I Would Do Anything for Love

Guard Dog

“I am here as the best friend,” Sarah whispered to Rhian as she played with the straw in her drink. “As the best friend it is my job to hate her with every bone of my body! Where you can’t seem bitter, and hateful, I can do it for you!”
“They are like some old couple,” Rhian whispered focusing on Matt and Lexie. She was sat next to him very demurely, their linked hands resting on the sofa.

“Do you reckon they’ve ever slept together?”


“Well I just wondered, they are an interesting case study!”

“Case study?!” Rhian hissed rolling her eyes. “Stop analyzing us all,”

“It’s too easy you’re all so-“

“Don’t go there,” Rhian warned picking up her glass of coke and sighing. “I don’t need to know that I’m pinning after a lost cause,”

“I was not going to say that, but now you mention it,” Taylor smirked at her friend gazing back at the cute couple in front of them. “She seems quite taken with him, you know that though,”

“What about him?” Sarah asked.


“You said she’s quite taken, but him, is Matt quite taken with her?” She whispered. Taylor sighed gazing at Rhian before turning back to the couple.

“I-I don’t know,” Taylor stuttered not looking at Rhian still.

“Liar,” Rhian muttered half heartedly, “You know it’s been 6 years I’ve gotten over it,”

“Liar!” Taylor shouted making everyone in the room turn round at the same time. She paused realizing everyone was starring her, but no worry Sarah came to the rescue…

“Liar!” She repeated pointing at Rhian, everyone watched completely intrigued to see what she had done wrong. “Brian does love me more than you!” Brian gazed at the pair a little confused. Rhian noticed that Lexie was trying to ignore Rhian and Sarah being center of attention. However the quieter girl’s reaction to Sarah’s outburst hadn’t gone unnoticed; Matt squeezed his girlfriend’s hand, knowing she would later rant about how annoying Rhian and Sarah’s attitudes were. Lexie did not like their immature games and outbursts. Like Lexie was not a fan of Taylor’s drinking habbits, or Niki’s violent side.

“I love both my English roses equally,” He chuckled plonking himself down between the two girls. He kissed Rhian’s cheek lightly. “Particularly you!”

“HEY!” Sarah shrieked pouting at him.

“Well Zack would shoot me if I-“He purposely paused and shrugged knowing he had said far too much already. Particularly since Zack had gone bright red and was trying not to look at Sarah. Zack quickly turned to Matt and Lexie who were next to him and started up a conversation with them.

“So how’s it feel being 21 then?” Brian asked Rhian as everyone else seemed to start private conversations, the room beginning to buzz with life. Everyone apart from Sarah who curled up on the sofa her head resting on Brian’s shoulder.

“Quite like being 20,” She replied with a shrug. “Still me, still feel, act, and look the same,”

“You look a little worse than usual,” Brian smirked earning a glare from the red head. “Just saying!”

“Shut up Haner, you’re not looking 100% yourself!” He chuckled and put his arm over the back of the sofa to stretch out. “I mean you didn’t end up with the usual girl last night, something must be off,” Rhian added a little daringly.

“Ah you noticed,” Brian chuckled with a shrug.”What can I say, I fancied a change!”

“Who instead?”

“No one,” He shrugged. “No one felt quite right last night, and I mean there were some hot girls there but no one really screamed fuck me senseless last night,” Rhian rolled her eyes, but had to laugh. Brian was a bit of a player, okay not a bit, a lot!

Though Brian could be a bit of a player, there was nothing or no one to stop him from having that attitude. It was common to see him with a different girl every few weeks, and even if he wanted one of the girls he was close to would suit him just fine. Him and Niki had an agreement when it came to certain benefits of their friendship. Brian had flirted and fooled around with Rhian, and Taylor numerous times, over the past years. There were two girls he stayed away from Lexie for obvious reasons and Sarah for slightly less obvious, yet very similar reasons.

“I didn’t see you with anyone last night either!” Brian added. “Even when Goose came looking you weren’t anywhere to be seen!”

“Well you shall have to apologies to your wingman Maverick, but I was rather busy last night, being it my party and all!” Rhian chuckled.

“Nothing to do with a certain alpha male then,”

“Nothing,” Rhian answered sharply averting her gaze from Brian. “I mean he had her there all night I wouldn’t have-“

“Rhian, you know it’s not worth your time, you’re fucking beautiful find someone who deserves that, not him,”

“He’s your best mate,” Rhian muttered.

“Yeah, but he’s got a girl he’s bound to, you deserve someone who can give you the time of day and will fall hopelessly in love with you,”

“He does-“ Rhian stopped herself and bit her lip. Brian’s arm went around her shoulder and he pulled her closer, hugging her tightly.

“It’s not love, he’s just as confused as you, but it can’t be love, two girls that’s not how it works. Him and Lexie, they are destined to be together, there is someone else out there for you,” He whispered kissing the top of her head and looking down. “You need anything?”

“Someone to make me forget about him,” Brian sighed and then his eyes lit up with a smirk. “Not you,” He chuckled and shock his head.

“As much fun as that would be, I think someone else wants you more,”

“No,” Rhian shock her head. “I’m not going to be responsible for breaking his heart,”

“It might work,” Brian defended his suggestion. “He really has a thing for you, why not just see what happens?” Rhian groaned and gazed over at the group of guys in the corner, Jimmy Sullivan, stood in the middle re-telling some story of how he’d escaped the police three nights ago. Rhian couldn’t deny he was a lovely person, rather attractive, and an amazing friend; if her heart was not so damn caught up with someone else she’d be all over him in a second.

“Well at least it won’t happen tonight!” Jimmy Sullivan added with a satisfied smile. “Not a fucking chance!”
“Are you guys going out tonight as well?” Sarah questioned a little shocked that anyone could manage yet another night out.

“Yeah,” Matt answered simply, not bothering to look up from the guitar he was playing with. Rhian noticed Lexie roll her eyes as Matt answered, far enough she probably wanted at least one night at home with her boyfriend no one interrupting.

“God another night out I couldn’t face it,” Sarah muttered shaking her head.

“You could barely cope with one night out!” Taylor mocked standing up slowly. “Time I got going anyway,” She muttered, Brian and Matt both looked up at her and shock their heads. “What?”

“You’re staying with us,” Matt muttered lowly, Sarah and Rhian shared a worried glance while Lexie gazed at her boyfriend quite surprised. “Niki is and so are you,” Rhian bit her lip, noticing the glare etched over Taylor’s face.

“Why not take Sarah and Rhian with you as well?” Lexie sarcastically questioned, Rhian couldn’t recall the last time she heard Lexie talk to Matt like that. Even Matt looked shocked by the outburst.

“Yeah cause that’s a brilliant idea,” Zack muttered looking at both Rhian and Sarah. “They are more danger than anyone could imagine!”

“Hey!” Sarah pouted.

“It’s true,” Rhian mumbled. “You’re always in trouble, or getting hurt,”

“Well,” Sarah started but then just shook her head and looked around at the amount of people nodding in agreement. “Well yes okay,” She huffed. “I guess it’s time I took myself home then!”

“I’ll walk with you,” Rhian replied. “Leave this lot to it,” She added. Matt gazed up at the two girls shaking his head. “What?”


“On it,” Brian muttered standing up slowly and stretching out, his shoulders and knees clicking as he did; a satisfied grin edged across his face.

“We don’t need a guardian,”

“Think of it more of a guard dog,” Brian smirked slapping Rhian’s ass as she glared at him.