I Would Do Anything for Love

She knows what she has to do

“Why’s she here?” Niki muttered under her breath to Taylor as the pair sat outside the ward waiting for Rhian.

“Lexie?” Niki nodded in reply. “She was near the house, apparently coming to wait for Matt she had a suspicion he’d stay there after transforming,” Niki just rolled her eyes and looked at Taylor.

“So even if Matt didn’t go to that house, he’d smell Lexie and be there anyway! So he’d fucking look guilty either way?”

“Niki it’s nothing to-“

“She’s the reason Rhian is like this!” Niki suddenly snapped.

“What?” Taylor looked at her friend. “Go on explain,”

“Rhian must have seen her out there, let her come in-“

“Lexie was walking down the road-“

“Why was she fucking walking down the road in the middle of the night on a full moon, is she insane?” Niki nearly screeched jumping up off her seat. A nurse walking past the pair glared at them both until Niki took her seat again and the girls went back to whispering.

“I don’t know, death wish maybe?”

“You’re the psychologist, you should know!”

“I’m not-“ She paused as Brian appeared in front of the two a glare fixed on his face.

“Want to keep a little quieter? Everyone’s moaning about you two,”

“We’re sorry,” Niki smirked patting the seat next to her. “Sit down and chill for a bit, Rhian will be awake soon,”

“Then we can find out what the fuck is going on!”

“Hey wanna keep it a little quieter?” Taylor mimicked Brian, a smile appearing on her face as he fixed a glare on her. “Anyway, when Rhian comes out we need to keep visits, pressure and stress down to a minimum, she needs to be relaxed and comfortable before we get any answers,”

“She walked out into the middle of the night on a full moon, not protected, she’s an idiot,” Matt Sanders spoke up walking down the corridor towards the girls and Brian.

“Are you saying it’s her own fault she’s sustained those injuries,”

“Possibly, Sarah should have been watching her, she’s not stable,”

“Ha! Nice one, accuse her of being crazy, the girl you use to fuck every time you got the chance, the girl you fucking ruined!” Taylor snapped.

“Right that is it!” A deep almost manly voice with a hint of feminism snapped at the group, the matron of the ward storming down the corridor and to the group. “Out of my ward now!” She pointed at Taylor who rolled her eyes and grabbed her bag. “I mean now!”

“Niki stay here,” Brian muttered grabbing Taylor’s arm, and then gazing at Matt. “Come on lets get some air,” Matt just rolled his eyes and turned on his heel following Brian and Taylor out of the hospital.

“And I’m not happy about you staying here either!” The nurse pointed at Niki who just nodded, the women turned round and walked back to the desk leaving Niki sitting alone.

Niki flung her head back in the chair, almost letting a scream escape from her lips. The last few months were doing her head in, she’d had enough. Hopefully the night’s latest incident would bring an end to the madness.


Niki had almost drifted off when 2 hours later Sarah and Zacky arrived in the ward.

“You can go home get some rest; I mean you haven’t slept in hours!” Sarah told Niki, as she sat down next to her. “I need my girls working on a full tank of sleep,”


“Planning the welcome home Rhian party!”

“Oh,” Niki shared a smile with Zack. “You know it’s gonna be a little while before Rhian’s ready to party her English ass off,” Sarah just nodded almost looking a bit disheartened by this. “But you know what Rhian’s like, she’ll be on her feet in no time, probably way before she’s even allowed to be,”

“She’s gonna ok right?” Sarah questioned looking from Niki to Zack.

“Yeah babe of course she is!” Zacky smiled pressing a kiss against her forehead. “Now how about that hot chocolate I promised?”

“Yes please,”

“Nik you want anything?”

“Coffee black,”

“Right on it, be back in a bit, any problems I got my phone,” Zack smiled, gazing at Niki before walking back down the corridor. Niki watched him go before looking the other way down the corridor and relaxing again. She felt she was more of a protection detail than a friend right now.

Thought nothing had happened all afternoon and it was reaching late evening, she deserved her five second break.

“Look Sarah can you wait here for five seconds, there’s a small garden 5 second run away and I’m dying for a smoke,”

“Oh shit Niki just go, I’ll be fine, god everyone worries about me so fucking much!”

“Alright, I’ll be back, I’ve got my-“

“Phone so if you need me-“ Sarah did her very best American accent. “Seriously, go nothing will happen,” Niki just nodded gazing up and down the corridor and into the ward Rhian was in before, smiling at Sarah and walking away.

“Five minutes, I promise,”

“Yah, yah,” Sarah mumbled, diving into her bag and grabbing a book. She never realized time was flying by and neither Niki nor Zack had returned.

She only realized how alone she was when heavy footsteps were heard down the corridor and an unwelcome guest turned up.

“Matt not now,” Sarah get up slowly as he marched towards the door.

“I need to talk to her!” Matt snarled at Sarah as she stood in front of the door to Rhian’s hospital room. “This ends when I talk to her!”

“You are the reason for all these problems! You are not talking to her,” Matt lifted his hand but felt it instantly being grabbed by Niki from behind, pulling him backwards slightly.

“I wasn’t going to-“

“Not even giving you the chance, now you can talk to Rhian-“

“No he can’t!” Sarah nearly screamed at her friend.

“Yes he can, but you upset her, you hurt her or do anything that I don’t like and I will rip you apart, limb by limb, because I fucking can!”Niki stated calmly and coolly as if she had nothing to lose. Sarah continued to glare at Niki, but there was no hope, Niki opened the door and allowed Matt through. “15minutes max,”

Matt just nodded and stepped inside the room.

Rhian lie on the hospital bed, drifting in and out of consciousness. The shouting from Niki, Sarah and Matt outside hadn’t managed to rouse her, neither had the door opening. So when Matt walked down to the side of the bed and sat calmly on one of the visitors’ chairs Rhian didn’t register him.

“Rhian?” Matt’s voice was quiet, but Rhian moved a little. Matt kept his eyes fixed on her as she slowly turned to face the chair. “Rhian, it’s me,” He spoke again, waiting as her eyes started to screw up a little and then slowly open. She looked completely dazed at first, and it took a few seconds for Rhian to realize she was awake.

“Matt?” She whispered her voice dry and croaky.

“Yeah it’s me,”


“Cause we have some shit to sort out,” He replied calmly. “And there’s no time like the present,”

“No,” Rhian managed, slowly pushing herself up to sit up straight. “No,” She shook her head.


“I don’t want to sort stuff out,”

“Rhian for fuck sake you really messed up here you have to start sorting it out eventually,”

“I really fucked up?” Rhian snapped, losing her patience very quickly.

“Well if she’d never have seen us kiss!”

“You blew up our house! “ Rhian shouted back at him. “You fucking set fire to mine and my best friend’s possessions, you are the fucked up one here!”

“I fucking did that because I was so fucking in-“ He paused and shock his head. “You’re the fucking one with a death wish!”

“What?” Rhian shouted back, hissing a little as she tugged on one of the lines into her body. “I fucking got attacked by Jimmy,”

“Liar,” Matt snarled. “You’re giving my fucking best friend a bad name, he would never have attacked you, he’s too much in fucking love with you!”


“Oh yeah you too stupid and blind to see that as well, you broke another guys heart!”

“Another who was the fucking first?!”

“ME!” Matt finally snapped shaking his head. “You were my best friend, and you fucked it up, you had to go and grow up to be beautiful, stunning and intelligent! Fuck sake you are the most incredible girl I have ever met!”


“You fucked all that up as well, you turned stupid! You kept going for a guy who was taken, you did not play fair! And to top it off then you asked someone to bite you, Rhian you’re no longer the girl who became my best friend,” Matt’s voice had dropped. “You’re desperate and stupid. You broke my heart when you changed,”

“And you broke my heart,” Rhian whispered turning away, so as not to face Matt anymore. “You ruined my life and it’s your fault I’m here now! I hate you, and I’d be happy if I never saw you again,”

“I doubt it,” Matt mattered.

“Get out,” Matt shock his head and starred at the girl lying in the hospital bed, his best friend wrapped up in bandages with tubes sticking out. “GET OUT!” She screamed. “GET OUT! GET OUT! GET OUT!” Matt just shook his head and gave Rhian a sorry look.
“You have a lot of growing up to do,” He muttered as the door to the room swung open and Niki came storming in. “Don’t worry I’m going,” Matt told her as she pushed past the angry tattooed woman who was now starring at Rhian.

“Good,” Niki snarled. “Don’t forget to shut the door behind you,” She added walking towards Rhian who was still facing the other way, tears slowly trickling down her cheeks. “Oh sug, you’re a fucking mess,”

“Thanks,” Rhian whispered quietly. “God Niki, I’ve no idea what to do,”

“I know sug, me either,” She sighed sitting down on the side of the bed and putting an arm round her friend. “Me either,”

It didn’t take long for Rhian to fall asleep after Matt’s visit. The mixture of drugs, the operation and the stress of the whole ordeal was taking its toll, and she became exhausted quite quickly. The nurses had shooed the boys out long ago and the girls had been sent packing soon after. Brian had stayed down stairs in the hospital café, so when Rhian did wake up someone could be there.

Brian ambled up the stairs as it hit midnight, just to check what was going on. He bypassed the security, knowing they’d only do what they did every night when someone stayed to check on Rhian; kick him out. Lucky for Brian, he had the ability to charm girls, and the nurses on the ward once heard his heartwarming story had fallen hook line and sinker for the Casanova! Brian got away with being on Rhian’s ward, checking in on his new cousin, Rhian, who’d been raised like a sister and was the only family he had left (the nurses had fallen for it).

Brian reached the ward, smiling at the nurse and taking his usual root to the room Rhian was in. He noticed the lightening was dimmed as ever, and the only light that seemed to be bright was radiating from Rhian’s room.

“Still up?” He questioned walking into her room. Rhian gazed up as the door opened. “What’s going on sweet cheeks?” He grabbed one of the visitors chairs and pulled it up close to the bed.

“Just thinking,” She replied a small smile on her lips. “Matt and I had a chat,”

“I heard,” A small smirk appearing on his lips. “Niki’s ripping him a new one right now!”

“Nice,” Rhian smiled, but it slowly fell. “I can’t be around him anymore Bri,” Brian just nodded. “He came in this afternoon and I thought it was to say sorry, to apologies and make everything better,” She shook her head. “He made it worse Brian,” She felt the sickening feeling building in her stomach, the threat of tears coming closer. “I still love him, I want him and he wants me,”

“Rhian that-“

“I know it can’t happen Brian, fuck the last few months are one big sign that I’m causing more shit being here than anything,” Brian just nodded. “Matt and I are never going to move on, get on with what we should be doing if we stay around in each, I’m causing him damage in his life, with his pack, it cannot carry on,”

“You know this isn’t just on you babe, whatever Matt has said you are not just to blame, you two are just as bad as each other,” Brian sighed and stretched his hand out to Rhian. “You should have stayed away, and he should never have pursued you,”

“Well that’s going to stop now, I know what I have to do,” Rhian whispered as Brian sat on the bed with her. “I have to leave, I have to get space, I have to go away for a bit,” Brian just nodded as he took in what she was saying, letting her words wash over him. Slowly he moved his hand to squeeze hers.

“Yeah,” Brian whispered quietly. “I think it might be the best idea,” Rhian bit her lip as the tears threatened to fall. “Not because anyone wants you too,” Brian’s other arm went over her shoulder as he pulled her close. “But because we want you to sort everything out and to be the Rhian we all love, you get me?” Rhian nodded and buried her head into Brian’s chest. “Because we all love you kid,”