrug.

“I don't blame him for hating you,” Gavin continued. “Being paid to act gay with the guy he actually likes – cause you're not really gay. You just wanted the family to think you were.”

The smile faded from Xavier face, replaced instead by cold furry.

“You really do like digging up worms. Well kudos to you for figuring that out-” Xavier spat.

“Oh, I know more then that,” Gavin's smile grew even more sinister. “After all there had to be a reason behind you're little act.”

“I'm done here. You want her kept safe, you do what you need to do for the DiNapoli,” Xavier snapped, pushing past Gavin, only to be shoved forcefully into the wall again.

“I'm not done yet. You see, I do know the answer to that question – and if you don't stick to our agreement – your father will know it too, and the DiNapoli if necessary. So,” Gavin stepped back holding Xavier to the wall with a single finger. “Are we all clear now?”

The door closed and Gavin disappeared. Xavier stayed by the wall, trying to calm his nerves and hold back the violent anger wanting to break lose.

“How did he-” Angry eyes moved to the knife half buried in the wall.

'Gavin was supposed to be busy digging up Connor's past – so how did he find out-'

'Fuck, that guy is scary.'

Pushing off the wall Xavier smoothed down his shirt. The band would be looking for him, and he still needed to find Salina. If she saw Gavin, now – alive, it would ruin everything he had set in motion. He moved to the door, but stopped looking back at the knife.

'Gavin really thought he could control me with one secret – he has no idea who he's messing with.'

“No one is going to stand between me and winning this game!” Xavier snapped curling his fingers around the knife's hilt and yanking hard. The blade barely budged. Curling both hands together, he propped a foot against the wall and pulled. The knife finally came free, the serrated edge glinting with flicks of wood and steel from the wall frame.

'I'll be sure to return this to you – Gavin.'


Jordan sluggishly pulled his apartment door open. Ears twitching in irritation at the sound of Julia's strained laughter and the muffled sounds of the TV. Holding back a sigh, Jordan closed the door and headed for the stairs.

“Hey Sport,” Dylan called from the couch where he and Julia were eating waffles; the homemade type, undoubtedly Julia's work.

Jordan grunted a brief hello and started up the stairs.

“There's that annoying girl again. I really have to marvel at her ability to be everywhere,” Julia commented with a slight 'tisk' of her tongue.

Against his better judgment Jordan back tracked to the sofa. He wasn't too surprised to see the media were stalking Xavier and Salina, especially after that big announcement Arthur had given just hours ago. Recognizing the music studio Xavier was leading Salina towards Jordan felt a twinge of jealousy.

'Was Salina gonna give of acting and just work for her 'fiance' now?'

'The newest and hottest couple in L.A.' one of the reporters was saying before babbling on about the songs and albums Twisted Hope had released, and their new album expected to be out that winter.

“Where did you disappear too so early in the morning?” Dylan asked, noticing Jordan was still with them.

“I don't think either of you will have to worry about her now,” Julia mumbled as the TV flashed the same photos of Xavier kissing Salina across the screen. “If she's managed to squeeze herself into the Hughes family, all roads are paved in gold.”

“You don't have any right to judge her like that,” Jordan snapped glaring down at Julia. “You don't know a thing about her.”

“I wasn't judging – just making an observation,” Julia returned, slightly ruffled.

“Calm down both of you-” Dylan began, turning from the TV to look at Jordan.

“Oh, so saying she 'squeezed' into their family is supposed to mean what?” Jordan shouted over him.

“She moved int with the Hughes after her manager gets mugged. Her financial backer and godfather disappears with all his money; and now suddenly she's engaged?” Julia retorted indignantly. “What am I supposed to make of that?”

“Alright then, while we're making general assumptions – What about you sleeping around with any guy you meet ever since Dylan left-”

“Shut up both of you!” Dylan roared, standing up from the couch while Julia twisted around to stare at Jordan shocked.

“This is my apartment – I'd like you both to leave – now!” Jordan forced through clenched teeth.

Julia shot up from the couch like a rocket and snatched up her purse. Dylan caught her arm, holding her in place, still glaring furiously at Jordan.

“Apologize first – then we'll go,” Dylan ordered coldly.

“Sure, I'll apologize – when she takes back what she said about Salina,” Jordan answered just as coldly.

“What is wrong with you?” Dylan demanded incredulously. “Ever since you met Salina – I don't even know what's going on with you anymore.”

“Well forgive me for not realizing that keeping secrets was a privilege only you could use,” Jordan growled, glaring back.

“That's not what I meant-” Dylan protested. Pulling herself free Julia laughed.

“You wouldn't be trying so hard to protect 'Salina' if you knew she was the reason Dylan was forced to leave us for two whole years,” she commented bitterly.

“Julia-” Dylan hissed, wincing.

“What-” Jordan's anger evaporated into confusion. “Forced him? - What are you-” his eyes moved between them impatiently. “Tell me!” he demanded.

“I can't really tell you – I don't know anything for certain-” Dylan explained feebly.

“Two years ago a stunt man named Ethan Black died while filming a race scene with Dylan,” Julia blurted out. “Ethan was Salina's Dad.”

“What-” Jordan asked weakly, shocked.

“We don't know any of this for certain,” Dylan cut in.

“But you both already agree its true,” Jordan said, still studying them both. Dylan glared at Julia, who meekly shut her mouth and lowered her eyes. “Are either of you going to fully explain this to me?” Jordan asked with rising irritation.

“It might be safer for you not to know – and we could be wrong,” Dylan muttered, rubbing his neck.

“Great. Wonderful! She gets to know but I don't. You both get to assume my friend is 'bad news' cause what – her dad might have been the stunt guy who died two years ago in an accident?” Jordan exclaimed, well beyond angry and confused now. “So is that the reason you turned her down for your stupid movie? - and you refused to help her keep the job with Ed and Ray?”


“Jordan, I didn't-”

“Shut up!” he snapped already turning to leave. “If you won't tell me I'll get my answers somewhere else – and get the hell out of my apartment!” Slamming the door behind him, Jordan took the stairs, refusing to wait for an elevator and give Dylan the chance to stop him.

'This stupid cloak and dagger game of lies and secrets was going to end now.'
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© 2011 by SheaRyhai