For Grace, April and Stef.

The fisherman.

Bands were in McDonald’s, fuelling themselves up for tonight. They were all ready. Especially after Jack’s little performance for April.
Meanwhile, Kennedy and Stefanie devised a plan. It wasn’t evil nor was it meddling. They were simply just speeding up the process of things.
Stefanie slide in the booth next to Grace. “So,” Stefanie said.
Confused, Grace furrowed her eyebrows. “Hi.”
“Sooooo, Kennedy, huh?” Stefanie jumped right into it.
“What about him?” Grace nonchalantly asked, acting like she didn’t care, that the name didn’t affect her. She took a sip of her coke.
“You better make your move,” Stefanie shrugged, suspiciously flicking her eyes towards Kennedy who happened to be talking to Garrett outside.
“What brought this up?” Grace asked, curious, but seemed to already know the answer.
“I’m just making conversation,” Stefanie replied. She then put her hand over her chest. “Wait, are you accusing me of something? Like this was set up?”
Grace rolled her eyes, muttering, “Kennedy.”
“Who’s Kennedy?” Stefanie asked.
“We were just talking about hi—”
“Nope, don’t know him,” Stefanie shrugged.
“Would you look at the time?!” Stefanie suddenly lifted herself from the booth.
Grace grabbed Stefanie’s wrist and pulled her to eye-level. “Stefanie, what are you doing?” She asked seriously.
“I’m just saying that if you don’t, he’s going to sometime grow tired and just leave,” Stefanie said, also seriously.
“Wait, what—”
“Grace, lets be honest, you like Kennedy,” Stefanie interrupted her with the cold, hard truth. “And if you don’t admit that soon, I’m afraid Kennedy is just going to leave, because he’s tired of chasing you.”
Grace narrowed her eyes at Stefanie.
“I’m sorry but I can’t just stand her and watch the two of you get hurt,” Stefanie shrugged, walking away, leaving Grace to linger in her thoughts.
Now, Stefanie hadn’t exactly planned for that to happen. In fact, she impressed herself. She told the truth and the harsh reality of things. She felt better. She had to hand it to herself, Grace seemed to soak it all in. Like, it really hit her.
Unless Stefanie was reading Grace’s face wrong.
Stefanie shook her head, not thinking about it anymore.
She was just hoping Kennedy was doing just as greater job as she was.

Night came quickly. Band after band, the crowd grew giddier because they knew, with each band going, they were a set closer to seeing All Time Low. It wasn't ling before the entire concert was over. The bands had spent much time taking photos with fans and hearing their personal stories.
After this, the bands and their friends headed to this club. In celebration for, so far, a successful tour, All Time Low had rented a club for a night. Just for everyone who was on tour.
The DJ had been blaring dubstep.
Adele had been dancing with Stefanie on the floor as Garrett was watching her. Obviously, Kennedy had gotten to him. He took a sip of his beer, turning back to the bar.
Kennedy suddenly took Stefanie outside. "Your plan's not working," He told her.
"Come again," Stefanie replied.
"Grace isn't talking to me," Kennedy pouted. "What did you tell her?"
"I told her stuff like, 'Kennedy's gonna grow tired of chasing you blah blah' and all that jazz," Stefanie shrugged.
Kennedy cupped his face, panicking. "Oh no, what if you scared her? What if--"
"Snap out of it!" Stefanie shook Kennedy by the shoulders. "You're being more of a girl than Grace!"
Straightening up, Kennedy nodded. He exhaled.
"Are you good?" Stefanie asked.
Kennedy pressed his lips together, nodding again.
Stefanie placed her hands on his shoulders. "Wait for the fish to come to you," She advised.
Kennedy nodded once again, heading back outside.
Stefanie waited outside, leaning on the veranda's railings.
"Is that what you do?" Someone approached from behind.
Garrett stood beside her. "Huh?" Stefanie asked, turning her head to face Garrett.
"Wait for guys to come to you?" Garrett asked. "Is that what you do?"
"Sorry, I'm a bit bleh," Garett said.
Stefanie noticed the almost empty drink in his hand. She stretched her hand to grab it but he clutched her hand in his. He played with her fingers.
"Uh, Garrett--"
Stefanie was interrupted by Garrett yet again, who's face leaned closer to Stefanie's.
She braced herself.
Obviously Kennedy's talk worked.

After dancing, Grace went to the bathroom, needing to make room for more alcohol. She opened the door but walked in on something she didn't want to see.
Riannon and Stephen Gomez on the bathroom floor.
Grace didn't know if this was real but she knew that she'd been drinking too much.
But she still had the decency to take a photo. Real or not, she was going to judge whether it was tomorrow.
After the click of the iPhone, she immediately closed the door, sprinting to the mens room.
She felt relieved after going to the toilet. Ready to get more alcohol, she opened the door, running into Kennedy.
"Um," Kennedy wondered.
"You're in the...mens room..."
"Yes, I realize that," Grace nodded. "But you do not want to go into the girls toilets. Do not want."
"Thank you for the tip," Kennedy moved past her.
Grace bit her cheek, about to head out.
"And Grace?"
She turned around.
"I just want you to know that I won't be bugging you anymore," he announced.
"It's obvious you still like Rian and when you're ready, I guess I'll be here," he shrugged. "I don't know, maybe I won't. Who knows."
Grace stood there quietly.
"But I'm done chasing."
She nodded, tear ducts stinging, threatening to release the waterworks. She left the toilets and headed for the bar.

John approached someone in the corner, thinking it looked like Adele. He was sure it was Adele, anyway.
Despite his blurry vision, he assumed and went for it. He turned to the girl around and started making out with her.
He got pushed off.
John looked down. "Trixie?!" He exclaimed. "Wh-what--who--but--"
"What the hell are you doing, John?!" Trixie hissed, wiping her lips.
"I thought you were Adele and--I--holy shit--" John buried himself in his palms, ashamed of himself. "Don't tell her--"
"I don't plan to!"
The two separated, staying as far away from each other as possible.
Trixie shivered in disgust.
She just kissed her friend's boyfriend.
Where's my noose? Trixie thought to herself.