I Would Do Anything for Love

The turning point

Sarah climbed out of Zack’s car, he rushed round to help her, forcing the crutches upon her. She’d woken up this morning and found him outside her parent’s house, acting as her driver to get her back home. Sarah, like Rhian, had not been allowed to stay in the girl’s house due to the unpredictable nature of one alpha male. So for her own safety she’d made the two hour trip to her parents to stay for the night; her excuse being her ankle.

Rhian had stayed with her, and was slowly climbing out of the back of the car, warily looking around. She had not wanted to stay at Sarah’s parents, putting good innocent people at risk was not her personal choice. Though Brian had insisted it was the only option, Matt did not know where Sarah parents new house was and they’d done as much as possible to cover the sent. From getting a hire car to take the girls, to calling on other werewolf packs to stalk the area, in the hope there sent would block Rhian’s.

It had worked; Matt had never made it to the safe house.

Instead he’d gone straight to the girl’s house, and it was not a pretty sight. They'd had the call in the early morning from Taylor's mum who sounded as if she may have a panic attack at any moment. Sarah had managed to calm her down explaining Taylor was with Niki and the boys, so had probably left her phone somewhere that's why she couldn't get in contact with her daughter. Though it was clear to see why she panicked when Taylor's mum explained the news she'd heard from the police.

“Oh dear god,” Sarah whispered as she finally saw the sight were the house was meant to be.

“Mam?” A fire marshal, dressed in full uniform was walking towards her. “You’re Miss Watts?”

“No umm Taylors not here yet, I’m one of her roommates,” The man nodded. “Well as you can see it’s a complete mess, it’s not structurally safe,” He muttered looking around at the house. “Most of the damage was contained in the downstairs area, the basement seems okay, and the upstairs rooms haven’t got much damage, just smoke, but until a team can assess the total damage it’s not safe for you girls to be in there,” Sarah just nodded taking it all in, as Rhian was walking towards the cordoned off area.

“Do you know what happened?”

“Mains gas blew,” He muttered. “Your insurance will cover it,” Sarah just nodded staring at the gutted first floor of their house. She couldn’t quite believe this had happened, she knew Matt could get angry but setting the house on fire. What if the girls had been in that house? He would of killed both Rhian and herself. Sarah shock her head, no he’d have probably attacked them first or would he?

What if Matt really did love Rhian?

“Oh fuck,” Sarah muttered staring at the gutted house. What if this was some tragic love story? She could see it unfolding in front of her. The guy can not have the girl he loves so he kills her; therefore no one can ever have her again. What if that was Matt’s thinking all along? It was not anger motivating him but love.

“Sarah?” She felt Zack’s hand press against the small of her back. “You okay?”

“Yeah just thinking,” Zack smiled and moved so Sarah could rest her weight on him instead of her ankle.


“What to do next,” Sarah replied. It wasn’t the total truth but part of it, of course she was thinking of her next move.

“You can stay at mine,” Zack muttered quietly. “I mean if ya wanna you don’t have too,” The cute, shy, side of Zacky Baker was extremely rare and almost non-existent. Sarah giggled, her cheeks blushing a little red as she nodded.

“That would be lovely if I could,”

“Of course!” Zack’s face lit up as he pulled Sarah a little closer. “I think we’ll have a whale of a time!”

“Did Zacky Vengeance just say a a whale of a time?” Sarah laughed, letting her arm snake round his back as she shuffled up a little closer than him. Zack just shrugged, and flashed her the most gorgeous little smile she’d seen in a long time. She felt her cheeks start to burn again deciding now was the perfect time to change the subject. “You know where Niki and Taylor are?”

Zacky nodded, chewing on one of his lip rings.


“They don’t know about the house,”

“They don’t know!”

“Well they were meant to be guarding the routes to your parents all night, they’ve not come back yet,” Zacky muttered noticing the look on Sarah’s face turn from worry to apathy.

“Well there’s nothing that can be done anyway,” She sighed. “I’m gonna go ask when we’ll be able to get our stuff back or at least the un-burnt bits,” She muttered looking round to see where Rhian had got too. Rhian was sat a few meters away on the curb looking away from the house and into the street. She didn’t show any emotion, just stared into the distance. “What do I do about Rhian?” Sarah looked at Zacky.

“It’s alright she’s staying with Bri and Jimmy,” Sarah raised her eyebrows a little worried about that mix. “Taylor and Niki will be there as, the more protection the better,”

“Someone else will hurt her?”

“Lexie possibly,” Zacky muttered. “I’ve never seen her angry but its possible right?”

“I dunno with that girl,” Sarah chuckled looking back at her friend. “And that girl,” She muttered watching Rhian. “God I hope someone puts on the right track soon ducky, I really do,” Zack smiled and gazed at Sarah for a few seconds before hearing a car engine roar up the road. “Oo calveries here,”

The car breaks squealed as it skidded to a stop and the engine went dead.

“What the fuck is this?!” Niki’s voice was heard as she opened her door and climbed out the drivers seat. “I mean serious what the fucking hell?”

“Holy mother of god, that stupid idiot!” Taylor snarled getting out the passenger’s seat and staring at her house. “The next time I see him-“

“Miss Watt’s?” The fire marshal tried his luck again.

“That would be me,” Taylor muttered looking over at him.

“Could you come with me there’s a few matters we need to discuss, routine,” Taylor just nodded and followed as Niki stared blankly at the house.

“I cannot fucking believe this! Where is he?”

“With the twins I think,” Zacky answered. “I went up to pick up Sarah and Rhian,” Niki gazed at the other two girls.

“Can you believe this?”

“Yeah,” Rhian whispered finally speaking. “He really loved me,”

“Oh for the love of god Rhian!” Niki snapped.

“No he doesn’t he is just marking his territory, he wants a sex toy and if he can’t have her no one else can!”

“Niki,” Sarah muttered, hoping to cool the moment.

“No!” Niki snapped. “This is insane, you cannot go around thinking he loves you! He does not love you, he is one messed up adult who has too much to deal with too young!” Niki looked towards Sarah as if waiting for her to say something.

“She might be right,” Sarah suggested. “I mean he’s the alpha male of a very young pack, you’ve heard all the history from the boys Rhian, maybe this is a lot of pressure for him. He has a girlfriend who is promised, if you like, to him he had no choice in the girl he spends the rest of his life with!”

“You’re making excuses for him,” Taylor spoke up appearing with the girls. “He did this out of pure rage, because he fucked up and so did you sweetheart,” Taylor put an arm over Rhian. “You don’t honestly believe he loved you?” Taylor looked straight at Rhian, as did the other girls. “You don’t,”

“I don’t,” Rhian whispered. “I just, god I don’t know, I need some time alone,”

“We’re taking you to Brian and Jimmy’s,” Rhian looked up at Niki and Taylor a little worried. “And no we won’t let you break any other guys heart!”

“Grab your stuff out of Zack’s car, and we’ll go now,” Niki added wondering back towards her car. “Taylor is there anything else we have to do here?”

“No take Rhian, I’ll sort it,” The girls just nodded separating off and going their own ways.
♠ ♠ ♠
A very short update because this story will soooon be over =)