I Would Do Anything for Love

Best Friend

Rhian bit her lip, trying extremely hard not to just pick the whole bottle of wine up and down it. She twisted a ring on her thumb, and took a few deep breaths. The happy couple were sat next to her, and being extremely lovey-dovey.

Matt’s arm was resting across the top of the sofa, almost close enough that his fingers could brush up against Rhian’s shoulder. Though he’d move his arm every so often to wrap round Lexie; she was curled under his arm and up against his side.

On the other sofa sat Sarah who would start giggling every so often as Zack, who sat next to her, hand disappeared up her top.

“Stop tickling me!” She would hiss very quietly hoping no one heard her commands to Zack.

Rhian bit down harder on her lip before flinging her head back and groaning quietly.

“You okay?” She heard Lexie whisper to her, Rhian turned her head slightly and looked at the other girl. It wasn’t that she was a horrible person, but Rhian still couldn’t grow to like her; she was just jealous.

“Just peachy,” She said sincerely before turning back to stare at the tv. Sarah had organized an impromptu film night; most of the group had turned up and taken over the girl’s living room. It had been a week since the last full moon, and the past week had consisted of a lot of couple activities meaning Rhian had almost been feeling sorry for herself, almost! So a group get together was meant to make it all better, it was really working that well.

She mumbled the words “be right back” before sliding off the sofa and quietly leaving the living room. Rhian made her way to the kitchen and just fell softly against the cabinets, happy for a tiny bit of solitude. She just stood there not realizing how many minutes ticked by until she felt someone’s arm brush up against hers.

“It’s okay,” Matt whispered as Rhian jumped back, quickly snapping out of her daze. “You’ve been out here a while,” He noted grabbing a bag of chips from the side. “A good 15 minutes,”


“No need to be,” He stood in front of her, only a few inches separated their bodies. “You free tomorrow night?”

“What?” She muttered looking up.

“Lexie’s out of town, I just thought maybe we could catch up with a few drinks,”


“Yeah you, me, the girls, the guys, we’ve just been discussing it,” Rhian’s heart sunk but she nodded anyway.



“Yeah I’m free,”

“Good,” He Matt smiled, his chip-free hand falling to grab Rhian’s and squeezing it gently. “It feels like ages since I’ve been around you,”

Only a week, since you were inside me.

Though smart comments like that would never get Rhian anywhere!

“I guess it is,” Rhian shrugged, pushing off the counter and going to make a drink. Matt’s piercing eyes stayed fixed on the girl in front of him, scanning up and down her body, to try and read what her real feelings were. She slowly picked up a bottle of soda and poured it into the empty glass, no alcohol just soda. The wine had already made her light headed.

“I mean Lexie enjoys a drink, but a night out like we all use to, well she’s a bit more reserved,” Matt started talking, and Rhian just sighed. It was horrible hearing the one guy she’d fallen for talk about another women. Another women he was meant to be with, destined to be with, and very insistent that all the prophecies were right!

Rhian regularly wished that maybe the elders of wolf packs, Matt’s distant relations, were wrong. Surely a group of old men could be wrong? Though she knew constantly thinking that was doing her no good at all.


“Yes?” She looked up quickly at Matt. “Sorry,” He had that look of annoyance on his face when people weren’t doing as he wanted or weren’t listening. Rhian may not have been a member of the pack, but she knew it was always wise to at least listen to Matt.

“It’s okay,” He muttered shaking his head. “I just said I’ll leave it to you to organize,”

“Done,” Rhian nodded grabbing her glass of soda and nodding towards the door. “I’m sure they’ve chosen a new film by now!”

“Yeah,” Matt gestured for Rhian to walk through first, his arm falling as she passed and grazing down her back very lightly. A groan almost escaped her lips from that second of contact. Matt noticed her reaction every little change, from the almost audible groan she thought had been suppressed to the quickening of her heartbeat. Matt could sense every change, and it gave him the feeling of power. He dropped his arm to reach for her wrist pulling her back into the kitchen, with a little force.

Rhian bit her lip, knowing she should push him away, but their eyes met and she could not do a thing. He leant down and pressed a soft kiss against her lips, waiting for her to kiss back before pulling her closer.

Though a scream from the other room broke the pair apart or at least made Rhian pull back. Matt’s strong arms stayed around her body, not letting her go too far.

“More later,” He whispered in her ear, it was a demand more than a question. Rhian bit her lip and gazed up at him, almost shaking her head but she could not do it. “Promise,” A small smile broke across her lips, as she pushed away from the wall and turned her back to Matt. He just stood and watched Rhian walk away, taking a deep breath and shaking his head; why did he keep doing this to himself?

He was breaking the heart of a girl he would once consider his “best friend”, how could he do this to her?

Not forgetting the fact he was actually cheating on his girlfriend, a girl who many elders were pushing to become his wife very soon. Matt was 24, a pack leader, and that quite frankly meant he should be responsible. Sadly Matt felt he was being anything but responsible at the moment, stringing to girls along was far from the right thing to do, he had to set an example.

“SANDERS!” He sighed hearing his name being screamed.

“Fuck it,”

“Dude what the fucks with you?” He turned quickly hearing Niki’s voice behind him, well wasn’t he just the most popular person at the moment.

“Excuse me?”

“You look like you’ve been hit by a tone of bricks dude!”

“Cheers,” Niki smirked scanning Matt with her eyes. “What d’ya want?”

“Nothing,” She replied her eyes finally gazing back up to his eyes. “Just wondering how many other girls are running around for-“ She paused noticing the living room door open and Lexie appear holding a bottle of beer.

“Matt we want to watch the movie,” She spoke up spotting her boyfriend instantly, but not Nicole. Lexie walked into the kitchen.

“Taking his beer for a walk?”

“Excuse me?” Lexie looked up hearing Niki’s sarcastic tone.

“His beer you’re holding it,”

“It’s empty,”

“My bad,” Niki smirked, keeping her gaze fixed on Matt who was holding a fierce glare. She knew what she’d done wrong, she’d crossed Matt about girls again.

“SANDERS!” The scream echoed again. “Get your fucking ass in here!” No one could mistake Taylor’s authoritative tone. “I’m dead shit serious,”

“Dead shit serious?” Niki questioned as Taylor appeared through the living room door this time.

“What’s this a fucking private party?”

“Girls only and Matt,” Niki smirked, wondering when the smoke would start coming out of Matt’s ears and nose; he was slowly turning red in anger.

“Lucky boy,” Taylor smirked grabbing him by the collar and pulling hard. “However I want to watch my movie so get your lucky ass on that sofa now!” Niki just chuckled watching Matt get dragged into the living, grabbing another case of beer and following through. Lexie was just left standing there for a few seconds trying to work out what Matt had looked so furious about this time. She presumed Niki had done something wrong though she never understood Niki’s little comment so could not work out what!

“Lex you coming?” She heard Jimmy call poking his head through the living room door frame and turning to stare at her.

“Yeah,” She smiled at him grabbing a soda from the side for herself and wondering back in to the living room to a very unwelcome scene. Matt had plonked himself in the middle of the sofa, between Rhian and Jimmy. Instead of causing a fuss though, Lexie placed herself on the other sofa next to Sarah, trying to ignore the little pang of hurt she felt shooting through her body. She never really got angry with him. Now she was just upset due to the left out feeling that was gripping her body.

Instead of dwelling on it too much Lexie flung her mind into the movie watching it intently and trying to work out every next step. This kept her mind off the fact Matt’s arm was now over the back of the sofa, and Rhian was looking more and more comfortable next to him.

Everyone in that room, if asked, could have predicted what would happen with Rhian through this movie. It was reaching 11pm and she was well known for falling asleep during movies. It would only take a while for Rhian to slip down onto Matt’s shoulder or chest and slowly curl up against him to fall asleep. Usually in this situation Matt would move her off and onto someone else, but this time he did not bother. So what if his best friend fell asleep on him?

“Dude how does she do it?” Taylor questioned starring at Rhian who was curled up under Matt’s arm her head on his chest, eyes shut and fast asleep.

“It’s her talent,” Sarah smirked. “We should draw over her,”

“Nah,” Matt shook his head. “I’ll put her upstairs, you know what happened last time someone drew over someone,” He turned and looked at a very guilty Jimmy and then towards a very angry looking Taylor.

“It took me forever to get rid of that moustache!” She hissed at Jimmy who held his hands up in defence.

“How was I meant to know it would be some super industrial type permanent marker?!”

“By reading the label!” Taylor snapped still very bitter about the incident that had happened a year or so ago.

Matt was ignoring the pair’s argument and slowly moving his arms under Rhian to lift her up slowly. He could feel his girlfriends icy cold stare, and knew what she would say if she had the guts to speak in front of his friends. “Couldn’t someone else have done that?” …”Jimmy likes her let him be the one she falls asleep on, so what if she’s your best friend I am your girlfriend!”

And she was right! Lexie was right about it all but Matt still could not let go of Rhian.

He loved her.

No, that was not it. She was just his best friend.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it takes so long.
Enjoy! x