I Would Do Anything for Love

Beautiful Girl

Rhian closed her eyes and snuggled up closer to the warm squishy thing that she’d pushed herself up against. She tried to keep her eyes shut and ignore the sense of cold that was slowly drifting over her shoulders, though it just was not possible. Rhian tried to shift again moving yet closer to the warmth, but she just could not ignore the cold draft.

“Ugh!” She groaned moving her hand up to grab the duvet and pull it further over her.

“Oh so we do wake up,” The warm squishy thing spoke and she felt a hand rub her arm softly. “I thought you’d need a handsome prince to wake you up!” Rhian groaned again and moved her head so she could look up at the warm squishy thing.


“Yes?” Jimmy looked back down at her with a warm smile.

“What are you doing in my bed?”

“Well,” He paused and put the note pad he had been writing on down before turning to Rhian. “You fell asleep during the movie, on Matt, and so he was going to carry you upstairs but he well, I volunteered and here I am,”

“Oh,” Rhian nodded and slowly pulled herself up to lean against the head board of her bed. “When was that?”

“About 5 hours ago,” Jimmy said as if that was nothing!

“I’ve been asleep for 5 hours! What the hell is the time?” Rhian groaned releasing the only light in the room was coming from her fairy lights which hung from the walls and over the bookcase. “You stayed here this long?” She suddenly asked looking utterly confused.

“Well it was quiet and peaceful, I had some time to write,” Jimmy explained looking a little sheepish. “Sorry,”

“No, no it’s fine,” Rhian shock her head gazing up to the clock on the wall. “1am, fuck,” She sighed and ran her fingers through her hair. “I’m hungry,”

“Me too, fancy some take away?”

“Its 2am Jimmy,”

“Oh yeah, well how about I cook?” He suddenly asked moving his arm to put it over Rhian’s shoulder.

“You can cook?”

“Yeah huh!”

“Wow,” Rhian smirked and then nodded. “Yeah go on then, impress me!”

“With pleasure madam!” Rhian just smiled to herself watching Jimmy get off the bed and wonder towards the door. “You coming?”

“Yeah give me five seconds, bathroom break and then I’ll be down! You get started,” Jimmy gazed over her for a few seconds before just nodding and wondering quietly down the stairs. Rhian sighed and pushed herself off the bed gazing round her room, she wanted her phone. Hopefully it was still in her bag or possibly her jean pocket.

She finally fished it out of her pocket, unlocking the screen and gazing down to see who the messages were from. None from Matt though. Instead Rhian opened her inbox and pressed Matt’s conversation log, she quickly started her message to him. It took a good few minutes to get the correct wording, and not sound bitter or nasty. She had nothing to complain about, though it hurt he had not said goodbye, even if that meant waking her up! He was her best friend! Or so she thought!

“Took your time!” Jimmy chuckled when Rhian finally walked into the kitchen. “Foods nearly done,” Rhian gazed around the kitchen trying to work out what he was making. “Pancakes!”

“You made pancakes?”

“Yeah!” Rhian couldn’t help but smile at the proud look on his face. “I used the chocolate chips in the cupboard hope that’s alright?”

“Sounds brilliant, and umm yeah,” Rhian tried to think whose they would be, possibly Taylors. “Yeah just deny all knowledge,” Jimmy chuckled watching Rhian go to grab plates from the cupboard and some cutlery, she’d changed from her jeans and t-shirt into a pair of sweat pants and a strappy top. Jimmy sighed watching her stretch to grab a glass from the top of the cupboard. “I think I may be dying of dehydration,” Rhian muttered to herself, not getting any response from Jimmy he just watched her.
If anyone asked he would not lie, she was one of the prettiest girls he knew. She was the kindest and funniest girl he knew. She was also the most stupid and in love girl he knew, and it almost broke his heart to know this beautiful girl was giving her everything to someone who could never give it back.

“Jim are you even listening? Jim?”

“Huh what? Oh crap pancakes!” He gasped pulling the pan off the heat and turning the gas off. “Nearly charcoaled,” Rhian just smiled and moved behind Jimmy placing a large plate down. “Just one?”

“We can share,” Rhian laughed. “I promise you can’t catch anything from me, I should be more worried about you, dog!”

“Hey!” Jimmy laughed bumping his hip against hers. “I’m sure you’ve caught it all now you’ve been with-“ He stopped and shock his head. “Sorry I-“

“It’s okay,” Rhian forced a smile and rubbed Jimmy’s arm softly. “We are just friends,” Jimmy nodded, deciding leaving it at that was the best idea, no need to upset her, his aim was to just keep her smiling. “So pancakes,” Rhian suddenly spoke up passing Jimmy a fork, “I’d say this was sofa food!”
Jimmy nodded watching her wonder through to the living and plop down on the sofa waiting for the plate of pancakes. She had flicked the cd player on, and some very quiet soft guitar was playing through the speakers.

“You know I don’t think we do this enough,” Rhian spoke up when they’d got halfway through their plate of pancakes. Jimmy looked up a little puzzled, unable to speak with nearly a whole pancake in his mouth. “No!” Rhian laughed. “I mean its 3:30am, and there is nowhere else I’d rather be right now than sat here eating pancakes, with one of my funniest friends, who has cheered me up to no end!”

“You were sad?” Jimmy questioned, of course she was, but maybe now was the time to talk about it.

“Oh ya know,” Rhian paused trying to explain it. “Just a bit lonely, I mean Zack is upstairs with Sarah, Niki will be off with you know who, everyone just seems to be in love,” Jimmy sighed putting the plate of half eaten pancakes to the side and putting an arm over Rhian’s shoulder.

“You’ve got us,” He muttered. “No reason to feel lonely, I won’t let you, the girls sure as hell won’t let you, and I’m pretty sure that best friend of yours would have something to say about this!”

“Don’t tell him!”

“Oh I wasn’t going to,” Jimmy quickly replied. “I just meant if he did know,” Rhian nodded in agreement with a small smile.

“Well you know,” Rhian suddenly spoke up, Jimmy nodded wondering where she was going with this. “How about we make pancake night a weekly thing?”


“Okay maybe not weekly but at least something we can repeat,” She suggested, to a slightly reserved Jimmy. He knew spending more time with her, would meant he would just enjoy being around her more. Jimmy had to remember that nothing was good would come from this.

“Okay,” Jimmy nodded. “But next time you make pancakes for me!”

“Deal,” Rhian chuckled, a yawn escaping her lips.

“Time you went back to bed,” Jimmy told her getting up slowly and taking the plate out. Rhian felt her phone vibrate in her pocket and fished it out, noticng a new message from Matt. She bit her lip and shock her head realizing what it said. “I’ll get going,” Rhian turned quickly hearing Jimmy speak, not after that text was she being on her own.

“You’ll do no such thing,” She warned him. “Bed time now, you are not going home alone,”

“I’m a werewolf woman! No ones gonna attack me!” He laughed turning the kitchen light off as Rhian went towards the stairs.

“You’re a werewolf 3 days of the month maximum, no more, tonight is not one of those days and you will be staying here!” Rhian explained simply. “I won’t let you go home alone, plus you were quite comfortable to lean on!” She chuckled, taking the first few steps on the stairs and turning round to stare at Jimmy. “Please,” She smiled. “I mean you can have the whole bed if you want, and I’ll sleep on the floor, just-just stay tonight yeah?”

“Sure,” Jimmy smiled with a nod and finally following her upstairs. “You’re okay yeah?”

“Yeah,” Rhian nodded, Jimmy noticed her slip her phone back into her pocket. He guessed that was probably part of the reason she wanted him to stay. Jimmy wasn’t stupid, he may be crazy and out of his mind half the time, but he saw things so many people didn’t.

Rhian collapsed down on her bed first, and Jimmy watched her for a few seconds. She slipped under her covers and curled up, turning her head slightly to stare at Jimmy.

“Oh to hell with it,” He chuckled slipping his jeans and t-shirt off. “Your bed looks comfy,”

“Just keep your cold hands on your own side,” She laughed as Jimmy lay down on the other side of the bed. He didn’t move for a while until, he felt Rhian move backwards slightly and therefore closer to him. Jimmy gave in and put an arm over her, at least she’d be warm!
♠ ♠ ♠
2 years on and this guy stays in our hearts, and minds. We love you for being utterly entertaining and such a wonderful musician! foREVer xxx

And on a much happier note....HAPPY BIRTHDAY SARAH!!!!!!!!!! xxxx