I Would Do Anything for Love

She would do anything for love

“He did what?!” Sarah shrieked from her spot on Rhian’s bed, at Brian and Jimmy’s house.

“Pinned her up against the fucking wall,” Niki hissed.

“The nerve of this idiot!” Sarah muttered. “If I didn’t have this-“She pointed at her ankle. “I’d kick that boy’s arse into next year,”

“Just his ass?” Taylor chuckled earning a glare from Sarah. “If I’m honest that boy needs fucking anger management lessons or some shit!”

“I second that,” Rhian sighed. “I don’t fancy going up against the wall,”

“I dunno I like it rough sug,” Niki replied absent-mindedly grabbing another handful of chips from the bag in front of her. “Then again I’m not as breakable as you,” Rhian just rolled her eyes and stole the chips away. “Hey!”
“You know Matt’s been through a lot,” Rhian sighed.

“So have you!” Sarah nearly screeched.

“Rhian has a point, losing his fuck bubby and gaining an angry girlfriend, cannot help anyone’s anger levels!”

“Is that your opinion as a psychologist or as one who knows?” Niki smirked.

“Oh shut up, I’m serious I can see why he’s angry!” Taylor shrugged and leant back against the wall. Rhian nodded in agreement while Sarah and Niki just rolled their eyes.

“Boy needs to cool it,”

“What she said,” Sarah agreed with Niki. “Or I will threaten him,” Rhian just smiled and picked up her drink.

“You know what I don’t want to talk about Matt or Lexie, or people cooling it anymore!”

“Here, here!” Niki cheered. “You know what I wanna do?”


“Get drunk!”

“Or die trying!” Taylor followed with a cheer. “We should have a cocktails night!”

“Fuck yes!” Niki replied. “It will be amazing we can-“She paused and looked at Taylor, fixing a glare on her fellow friend. “Of course we fucking can’t you know what the date is!”

“Oh shit,” Rhian muttered, she always remembered the dates of a full moon. It wasn’t hard when all your friends, bar one, went through hell that night. “I can stay here tonight right?” Both Niki and Taylor shrugged.

“No one’s discussed it, too afraid Matt’s gonna snap!”

“I’m gonna fucking snap something on Matt if he’s not in a better mood tonight,” Taylor muttered making Rhain look up.

“Better mood, why?”

“It’s nothing,” Niki muttered, glaring at Taylor. “Just pack shit,”

“Matt tried to kill Niki,” Taylor spoke up ignoring the look on Niki’s face. “She got out of line and Matt attacked her,”

“He nearly came off worse, if the twins hadn’t pulled him off me!” Niki almost looked a little triumphant. “It doesn’t look good when the alpha get’s taken down,”

“No it doesn’t” Rhian sighed shaking her head and looking to Taylor. “He’s a mess isn’t he? This is all cause of me, and he could lose the pack?” Neither Taylor nor Niki spoke both looked down. “Fuck sake,”

“Hey ducky this is not your fault,” Sarah muttered shaking her head. “You know I think I should give Matt a piece of my mind,”

“No,” Taylor warned. “You two just stay up here and stay safe tonight ok?”

“Consider it done,” Rhian answered before Sarah could complain. “We’ll order Chinese, get some wine in and watch Buffy all night,” Sarah pouted and folded her arms over her chest.

“The fact you’d use food and Buffy to break me is unfair! You do not play fair!”

“Oh come on, Spike naked? You’re gonna turn down that to kick Matt’s arse? His arse is nowhere as good as Spikes,” The girls started laughing as Sarah nodded, a smile breaking on her face.

“I give in!”


Rhian sat starring at the screen as Spike battled with the creature who would hopefully give him his soul back. Then he’d be like Angel, he’d have a soul, and everyone knows Buffy loved Angel, so surely if Spike was similar she’d love him too?

How could you not love that peroxide blonde vampire?

Rhian sighed and looked towards the other sofa, where Sarah was in a sugar induced coma. She’d passed out an episode ago, after the pair had managed to go through a whole lot of snacks. They’d also managed a hell of a lot of Buffy episodes from Season 6; obviously one of the best seasons.

Picking up her glass, she downed the last of her drink and got up off the sofa to grab herself some water. Flicking the kitchen light on, she paused almost jumping a little when she heard the howl outside. It was loud but Rhian knew it was not close. She’d got use to every now and then hearing the noises from the wolves.

She sighed pouring her glass of water, and leaning against the counter just letting herself think. Her thoughts trailed off the animal making those sounds outside, and how tomorrow morning there would be a man lying outside waiting for her yet she could not go anywhere near him.

She wasn’t the one for him.

That didn’t stop Spike though, he might not have been the one for Buffy but he did everything he could to become the one. He went through one hell of a change.

Rhian paused putting her glass of water down on the side. He did anything for love, he changed for love.

Lexie would do anything for live, would she really though? Would she really do anything?

“Shit!” Rhian paused debating the logic behind her argument, a Buffy episode that was it?

No, it did make sense, if Lexie got bitten she’d transform and be even closer to Matt. They’d be the same, they’d be identical and that would be just another thing to push Rhian away. It would make perfect sense for Lexie to want to be closer to Matt. What’s the one way to get closer? To be the same as him. She’d be able to be with him 24/7, no running away once a month anymore, Lexie could stop that.

Rhian’s brain went into overdrive, and before she knew it she’d jumped to a 100 difference conclusions and was grabbing her trainers from the hall and darting out the front door.
Sarah merely groaned in her sleep as the door slammed shut, and Rhian’s body hit the cool cold air.

Rhian took a deep breath and gazed around, it was completely silent, eerily silent actually. There was no one around as if they knew tonight was the best night to stay inside with their loved ones and not venture out.

Rhian bit her lip and gazed round, this was ridiculous; even if Lexie was out here she had no idea where to start looking. She walked down to the end of the pathway and looked up and down the road. There was no one around here; the quiet cul de sac was utterly empty.
“Oh this is insane,” The sudden adrenalin she’d gained at the start of her thoughts was slowly wearing off. The cloud of mist in her mind was fading away and she was seeing sense for the first time; Lexie wasn’t that stupid.

She might as well just go-

The first sound she’d heard since she’d gone outside stopped her mid sentence. It was quiet, a click the sound of a heel possibly hitting the pavement, it was continuous. Rhian looked around, her eyesight wasn’t perfect but there was defiantly someone at the end of the road, she just couldn’t tell where they were going. Was the person walking towards her or away?

Rhian got up quickly, going towards the person, as the howl of a wolf was heard in the distance. But the noises Rhian ignored, because up a head was a girl walking towards the boys house.

It was if Rhian was on a mission, she ignored all the other things going on around her.

That was her mistake, because if she’d noticed or at least paid attention to the sounds, movements and actions around her, maybe the following events would never have happened.

The increased howling was the first thing to wake Sarah from her sleep. She groaned and pushed herself up from the sofa.

“Noisy boys need to learn to be quiet,” Sarah checked her watch it was nearly5am she’d been asleep for hours. The sun would be coming up soon so the boys would have no choice but to shut up soon.
“Maybe I can get some sleep then!” Sarah paused hearing more commotion outside, the sound of pounding footsteps.

She slowly ambled towards the window and looked out; trying to see what was going on. The sun was slowly coming up. Though Sarah could things running outside in the shadows, surely the guys weren’t all round here, even though it sounded like it!

Sarah had an uneasy feeling about this, and it didn’t go away as she watched a wolf jump over the fence in the front garden transforming in mid air to a fully grown man. Sarah jumped back as Brian stood in front of the window, less than a meter away, a face full of concern.

“PHONE AN AMBULANCE!” He screamed at Sarah whose eyes went wide.

“Why?” But she didn’t need the answer because running through the garden carrying the limp, bloody body of her best friend was Matt. His face was full of fear and he was looking down at Rhian’s face cursing under his breath.
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Two chapters to go ;)