I Would Do Anything for Love

Pack of Girls

If there was one thing Matt wanted to change it would be Taylor being out of his pack, she caused more trouble than good. She was disobedient, far too stubborn and head strong. That mix of traits made her a bad team player in Matt’s eyes.

Taylor had a fierce pack of girls sticking up for her, one wolf and two civilians, who did not want to see their best friend hurt in anyway. If Matt saw it that way, he’d realise she could quite possibly be one hell of a pack member one day.

She had only joined this pack a mere few months ago, when her transformations started out of the blue, or that’s how it had seemed. Matt could give her an excuse, she was a young wolf who had not learnt the ways of the world yet; but Matt wasn’t one to accept excuses. Taylor was not the only young wolf, granted she was the youngest, but Johnny and Niki were both less than two years old. Two years was nothing, compared with the 7 to 8 years Matt and Brian had been transforming for.

“Be nice to her,” Lexie’s voice broke into Matt’s thoughts. “Whatever she’s done don’t be too harsh,”

“What?” Matt muttered gazing down at the girl whose hand was wrapped around his arm. “Why do you care about Taylor?”

“I just,” She paused looking at him. “I imagine must be hard not fitting in,” She lied, she didn’t need to imagine she knew it was hard. “The way you describe her, it just sounds like it’s hard for her to fit in with this whole thing,” Matt rolled his eyes.

“Lex, she’s just causing trouble,”

“Maybe,” She replied softly backing down from her argument straight away. “Maybe, I have to go though, return some books before class,” She added standing up on her tip toes and kissing his cheek softly. “See you this afternoon?”

“I’m working,” He replied. “I’ll see you tonight, at yours,” Matt added with a cheeky smile. “I’m all yours tonight, I promise,”

“Can’t wait!” She went to walk away but turned and stopped. “I love you,” Matt just replied with a kiss, watching her smile as she broke away, the blood rushing to her cheeks. “Bye,”

“Bye,” He smirked watching her wonder off, before his eyes flicked quickly back to the tall brunette walking straight towards him.

Show time.

“I’ve fucking told you a fucking million times!” Matt Sanders barked at Taylor as she sat on the bench wall starring out into the college campus, hundreds of students buzzing around. “You do not just wonder off after transforming and think life goes on! It’s not fucking safe!” Not one of those students turned to listen to this conversation though.

“You do!” Taylor snarled. “So does Gates, Zacky, JB, Matty,do I need to go on?”

“That doesn’t matter you do as I say, I am your leader and I fucking say you check in with me before you carry on living your life!” Taylor rolled her eyes as Matt’s voice slowly dropped in volume. “It isn’t safe Taylor, and I am not going to have your death on my conscious! You don’t do a thing without running it by me first, do I make myself clear?”

“Yes,” Taylor muttered not bothering to look up into the older man’s eyes; she’d started to zone out of his I’m better than you speech a good while ago. Every so often someone would tell Matt he wasn’t doing his job properly, namely Rhian, and he’d go off on one dotting the I’s and crossing the T’s so to speak. He’d force Taylor to check in; he’d ban Niki from public areas, and warn JB and Matty one more play fight and he’d make it their last.

“Taylor I mean it,”

“I know, sorry,” Matt huffed and shock his head. “I’m gonna be late for my first class though,”

“Go,” Matt replied turning away. “And remember what I fucking said,”

“Yes dad,” Taylor muttered under her breath quickly jogging over the grass verge they’d been standing in front of and towards the university buildings. Rhian was standing outside one, holding onto a large folder and balancing a few others. “Your play toy is a fucking nightmare sometimes! Thank you!” She added grabbing two of the folders off Rhian.

“Not my issue,” Rhian replied walking away from the other girl.

“Well he should be someone’s issue!” Taylor snapped back, she’d had enough of men all together. “The boy is a fucking dick sometimes,”

“I know, can we discuss something else,”


“It’s my middle name,” Rhian mumbled walking towards the lecture hall. “How about how annoying it is Sarah and Zack wont just come out with what we all know?”

“Hey why don’t you and Matt,”

“Matt what?” Rhian’s blood ran cold hearing her voice.

“Oh hey Lexie,” Taylor smiled cheerfully, not skipping a beat, the girl was good. “Just saying how Rhian and Matt need to sort out this trip we were planning,”

“Trip?” Lexie asked falling into step with Rhian and Taylor.

“Yeah we were thinking of going camping for a weekend nearer Christmas, I mean we went last year and it was beautiful with all the snow and skiing,”

“Camping?” Rhian questioned. “Really with Sarah’s track record or even yours come to think of it!”

“The tent collapsed on its own!” Taylor snapped.

“Oh yeah you and Gates going at it had nothing to do with it did it?”

“No!” Lexie chuckled at the girl’s argument, causing both girls to look at her with a small smile. She was kind of human every now and then; it just was a rare sight. “So yeah no camping, maybe a cabin,” Taylor finished as they reached the lecture hall.

“We’re in here,” Rhian spoke up quickly smiling at Lexie, who would have been somewhere else.

“I’ll see you girls later then,”

“How about lunch?” Rhian asked, she might as well be nice to the girl whose boyfriend she was banging. “My treat,”

“Love to,” Lexie smiled. “Meet you here after my seminar?”

“Of course see you later love,” Taylor smiled waving as the smaller girl walked off, she watched her get far enough away before Taylor smacked Rhian up the back of the head.

“What the fuck was that?!” The British girl screeched at the American.

“You idiot, what the hell are you playing at? Being best friends with the girlfriend?”

“Keep your friends close but your enemies closer?” Rhian joked, trying to lighten the mood. “I mean she seemed in a cheerful kind of mood,”

“Yeah Matt probably gave her quickie-“

“Shut up,” Rhian muttered walking into the large lecture hall.

“You are going to get yourself in so much trouble girl!” Rhian ignored the comment and made her way to the first pair of free seats she could spot. She tried not to dwell on her conversation with Lexie and then Taylor, though it was near impossible. There was probably a very good reason why Lexie was so cheerful, Rhian could even hear Matt saying the words to his girlfriend “Tonight it will just be us two, no distractions, I’m all yours!”.

She imagined he’d say that to her one day. I’m all yours.

Though the common sense would set in, and she’d realize it would never be. Rhian wasn’t stupid, she knew she could not have Matt; sadly that did not stop her wanting him badly.

It took to the end of the lecture for Rhian to realize lunch was the worst idea possible, and loose her whole appetite. As everyone started packing up Taylor nudged rhian in the ribs. “JB, Jimmy, Brian and Matty are joining us for lunch,”

“Good,” Rhian muttered forcing her folder into her bag. “I think I need someone to distract me,”

“Don’t you fucking dare use J-“

“I’m not going to Taylor!” Rhian snapped back, that was the one thing that upset her the most, people honestly believed she’d use Jimmy to get over Matt. Jimmy was by far the nicest, most understanding and caring guy she’d ever met; for those reasons she could never be with him. Rhian did not want to break someone else’s heart.

“If you have to fuck someone fuck Gates, he wouldn’t care!” Rhian laughed and shock her ehad following the brunette out the room.

“Taylor I don’t need another guy to get over Matt,”

“Rhian, yes you do!” She sighed and shock her head leaving the lecture theatre and spotting the boys to the right, while Lexie was making her way from the left. “A one night stand will solve every problem you’ve ever had,”

“Oh shh,” Rhian muttered rolling her eyes. “It’d create a whole load of new ones,”

“Possibly,” Taylor muttered. “Hey fuckers you lot ready?” She called over to the four boys who turned to smirk at her.

“We’re the ones waiting for you dipshit,” Matty chuckled.

“Lexie’s just coming,” Taylor ignored his comments. “We’re thinking the food court,”

“Are we?” Brian chuckled. “Is this we you?”

“No, Rhian and I, so everyone has a good choice of food actually Hanner!”

“Fuck you,”

“No thanks,” Taylor smirked, turning to smile politely as Lexie walked over and said hi to everyone. Rhian just chuckled, taking a small step back from the group and just listening to what everyone had to say. She did this most of the time, she’d rather not be centre of attention.

“You alright?” She felt Jimmy’s arm wrap around her waist before she heard his voice; it was such a familiar feeling.

“Of course!” Rhian replied turning to smile at him. “You?”

“Yeah,” He smiled back with a little nod. Both of them went silent and just kind of nodded to themselves.

“You’re lying to me,” Jimmy spoke up, exactly at the same time as Rhian. Both of them smirked and shock their heads.

“I’m not,” Rhian replied. “Just a little blah,”

“Cause she’s coming to lunch with us?” Jimmy asked as the two trailed a little bit behind from the rest of the group.



“No, I just, oh I don’t know!” She huffed pulling Jimmy closer and resting her head on his shoulder; though a glance back round from Taylor made Rhian quickly pull away. She was not going to hurt Jimmy.
♠ ♠ ♠
I am extremely sorry to all my readers, my updating is shocking due to it being summer and I am never in one place at one time and internet is dodgy in coventry.
Thanks to anyone that is still reading and sticking by it. Love you guys.
Enjoy. xxxx