I Would Do Anything for Love

Lie To Me

“When we mate, we mate for life though,” He whispered into her beautiful red hair, kissing her head softly and squeezing her body against his. A crying girl in his arms, the last thing any man on earth wanted, but he could not just let her go.

“I love you though,”

“No,” He sighed slowly moving away. “Rhian, that’s not love,”

“It is!” She hissed back. “I am the one that can feel it, I can feel the need and comfort through my body every time you touch me. Me, I’m the one who knows how I feel every time you’re away or every time you’re near!”

“Rhian its lust,”

“It’s not, don’t tell me what I’m feeling is just some silly need, this is real,” Matt closed his eyes and took in a deep breath. This girl could argue for England, her attitude and stubbornness one of her worst qualities; and yet still a tiny bit attractive.

“Rhian we-”

“No, Matt you’re doing it again, you’re leaving me for her!”

“I have to!” He groaned pulling away this time and turning his back on the pale girl. “She’s my mate,”

“No she’s not,” Rhian whispered, trying to convince herself more than Matt; she did not want to believe that there was another girl who wanted him more than she did. Rhian could not conceive the idea that someone felt stronger for Matt than she ever could or would. That was not right.

She loved him, needed him, and desired him. These feelings, surely they couldn’t just be lust.

“She is kid, she really is,” Matt muttered, this time the saddened tone filled his voice; a pretty girl stands in front of him and he had to turn her away. Of course she was not just pretty but beautiful, stunning on the inside and out. How very cliché for a boy to say; but it was so true. He had yet to meet someone he’d fallen for as hard as he’d fallen for Rhian.

That was before though, before Alexander, before he’d met his mate. Not soul mate, just mate, as in the one you shall pro-create with, the one to carry your child, bare your spawn; all that shit he didn’t care for. Alexandria, Lexie, was meant to be his wife; fuck that for a life choice. He could not deny he was drawn to Lexie, but it was nothing compared with the lust and desire he held for Rhian.

Lexie was pretty, with thick brown hair, slim body and dark green eyes. She was clever, studying for a maths degree, and working in the university library part time. Of course she was faithful, she’d never cheat on Matt, or fall for another guy. She had a few friends, all equally as good hearted as her. And finally Lexie was lovely, she was such a nice, kind and helpful person. She was the girl you could bring home to your parents and they’d fall head over heels for her; they would love her just because they hoped she’d change you to be a better person.

There was no changing Matt though, he was, what he was.

Lexie was one kettle of fish, and Rhian was different altogether; particularly in Matt’s eyes.

Rhian was not pretty, instead beautiful; with bright red hair, standing out against her pale skin, and her cold grey eyes. She was clever yes, but had a number of ditzy, clumsy and even dumb moments. Rhian was quiet and reserved, but fierce and controlling when she had to be. There were so many sides to this girl, she was exciting to him. And her friends, well her friends were something completely different. If you could tell what a girl was like from her choice in friends, you’d think Rhian was insane. Matt accepted it though, with Rhian he would take the whole package, and he’d be happy to do so.

He could not though, he did not have that option because Rhian was not his mate. There was no secret, power within, shit that meant they had to be together forever.

Knowing that she wasn’t the one, crushed him every time he saw her.

But his pain did not compare to the agony Rhian went through when she found out the truth about Matthew “M.Shadows“ Sanders; the thought that he could never be truly hers was crushing her slowly and painfully.

Since the day she’d met him she loved him, she loved his laugh, his smile, his confidence, his sense of humor, his amazing body and gorgeous smile. Rhian adored his accent, his history, his party life style, his friends and even his family. There was so much about this man to love. Though there just was not enough to go around.

“Rhian would you just-”

“Shouldn’t I get to choose this?” She snarled back at him her eyes blazon.

“No you shouldn’t just this once listen to me, I know what is best,”

“Matt you don’t please-”

“Enough, it’s over!”

“Matt,” She whispered this time bowing her head and stepping away. “I-I thought you loved me,” She choked out, resisting the urge to cry. Matt gazed down at the girl in front of him; she was a mess, a true mess. Her bright red hair sticking out at odd angles, the curls no longer perfect. Her pale skin was flushed pink and her eyes clouding over in a mix of anger and sadness. She stood there in the middle of the room, almost alone.

“I might do,” He whispered taking her hand in his. “But that’s just not enough for this is it?”

“Don’t tell me you might,” She groaned, making him chuckle at her half annoyed, half amused response. “Can’t you just say I’m ugly, horrible, smelly and icky, and you could never be in love,”

“That would be lying,”

“Lie to me then,” She whispered moving towards him again. “Matt lie to me, break me apart and then this will be over so much quicker,”

“I can’t,”


“Very,” He replied letting go of her hand. “Have I told you how beautiful you look tonight,” Rhian bit her lip gazing down at herself. He always made her feel like a million dollars. In her vintage, pink, extremely girly dress; she did look amazing. It gave the enviable hourglass figure, with a big bow tied round her wait, a low neckline and short hemline; risqué but stunning. She had a birthday girl sash around her, and a 21 today badge attached.

“Well it is my birthday,” She mumbled. “I think I should be the beautiful one here,”

“Always are,” Rhian smiled leaning up to kiss his cheek softly.

“I have to go,” He sighed, but not before returning the kiss. “This isn’t right,”

“I’ll go,” She replied quickly. “The girls will be throwing a fit if I’ve not done my 21 tasks,” She mumbled gazing at the sash; the sash not only had birthday girl written on it but a list of 21 things she had to do tonight.

“Happy birthday Rhian,”

“Thank you,” She smiled sweetly turning away.