Status: New

The Entertainment

Chapter 4-2: A Living Doll

The Entertainment: Chapter 4 part 2

A Living Doll

“More Light. Right here please!” Salina tried not to wince as the scrawny photographer's minions shifted the panel to aim more 'natural light' into her face.

'You would think outside shots have enough natural light, but apparently not enough for perfectionist Fashion Photographer Jimmy Williams.'

“You're a Doll, Love. Keep that pose. Okay switch,” Jimmy called eagerly snapping away. After two hoursof playing the living doll for this man, Salina eagerly switched high heals for slippers and scurried off set towards the changing room.

She smiled a brief encouragement at the next model to endure Jimmy's special form of torture. Once inside her small changing room, Salina stripped carefully out of the black suit, wistfully wishing she could take it home.

One of Gavin's man rules was 'no black' except for jobs and very professional occasions. Jackie was used to dark colors and lots of black, Salina need a fresh appearance as well as a professional charm. Handing the outfit to the waiting attendant, Salina pulled her own clothes from the small baby blue suite case, complete with sun lotion and cosmetics. White trousers and a velvet purple top, complimented by pearl heart shaped earrings, necklace, and bracelet.

Trying not to remind herself these luxuries were at the cost of her near future marriage, Salina slipped into her own pair of white high heels, grabbed her purse and headed out towards the parking lot.

The new pink cell phone in her purse rang. Salina quickly unzipped the pocket to pull it out, no doubt Gavin was checking to see if she had finished.

A group of models rounded the corner next to the changing rooms, colliding into Salina who lost her balance and tumbled back into a rack of clothes.

“Oww,” Salina winced beneath swinging hangers, as the hip she had landed on throbbed. Belatedly she realized that the arm she used to break her fall was the same shoulder she had dislocated a month ago. It sent quick agonizing reminders shooting down her arm and back.

An attendant appeared to help Salina back on her feet, while a tall brunet was being assisted by the two other models with her.

“Please watch where your going,” the brunet hiss irritated, brushing lose strands of hair away from narrowed brown eyes. “Clutz,” the girl added under her breath.

The apology half way to Salina's lips died instantly. Instead she thanked the attendant, who smiled glancing nervously at the mess of clothes on the floor.

“Oh, where is my cell? Jordan's supposed to call me,” the brunet wailed as she and her two 'girlfriends' began scanning the floor, Salina already forgotten. Ignoring them as well Salina helped the attendant pick up the fallen outfits and hang them up again.

“Don't pay her to much attention,” the woman. Laura, whispered as she took the last garment from Salina's hands. “Lot's of girls with pretty faces have very little manners I'm afraid. It's especially true of those who've been in this business since they were babies.”

“Found it,” the blond model picked up something from between two boxes of shoes.

“We should hurry. Jimmy is going to give us hell if were late,” added the read head nervously twitching at her earrings. Salina suddenly recalled the cell phone she had been holding as the three disappeared hurriedly down the steps towards the shooting scene.

A familiar ringing reached her ears and she quickly knelt by another rack of clothes, the cell phone glowing underneath.

“Hello,” she answered automatically, wincing as she straightened. Her hip and shoulder still stinging. 'Another long soak tonight I think.'

“Hey beautiful,” came a strange voice on the other end. “I have another audition to run to, do you mind if we do lunch later?”

Salina froze confused.

“Please don't be mad baby. I promise I'll make it up to you.”

“Umm. Who is this?” Salina asked eye brows knitting as she wondered towards the parking lot doors.


“Who is this?” the guy on the other end repeated back. 'Why repeat the question?' Salina leaned on the wall rubbing her shoulder irritated.

“Look. Whoever you are – I think you have the wrong number,” Salina explained with forced patience.

“No – That's impossible. I think you have the wrong phone,” he answered back with the same tense tone.

“How could this Not be my ph-” Salina broke off with a groan. “Never mind. Hanging up now. I have to go find your 'girlfriend' and get My phone back.”

“Hey, wait-”

Closing the phone with an aggravated sigh, Salina turned back towards the photo shoot area.

Getting the cell phone's switched was simple enough, though the brunet glared at her as if Salina had plotted to steal it all along. Hurrying out to the parking lot, Salina quickly spotted Gavin parked out front. Noticing his grumpy glance towards his wrist watch Salina jumped in with a quick apology.

“Sorry, three was a mix up with cell phones.”

“Don't worry about it. Let's just get you out of the sun,” Gavin answered with a quick smile as he pulled away.


The photo shoot ended a week later with Jimmy pleading for Salina to model for him in two months when he came back to L.A. She promised to try, inwardly hoping she'd be acting by then. Changing for the last time she smiled pulling her wig back into a pony tail. Her own natural hair was pinned carefully beneath. It was almost to her shoulders, Salina couldn't wait to be rid of the temporary wigs.

Smiling as she waved goodbye to a few models still in the building, Salina tried to feel accomplished. She still didn't understand why Gavin was only getting her modeling jobs. Yes, its an easy way to build up my reputation and get my face out there. But what about acting?

Pushing through the door she walked carefully down the cement steps to the parking lot, scanning it for Gavin's car. He appeared to be late, no surprise. L.A. Traffic could be a nightmare. The sound of squealing tires drew her attention to a white mustang cruising to a stop at the bottom of the steps. It's top rolled back she could see the driver, a young guy probably barely legal to drive with large sunglasses.

She paused mid step. Something about him seemed strikingly familiar.

“Jordan,” came a high squeal behind her. Flinching out of the way was a habit now, as the brunet, Natalie Price, raced down the steps past her. Letting out a small sigh of relief not to have been knocked over again, Salina watched the model lean across the car to kiss it's driver.

A buzz in her purse announced Gavin's quick apology. 'I'll be there in five minutes.'

Moving off the steps under a shady tree to wait, Salina watch Natalie slip into the passenger side still blissfully kissing away. The attendant, Laura, passed under the tree, waving goodbye to Salina with a brief. “Good job.” Following Salina's gaze she gasped slightly.

“Isn't that Jordan Cruz?” Laura asked, raising a hand to shade her eyes. Salina stiffened, turning towards the woman quizzically.


“Dylan Cruz's younger brother. Dylan's modeled for Mr. Williams several times.” the woman explained smiling dreamily.

'Mental clicking sound inside Salina's head.'

'The guy she'd spoken with briefly on Natalie's cell phone. The one Natalie was driving off with right now... was her enemies younger brother?'

'Of course, that's why he looked familiar. She'd seen his picture with Dylan' son that TV report the day before her mask came off.'

'How had she forgotten it already??'


Gavin glanced curiously over at the silent girl as he pulled away. Her expression as she walked towards the car and took his offered bottle of cold water, was odd somehow. He flipped the radio over to her favorite station, but the deep frown on her face didn't change.

“I have a surprise for you when we get back to the apartment,” Gavin announced mischievously. Salina twisted the bottle cap off, took a quick drink, but didn't respond.

'She was undoubtedly stewing again.' He wondered curiously what had set off this dark mood. 'Oh well, the surprise at home could wait a little longer.'

He winced inwardly at the choice of 'home'. 'Really getting to comfortable with this job.'
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