I Would Do Anything for Love

I will do anything for love

Rhian curled her legs under her body and pushed herself further into the comfort of the sofa, her eyes fixed on the tv in front of her. In her hands she clutched a cup of tea, sipping it every so often but never bothering to take her eyes off the flashing images. Sat on the sofa next to hers was Jimmy, stretched completely out and slowly drifting off to sleep.

No one else was in the house, Brian had gone to the gym with Matt, Johnny, the twins, Niki and Taylor, while Sarah and Zack were still playing the happy couple all curled up at Zack’s. Everything was peaceful for once, and Rhian was enjoying it. Over the past month Brian and Jimmy’s house had turned into central hub for the group of friends. The role once went to the girl’s house, but of course such actions from one werewolf had changed that. The boys had taken the job on nicely, supply pizza and alcohol. Though Rhian was starting to get fed up of being surrounded by everyone constantly, everyone except the one person she wanted to talk to. Matt never came to the guys house or at least not to see everyone in a friendly, let’s watch films and have fun kind of way; Matt came by to discuss pack details such as training strategies and news from the elders.

Rhian often listened in to the guys conversations from the living room when they were in the kitchen, or her bedroom when they went outside or shut her out of the living room. Matt never spoke about the infamous night, or Lexie or even Rhian. They were running with another park in the north of California that needed help with some vampire clan, but that was it.

Rhian gazed back over to Jimmy his eyes now fully shut and his breathing much heavier. She smiled, he looked so peaceful and calm, she couldn’t imagine him turning into a ferocious werewolf that could kill in seconds. Jimmy was more of a cuddly cute bunny, not a werewolf.

Rhian looked up as she heard the gravel crunching outside the house and presumed Brian was home already. She stood up slowly taking her cup of tea with her and gazed through the living room window out onto the driveway. Her eyes focused on the person walking up the pathway and towards the front door.

“You have got to be joking?” Rhian whispered moving away from the window and towards the door. She got to the front door before her visitor had even knocked, opening it quickly and quietly so as not to wake Jimmy. “I’m the only one in,” She said simply starring down at the women in front of her.

“That’s good then,” Lexie replied, looking as plain and simple as Rhian has always remembered her. In a pair of bootcut jeans, a light blue strappy top and large bag over her shoulder, she wore the necklace Matt had brought her for her birthday round her neck; the only sparkling thing about this girl.

Rhian bit her lip remembering her shopping trip with Matt to get Lexie that necklace, and afterwards their coffee trip and then their trip to Rhian’s for a film. IT had been perfectly innocent for anyone looking in on most of that day but to the closest friends or someone watching them intently, they would have noticed the brushing together of hands, the goodbye kiss and the snuggling up together while watching a film.
They were never meant to be just friends.

“What did you want?” Rhian asked simply still not letting Lexie through the door.

“To talk,”

“With me?”

“Unless it was a different Rhian sleeping with my partner?” Rhian nearly laughed hearing such a catty comment from this meek little girl.

“You better come in then,” Rhian moved away letting Lexie into the house. “In the kitchen,” She added noticing her walk towards the living room. Lexie just nodded heading towards the back of the house. No need to bother Jimmy with this. “I’d offer you a drink but I’d imagine it would be over me within a few seconds,” Lexie just nodded and leant up against one side of the kitchen work surfaces, while Rhian leant against the opposite side. “So what can I do?”

“I thought it was time to talk to you,” Rhian just nodded. “Look Matt has told me things, I doubt he’s told me everything but I understand this has been going on for a while, and now it’s stopped,” She starred at Rhian for a few seconds. “It’s stopped forever, because it has too and no one, I mean no one, will let it continue anymore,” Rhian looked up and raised her eyebrows. “All you need to know Rhian is I have the backing of so many people, so many people who won’t let you steal my partner away from me,”

“I see,” Rhian nodded. “And you think I could steal him back?”

“Not back Rhian, because you never had him, you just had a friend, not a partner, you’ve never had a real partner; have you?” Lexie took a deep breath in and starred at Rhian. “Stay away from Matthew, and learn that stealing is bad Rhian,”

“Oh I know,” Rhian muttered.

“You can never have him, because he’s not yours, I love him and I will do anything for that love,”

“Lexie sweetheart, are you honestly threatening me?”

“No Rhian, I’m not, I’m just warning you,”

“To stay away from Matt?”

“No, I’m warning you that I will do anything for love,” Lexie answered simply. “I can’t tell you what to do and where to go, but I can tell you what I will do,” Rhian just nodded learning against the counter and fixing her eyes with the woman in front of her. What a curious case she was!

Lexie just looked at Rhian before pushing away from the counter and standing up straight. “I should go, I’ll let myself out,” Rhian just nodded, rolling her eyes and exhaling quietly as Lexie turned away. She waited until the door shut before putting her mug of tea down by sink and shaking her head.

I will do anything for love

What the fuck was that meant to mean?

Rhian just walked back towards the living room. Stupid women, why didn’t she just stay all quiet and meek, and leave her alone.

“What was all that about?” Jimmy came up in front of her, making her jump slightly. “Sorry,” Rhian just shook her head and smiled.

“It was nothing,”

“I heard Lexie,” Rhian just nodded. “And you’re still alive?”

“Yeah she just came by to warn me,” Jimmy raised his eyebrows as Rhian went towards the kitchen to make herself another cup of tea. “She’d do anything for love,”

“As in-“ Jimmy cleared his throat. “Some days it don’t come easy, some days it don’t come hard, and some days it don’t come at all” Rhian just laughed with a nod as Jimmy started to serenade her with a meatloaf classic. “Oh I will do anything for love, but I won’t do that, I won’t do that!”

Rhian just laughed as Jimmy carried on singing and followed her into the kitchen. Slowly Rhian’s mind began to tick, so if Lexie would do anything for love, did she really mean anything?

Or like Meatloaf, was there something not even Lexie would do?

Jimmy suddenly stopped his serenade and focused on Rhian.

“What?” Rhian looked up feeling his gaze on as he went silent. “What Jimmy?”

“Make your tea quicker,”

“Excuse me?”

Suddenly the door flung open .

“Rhian get upstairs!” Brian shouted suddenly.

“What should I fucking have to go upstairs and hide fro-“Rhian didn’t get a chance to finish as Matt stormed through the door and had her pinned up against the wall in seconds. Rhian cold feel her feet dangling off above the ground as Matt’s arms and body kept her against the wall. His stormy eyes fixed with hers, his breath washing over her face. It took all Rhian’s strength not to kiss him right there and then; because he may be threatening her life but she loved him. She knew she did.

“Matt dude,” Brian said calmly as if pinning Rhian up against a wall was nothing. “Not worth it,” Rhian kept her eye contact with Matt. For a few seconds he didn’t move, he just starred at Rhian as if waiting for her to do something.

Behind them Jimmy was fighting with his orders, he knew it wasn’t wise to go up against his alpha male, but seeing a good friend pinned up against a wall was not easy. You never hurt a woman, if you’re a real man. Then again was a werewolf a real man.

Matt finally moved away, letting Rhian fall back to the floor with a bang. Jimmy moved forward to help her as did Brian, but Matt didn’t move away from the girl. He put his hand out for her. Rhian starred at the hand in front of her, still a little winded and shocked from being pinned up against the wall she took it. Matt had never meant her no harm before, she still somewhere inside trusted him. Friendship and love do not end that quickly, or at least they did not for Rhian.

Rhian was slowly pulled up by Matt. He waited for her to get her balance before letting go and starring at her.

“Why was she here?” HE asked gruffly. “What did she want?” For some reason Rhian could not quite find the words or her voice, she tried to say something nasty or catty; nothing came out. She bit her lip and looked towards Jimmy, instantly making Matt turn to stare at him.

“She just came to talk, nothing else,” Jimmy answered, Matt just nodded and stepped away from Rhian.

“Let’s take this chat into the living room,” Brian finally spoke looking towards the open front door where the rest of the guys, Niki and Taylor had piled into the house. Matt was the first to leave, as Rhian fell back softly against the wall just trying to find her breath.

Everyone filled into the living room. As they walked past they’d each give her some form of silent greeting, from JB winking at her to Johnny flashing a sympathetic smile. As Taylor and Niki got closer, the pair jumped her pulling her into a tight hug.

“When we’re done,” Niki started.

“We’ll come find you alright, stay in the house,” Taylor finished.

“We miss ya sug,”

“And we have good news,” Taylor added with a smile.

“Thank fuck, I think I need something to cheer me up,”

“Text Sarah, it’s gonna be girl time,”