I Would Do Anything for Love

Giving Him Up

“You did what?!” Taylor screeched as Rhian sat on the sofa hugging her cup of tea, Sarah sat one side of her as Niki was crashed out in the arm chair. Taylor pacing in front of the tv. “I can’t believe this, you’re going from one heartbreak to another!”


“NO! She has to stop this, Rhian you are going to end up in tears if you don’t just step back from the guys for a bit!”

“You’re making me sound like a whore,” Rhian mumbled as Taylor continued to pace, which was quite obviously starting to piss Niki off, as she tapped at her coffee cup trying to focus on the TV Taylor was walking in front of. “Matt is one thing, and Jimmy and I, well we’re friends!”

“You said that about Matt, ducky,” Sarah pointed out.

“Whose side are you on?” Rhian muttered, making Sarah glare at her.

“I’m on the save Rhian from ending up eating gallons of ice cream and crying over buffy episodes when it all goes wrong,” Sarah explained supportively. “I love you ducky, but I love the guys as well, I mean Jimmy does not deserve to be hurt-“


“I know! I know you wont or don’t intend too, but someone eventually is going to be a mess and I don’t want that to happen,” Sarah sighed and sipped her drink. “Taylor feels the same, right?” She looked over at Taylor who nodded and started pacing again.

“I think you need to just stay away from Matt, leave him and Lexie be! And well Jimmy-“

“Would you fucking stop that douche bag!” Niki suddenly screamed throwing half a cup of coffee up in the air. Everyone turned to look at her, as she jumped up seething with anger. “Do not fucking pace in front of the fucking tv!”

“What ya gonna do about it bitch?” Taylor snarled, as Rhian and Sarah both sighed and shock their heads. When Taylor and Niki clashed it never ended well, Rhian and Sarah weren’t sure if it was the werewolf inside of them coming out or if they both just had a very short patience or temper.

“So I guess what Taylor is trying to say,” Sarah started and paused trying to work out exactly how to put it. “Just be careful, none of us want to see you hurt ducky,” Rhian nodded and went to hug Sarah.

“I’m trying my hardest,”

“We know ducky, we know, guys just suck!”

“Yours doesn’t,” Rhian chuckled leaning back on the sofa and grabbing her cup of tea. “What is going on with you and the mut?”

“The mut!” Sarah laughed and shook her head. “I’ll have you know he’s house trained and very well behaved,”

“I should hope so,” Sarah nodded and sipped her cup of tea, a small smile breaking across her face as she thought about the boy, about Zack, about the one guy she may just be falling head over heels in love with! “You’re smiling,” Sarah just nodded again. “You like him, don’t you?” Rhian almost squealed in excitement.

“Well of course I like him,”

“Really, really, like him,” Rhian prompted, raising her eyebrows. Both Taylor and Niki’s ears has suddenly picked up and were starring at Sarah with interest. “As in, we’re going from sneaking out of the door each morning to seeing him sat proudly on the coach?”

“Only Matt sneaks out the door!” Taylor smirked, making the other two laugh.

“But he will sneak no more, as of today there shall be no more morning after the full moon antics!” Rhian even shocked herself with this sudden decision.

“I’m sorry are you serious?” Niki questioned, utterly shocked. Rhian nodded fiddling with her phone in her pocket, the message from last night going through her mind.

Sorry, it was Lexies turn tonight. Xx

“Totally,” Rhian smiled, the confidence in her words faltering but she knew this was what she had to do. “I’m not playing his game anymore!”

“You go girl!” Taylor cheered. “First sensible thing I’ve ever heard your ass say!”

“Well get ready for another one,” Rhian smirked. “I say tonight is cocktail and dresses night, who’s with me?”

“ME!” Sarah almost screamed shocking the other three. “Me, me, me!”

“Yes well Sarah, you two?” Rhian looked to Niki and Taylor who both nodded.

“Alcohol you say?” Niki smirked. “I feel I can get all dressed up for the love of my life,”

“I thought that was Ja-“
“I thought that was Ma-“
“I thought that was Ga-“

“It is none of them, alcohol is the only thing that is every true to me, we get together and we both know the deal the next day, there’s no confusion, no change of pattern. Me and alcohol, we are good,” Niki smirked. “Now if you’ll excuse me ladies, I have a gym session to go to, shall we say ready for 8pm tonight?”

“Sure thing,” Taylor nodded. “I might join you at the gym, you two in?” Rhian and Sarah both looked at Taylor and laughed. “Oh come on it’ll be fun,” Sarah scoffed.

“You idea of fun, and my idea of fun, are very different Miss Lawrence!”

“She’s right, and Rhian you’ll feel so much happier when you finish a session,” Rhian shrugged. “And my god there are so many fit guys there, doll you’ll forget that Matt guy in a second,” Rhian laughed and looked towards Sarah who groaned.

“Don’t turn on me now!” Sarah moaned. “Remember we can’t do sport of any kind!”

“We could sit on the machines and stare at hot guys,” Rhian suggested.

“Ooo I have my Kerrang magazine I’ve not read yet!” Sarah suddenly clapped. “I’ll grab my I pod, oo and some sweets-“

“I draw the line at you two eating sweets while working out!” Niki hissed. “Now go get ready!”

“Yes mam!” Sarah chuckled, skipping up the stairs.

“I didn’t imagine we’d ever get those two to the gym,” Niki muttered a satisfied smirk on her face.

“You realize it will end in disaster,” Taylor replied. “I mean Sarah is a danger to everyone around her, and Rhian will break any machine she touches!” Niki gazed at Taylor for a few seconds, her confident smile turning to a look of pure panic.

“They’re gonna get us kicked out of the gym! I like this gym! Fuck it has the hottest guys and the weights are right next to the running machines! Oh fucking hell!” A look of despair crossing her face. “Oh I loved that gym,” Taylor chuckled to herself.

“You’ve only got yourself to blame, lil miss oh lets help Rhian!”

It didn’t take too long for Rhian and Sarah to find something that resembled work-out clothing. As soon as they were out the house Niki had started explaining the roles of the gym and describing how each piece of machinery worked. Sarah and Rhian had probably zoned out after only a few minutes, and Sarah had gone about explaining how she would make work-out clothing more awesome.

As soon as they’d arrived at the gym, Niki and Taylor had charged into the changing rooms sorting themselves out; while Rhian and Sarah struggled with the lockers.
“Ya know I think that went well,” Sarah smirked as they finally managed to lock their bags away and bumbled into the main gym area. “I hear there’s a steam room and pool here,” She added flicking through a leaflet they’d found.

“Oh that sounds more up my street,” Rhian muttered gazing around the gym for the other two girls. “Relaxing in a pool, do you see Niki or Tay?”

“No,” Sarah muttered looking up quickly and dodging a machine she nearly walked into. “You know this is a really bad idea,” She finally sighed looking around. “Ooo that one looks fun,” She pointed to a cross trainer.

“Umm Sarah, really?”

“Really! I mean how hard can it be?!”

“Oh don’t ask that, just be safe alright!”

“I’m always safe,”

“No you’re not!” Rhian groaned watching Sarah try to climb onto the cross trainer and nearly get knocked out by one of the arms.

“Okay, okay, maybe not these things then,” She muttered stumbling off it and gazing round. “Maybe the running machine?”

“We don’t run,”

“Ah!” Sarah nodded in agreement continuing to spin round to look for another machine to attempt or fall off of.

“Oh holy shit!” That voice made both Sarah and Rhian groan instantly. “Holy shit ladies and gentleman it has got to be the end of the earth!”

“Fuck me!” JB laughed as both girls turned round and groaned. “Wow ladies I am surprised,” He stood next Brian who had the biggest smile on his face.

“Cool it Gates, that’ll poke someone’s eye out soon,” Niki smirked walking past and aiming a fist for Brian’s crotch.

“Hey! Chill!” He jumped back from her. “What the hell are these two idiots doing here anyway?”

“Rhian is getting over something, and Sarah is here for everyone else’s entertainment!”

“Hey!” Sarah snapped indignantly.

“It’s true,” Rhian muttered with a small smile crossing her face. However that smile quickly faded when she noticed two more guys walk into the gym. “So much for getting over,” She whispered feeling her heart skip a beat.

“Oh here we go,” Niki muttered. “Stay strong sug, stay away!” Rhian just nodded, feeling Niki pat her on the back, before disappearing to find Taylor and compete over something.

“So I guess you two will need personal trainers?” Rhian nodded and Brian just chuckled. “Come on kid, I’ll keep you out of the way,” She smiled but looked over her shoulder as he dragged away by Brian. Matt’s gaze fell on Rhian and their eyes met for a brief second, before Rhian felt herself go red and Matt felt something grow.

“You realize just sitting on the bike and starring at the guys doing weights won’t help!” Brian spoke up bringing Rhian out of her dream world. “I’m gonna start on the treadmill, you in?”
“I dunno,”

“It’s ruining your gaze at Shad’s?”

“Something like that,” Rhian sighed still sat on the bike.

“Come on,” Brian muttered grabbing her arm and pulling her off the bike. “Work out, proper work out, you’ll feel like shit all the way through it but ya know afterwards you’ll be on top of the world kid,” Rhian shrugged. “It’s nearly as good as sex,”

“Oh that’s why you’re here so often, not getting enough?”

“Just like you,” Brian smirked. “You want him so bad, now you can’t have him so get over it and work out,”

“I’m not the work out type,”

“Do it,” Brian replied simply dragging Rhian towards the treadmill. “No you aren’t Sarah so I reckon I can trust you on this,” Rhian just stared blankly at him. “Get on it then!” He groaned in disbelief. “It won’t bite!”

“Yeah but it might suck you up and kill you!” Sarah smirked appearing next to the two of them a packet of haribo in her hand.

“Where did you get them from?” Brian looked her in disbelief.

“Vending machines when hiding from JB,” She smirked.


“Crap,” JB appeared through the door looking highly unimpressed. “I have to hide,”

“Here dude!” Brian shouted waving at JB. “Look after her, she’s likely to cause someone an injury!”

“I know,” He muttered jogging over to Sarah and glaring at her. “20minutes on the cross trainer and you are done, stay at it!” Rhian smiled watching JB point towards the machine and Sarah’s face drop. To make matters so much worse, the haribo packet was snatched from her hands.

“Hey! I agreed to stand on the trainer crossy thingy but you cannot take my-“

“No food in the gym!” JB snapped still pointing to the cross trainer.

“Alright, alright,” She huffed storming off followed by JB.

“Brilliant,” Rhian muttered feeling the machine starting to move beneath her. “Oh shit,”

“Just run,” Brian muttered hopping onto the one next to her. Rhian groaned feeling the machine pick up speed as she forced her legs to start moving. Slowly over the next 10minutes of her legs pounding against the moving plastic, she felt herself drift in and out. She just kept running, her mind traveling elsewhere going through the past few months, then further back in time.

Matt alone on the weights table slowly lifting up and down, feeling the burn run through his arms each time. Though it was suppressed by the memories floating around in his head; everything was becoming mixed up.


“Shh it’s getting to the good bit!”

“Rhian please,”

“Matt?” She turned on the sofa and looked to her best friend. “What is it?” The look on his face was fading slightly into one of sadness and fear. “Oh god what?” Rhian gazed at him almost scared at what he was about to say.

“I-I,” He paused taking a deep breath. “Rhian you know you’re my best friend right,”

“Of course,” She chuckled, picking up the remote and pressing pause on the DVD. “Matt what’s wrong love?”

“I’m changing,”


“I mean things, are changing me, the guys, the pack,”

“The pack?” Rhian questioned looking confused. Matt ran his hands through his short cut hair and groaned.

“You’re never going to believe this, and it’s really hard to take in,” Rhian looked straight at Matt this time taking his hand in hers. She ran her finger tips across the palm before enclosing her whole hand around his.

“You’re scaring me,”

“I’m a werewolf,”

“HA!” Rhian bit her lip trying to stop the laughter. “Matt what the fuck?” She laughed flinging herself back into the sofa and shaking her head. “You’ve been smoking that shit with Jimym again haven’t you?”

“I’m serious, I’m part of a pack, it’s a thing since birth, it’s complicated but that’s me,” Matt kept explaining starting to babble as Rhian sat back and shock her head.

“Matt you are not a werewolf, you’re just a teenage boy with raging hormones and an unnecessary amount of body hair,” Matt exhaled gruffly, his eyes fixed upon Rhian.

“I’m telling you the fucking truth, why won’t you-“ He paused and looked at the smirk going across the girls face. “What?”

“Jimmy and Brian told me first,”


“Sorry mr big bad wolf, I knew, I was half way to working it out with Sarah,” Matt sat there staring at the red head who looked far to pleased with herself. “And guess what?”


“You’re still just a harmless teddy bear to me,” She leaned in and pressed a kiss against his cheek. “You’re no wolf in here, darling,” Her hand rested on his chest for a few seconds. Matt gazing down at the girl in front of him, she was incredible. He tells her the biggest most life changing secret to date and she laughs and touches him. She didn’t flinch when he run his hand across hers linking them together. She didn’t run away as he pulled her closer, and across his lap. She never flinched or hesitated to kiss back

Rhian bit her lip the memory of their first time floating through her head, the feelings and emotions she now felt for Matt making it even more important in her life. Her eyes fixed on Matt across the room, he saw her instantly and simply nodded.

“Be back in a minute Syn,” She muttered quickly jumping off the moving machine.


“Bathroom break!”

“Oh for the love of fuck,”

“Sorry,” She smiled quickly and darted out of the gym. Only few minutes later was she up against a wall, Matt in front of her their lips fiercely locked as their hips clashed against each others.

So much for giving him up.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry its taken a very long time.