I Would Do Anything for Love

She can't have him

Rhian was pushed towards the car though she kept her head in the clouds, her mind was else were. She gazed once more at the burnt house and shook her head.

That was the Matt she knew.

“You did what?” Niki shrieked nearly knocking her pitcher of black magic across the table.

“Well you see the thing is-“

“Oh here we go!” Sarah chuckled.

“I didn’t mean too, I was drunk and he was there, he’s just so hot I mean have you-“ Taylor put on her best English accent and imitated Rhian very well.

“Enough! I was drunk, but that’s not the point,” Rhian sighed. “And you always say a one night stand solves all problems!”

“with a random person!” Taylor shrieked as if that was the most obvious thing ever. “Not your best fucking male friend, please Rhian you’re meant to be intelligent! You shouldn’t make that mistake, Niki yes, but not you!”

“Hey!” Niki snapped. “I think you should re-think who is intelligent and who fucking isn’t!”

“Oh I am!” Taylor groaned starring at Rhian. “This is going to create sooo many problems!”

“But I just thought that-“

“Bad idea,” Taylor muttered.

“Oh come on-“ Rhian tried to speak again.

“Bad idea,” Sarah agreed meekly. “I hate to say it ducky but you and Matt should not be left alone together!”

“She’s right, from now on, no more meeting up with that boy alone! And defiantly no dates!!!”

Rhian sighed, she wished deep down that she’d stuck to the rules, but the girls gave in and Rhian slipped back into a routine. She was waiting and waiting for the day Matt asked her out, the day he called her his girlfriend.

That day never came.

A year or two down the line he brought a new girl to a party and quite frankly everyone was shocked. Her name of course was Lexie and she was like no girl Matt had ever been involved with. No one understood, least of all Rhian.

That night she drank herself stupid and ended up with Brian holding back her hair as she emptied the contents of her body into the toilet.

She hardly remembered that night, though tiny parts came back to her as vivid as sunlight when she least needed them too. She could remember Lexie walking in, she could remember Matt introducing her, and she could remember walking into the kitchen to freshen up her drink and find the pair playing tonsil tennis up against the wall.

It was that image she was trying to block out. Though a few days later Rhian was over the whole thing and Matt was back in her bed, giving her the ride of her life. She instantly forgot about that new girl he’d introduced everyone to, and went back to thinking her and Matt would become a thing.

It never happened and the new girl, Lexie, become a staple feature in Matt’s life. Matt spent less and less time with Rhian, and more and more with Lexie. Until finally Matt and Lexie’s relationship was out in the open. She was apparently the chosen girl for him, the one he’d mate with and spend the rest of his life with.

He sat Rhian down one night and explained the whole thing to her. Rhian couldn’t remember most of that night either as it ended in a similar way, round Brian and Jimmy’s drinking herself to death and puking everything up in the toilet, as this time Jimmy held her hair back. Of course she could remember parts of that night as vivid as day, the parts where Matt had told her he still loved her but it could never be.

The words it could never be did not last long. A year and a bit into Lexie and Matt’s relationship, and the whole group had had enough it. The guys found their best friend, their alpha male was rarely allowed out. The pack seemed to be suffering, wolves going rouge and getting into all sorts of trouble, and the newst members having no one to look up to. The newest member included Niki, who suffered terribly when she first became a wolf. There was no one there to steer her in the right direction, the alpha male to show her the ropes and keep her in line.

Everyone was telling Matt how bad it was getting, how it was all his fault and how something had to change. Until one night, a full moon, things did change. Matt Sanders transformed in the garden of a four bed, semi-detached house, where four girls lived.

That morning one of the girls walked down the stairs and into the kitchen to make herself a cup of tea. She starred out the window and noticed the naked body of Matt Sanders curled up on the porch. She ran out and woke him up…

And from there on in the cheating, the lies and the breaking of hearts began.

Matt Sanders found comfort in Rhian, and slowly he became a better alpha male, he became a better partner to Lexie and found himself. However this was all at the expense of the women in his life. It did not take long for Lexie to realize he was cheating, and it didn’t take long for everyone else to realize the same.

It went unspoken and no one ever saw a thing.

But of course Rhian was falling deeper and deeper in love with Matt, and her destiny was to be a home wrecker with a broken heart and if she wasn’t carefully some serious injuries. Wolves were volatile and dangerous, as were girls who’d been cheated on; if she wasn’t careful Rhian was going to end up in so much trouble.

And she had done.

Rhian bit her lip and flopped down on Brian’s bed; he was letting her stay there while she was at the boy’s house. She’d lost her best friend and the only guy who’d ever made her feel loved, she was completely lost and all alone right now.

Or at least that’s how she felt.

“She still in your room?” Jimmy asked, opening the fridge and grabbing himself a beer. Brian was sat in the living room, laying across one of the sofas his eyes shut as he tried to catch up on much needed sleep.

“Yah dude!” Jimmy flopped down onto the other sofa and stretched out, his feet hanging over the arm. “She’s not moved all day,”

“You checked on her?”

“Yah, brought her a cup of tea and everything, nothing gets her talking,” Jimmy just nodded folding his arms behind his head and sighing.

“Have you spoken to Matt yet?”

“Kind of, he’s being very quiet about the whole thing,” Brian sighed. “I mean he trashed their house, wrote all that shit over the walls, and he nothing to say about it to anyone!”

“Maybe he really likes her?”

“Nah it’s just sex,” Brian replied laughing back on the sofa and letting his eyes shut. “Just sex,” Silence filled the room for a bit, Brian got comfy on the sofa again and started to doze off.

“Ya know I think I love her,”

“You fucking what?!” Brian exclaimed nearly jumping off the sofa. “Jimmy?!”


“You can’t love her!” Jimmy just shrugged. “Dude!”

“I think she’s the one,”

“Oh for the love of god, one more fucking male wolf pines after this girl and we are gonna have a fucking epidemic on our hands!”

“I’m serious dude, I don’t just wanna bang her like Shads, it’s something else,” Brian just groaned and looked over to his best mate. “It’s not just sex this time,” Brian sighed and shock his head. What was he meant to do?

His best friends both going for one girl, she was nothing special just an average run of the mill girl. Of course she was lovely, a great friend and pretty; but she wasn’t worth ruining lives over. No girl was worth ruining your life over.

“Figure it out before going in all guns blazing alright? I’m not seeing you end up like Shad’s as well!”

Rhian sat upstairs alone in her room, staring blankly at the cup in front of her. Her head was so mixed up, and there was no one around to sort it out for her. There was no one around to hug her and make it all feel better.

Down stairs were two of her closest friends but she had no desire to sit down stairs drinking beers and laughing with them. Instead she just wanted to close herself away from it all, no one able to help her now. Not even her girls.

She wanted Matt.

She couldn’t have him.

Heartbreak, pain and feeling sorry for herself were her only options right now.
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Celebratory update because I've handed my dissertation in. 3 exams and I'll be finished!!! Excited!!!!
Hope you enjoy the update, more on the way! =) xx