I Would Do Anything for Love

Sushi Pyjamas

“Taylor, do you understand how hung over I am?” Rhian groaned dragging herself out of the car.

“Nowhere near as bad as Sarah,” She smirked gesturing behind the two girls, Rhian smiled slightly not daring to laugh because of the pain it would cause to every part of her fragile body. Behind her Sarah walked very slowly, still in her pyjamas and clutching a large bottle of water, sunglasses covering her tied eyes. Not that Rhian or Taylor were in a better state, Rhian had grabbed a large hoodie to cover her body and was still in her pyjama shorts, plus a pair of rocket dog slouch boots; she looked quite the state. Her hair was flat and messy, while her face was pale and deathly looking. This was not how she planned on spending the morning after her 21st birthday, though it was inevitable it would happen.

The fridge was empty so they had no food to make hangover cures with, and therefore Taylor who was the most alive out of the three, just about, had suggested a quick trip to the local supermarket. At least Taylor had managed to find a pair of sweatpants, though her hair seemed to be at a few odd angles and she was a lot more sluggish than usual.

“This is painful,” Sarah mumbled quietly. “How come Niki isn’t subjected to this?”

“She wasn’t in her room,” Taylor answered with a shrug. “She must have ended up leaving with someone,”

“At my birthday?” Rhian pouted.

“Darling you were in no state to realize!” Taylor chuckled, griping her head and regretting her laughter instantly. “Jimmy put you to bed,” Rhian groaned, wincing at the movement, just regretting something took. “I think he was hoping you’d be a little more sober,”

“Great,” She hissed, wondering in the shop behind Taylor and grabbing a trolley, which was more for supporting her than putting food in. Last night’s drinking hadn’t stopped to 5am when apparently Rhian, Sarah and a few others had become so close to paralytic it was time to put them too bed. Of course Rhian knew why she’d got so bad, she’d drank to forget her conversation with Matt.

Matt had left at 2am, straight after their conversation, to take Lexie home. Lexie wasn’t the party animal Rhian’s friends were and she really didn’t drink that much. Rhian could not remember much after that, she knew she just drank a lot with the help of her girls and boys. After mingling for a bit she’d gone back to hanging out with her closest girls, the boys Zacky Baker, Jimmy Sullivan, Johnny Seward, Brian Haner and the Berry twins.

“Matt left early,” Taylor noted chucking junk food into the trolley before turning down the next isle.

“Yeah,” Rhian just nodded following her.

“Huh?” Sarah mumbled gazing towards the two. “What happened?”


“Well yeah I know that but what happened between you and Matt?”

“No, Matt!” Taylor hissed pointing to the end of the isle where Rhian’s gaze was fixed on four guys and a girl.

“Oh,” Sarah muttered.

“Fuck,” Rhian hissed. “Next isle,”

“I need stuff in this-” But it was too late Rhian had turned quickly round and went to go the opposite way. “Fine!” Taylor snapped, taking the trolley and spinning it round hard, hitting Sarah’s hip in the process, causing her to fall into the trolley. Sarah didn’t weigh much at all, but she managed to send herself and the trolley flying down the aisle. Taylor lost her grip on it and landed straight on her ass, while Sarah, now inside the trolley was rolling, with some speed, down the isle. The trolley didn’t stop until it crashed into the display of this weeks best selling wines at the end of the isle.

“Oh shit,” Rhian whispered as the deafening sound of 50 or so glass wine bottles crashed to the floor, red wine spilling all over the shop floor, with Sarah was in the middle of it. The trolley fell to it’s side and Sarah tumbled out of it.

Silence filled the whole shop.

No one moved.

“God my head,” Rhian muttered closing her eyes for a second to get rid of the aching pain, she could hear people running around her but she didn’t have the energy to move.

“Rhian?” She heard a familiar voice, full of amusement. The guys and a girl, who had been at the end of the isle, had made their way down to see what the commotion was.

“Zack don’t say one word,” She hissed slowly looking up to the man who was literally in fits of laughter. The rest of the guys were in a similar state, while the girl, Lexie, looked utterly shocked by it all.

“Should have realized you three would have something to do with this disaster,” Store-staff were running around frantically, mostly trying to keep people away from all the broken glass.

“Still drunk?” Brian asked Rhian with a smirk.

“Oh no,” She shook her head sadly. “I’m suffering now, not as much as Sarah though,” She added with a small sigh looking towards the little heap that was Sarah. “That had to hurt,”

“Oh I’d say so!” Brian chuckled as Jimmy and Zack went to help Sarah up, and Taylor who was still sat on the floor, having watched the whole event unfold. Rhian just ignored his comments and leant against his shoulder, shutting her eyes hoping to block out a little of the madness around her.

“It was an accident!” Taylor was insisting to someone, while in the background Sarah could be heard cursing everything from the bottle of peach schnapps last night, too Taylor getting her up that morning!

“Everything hurts!” Sarah whined, making her way down the aisle to Rhian, and the others, with Taylor still on the floor.

“Do you’re pyjama’s have sushi on them?” Rhian winced as she heard the oh so familiar female American accent. She opened her eyes to see Lexie looking disapprovingly at Sarah’s pyjama bottoms.

“And her top says this is how we roll,” Rhian muttered, the joke however was lost on Lexie who ignored even Rhian’s presence in the shop.

“Are you okay Sarah?”

“Everything hurts,” She repeated glaring down at Taylor. “And it’s your fault!”

“Fucking isn’t!” Taylor snapped. “If Rhian hadn’t wanted too-” She paused, having heard Rhian take a sharp intake of breath. Realizing that saying the truth would get Rhian into trouble, Taylor took the blame. “No it’s my fault,” She heard Rhian breath out again, this time much calmer. “Sorry,” Sarah just huffed and shook her head.

“Can we please just go home?”

“Yeah you three should go home, can’t believe you’re in even able to move at the moment!” Zacky chuckled. “Shouldn’t you be in a ditch somewhere,” He looked at Rhian with a smirk.

“No in bed,” She snapped back, trying to ignore the sharp pain going through her head.

“Your own or someone else’s?” Zack smirked bumping his hip against hers.

“Fuck off Baker,” She muttered quietly. “Not as if you lot didn’t drink the bar dry last night!”

“Yeah but we’re men! We can cope with such things, unlike prissy little girls!” Jimmy laughed offering a hand to Taylor to pull her up. She groaned and stumbled into him resting her head against his chest and groaning. “You sure you’re alright?”

“Peachey,” Taylor muttered moving away and looking at the girls. “Do we have to continue this shopping,” Rhian shock her head and Sarah had collapsed against Zack for support so she didn’t even need to answer.

“You can come back mine,” Brian spoke up, we were all going there and we have an abundant supply of food, for hangover cures!” he pointed to a trolley at the other end of the aisle where Johnny and the Berry twins stood watching the events unfold.

“Yes!” Sarah croaked out.

“You sure?”

“They have food,” She hissed. “Don’t argue with me,” Rhian and Taylor both smirked and nodded at Brian.

“Yours it is, Zack you wanna take Sarah, since I don’t think she’s gonna move without you,” He chuckled and nodded; everyone knew Zack had a soft spot for the other English girl.

“Dude, you go with the girls now, and we’ll pay for that shit,” He pointed to the trolley. “The quicker these three are out of the shop, the safer the place will be,” Brian chuckled. “Meet at mine,”

“Done, catch you guys later,” Rhian smiled her eyes lingering on Matt who was still holding Lexie’s hand; she knew that they would both be at Brian’s today but she would not let it bother her.

“You okay?” Taylor muttered as the pair walked out the shop, followed by Zack and Sarah. “Rhian?”

“Yeah,” She turned to smile at Taylor who already looked as if she did not believe a word the red head was saying. “Honestly,” Taylor just shook her head.

“You and Matt have to sort this shit out,”

“We have,” Rhian muttered.

“No he has, you are still pinning after him like a lost puppy,” Rhian just rolled her eyes and carried on walking; there was no point arguing this. She knew full well that Taylor was right, she was still pinning for Matt but that could not be helped, for her it had always been Matt.
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I enjoyed this chapter, i do hope everyone else did =) x