I Would Do Anything for Love

Everyone Hates You.

“Babe are you sure you’re okay?” Zack questioned, running his hand up and down Sarah’s thigh slowly, not doing it quite as slyly as most would expect. “You don’t look healthy!”

“It’s an allergic reaction to physical effort,” Niki muttered from her place by the stove. “She was a fucking nightmare today,”

“I was not,” Sarah mumbled, half listening, half focusing on the movement of Zack’s hand.

“You were,” JB repeated picking up a packet of Doritos from the middle of the table. “You are never coming back,”

“I didn’t plan to,” Sarah hissed gazing down at her leg which was propped up on the table. “This better go down,”

“They said as soon as the swelling goes down you have to go back,” Taylor reminded her. “Rhian’s going with you next time,”

“What?” Rhian looked up from her place on one of the arm chairs.

“Well since you managed to conveniently not be around to go to the hospital this time-“

“I don’t like hospitals,” Rhian replied looking over to Sarah. “Sorry I wasn’t there,”

“No worries ducky,” Sarah smiled. “I had Taylor hitting on the doctors with me, and JB on the nurses, I mean what more could I ask for?” Her tone turning a little bitter, as Zack rubbing her hand softly; everyone watching as he then leant over and kissed her softly.

No one spoke for a few minutes as the grins broke over their faces. Sarah’s cheeks started to turn bright red as she realized everyone in that room was watching her and Zack; the unofficial couple.

Though everyone expected that kiss!

BING! The oven timer went off and Niki jumped excitedly.

“NACHO TIME!” She suddenly shouted breaking the awkward silence for Sarah and Zack. Taylor kept her gaze on Sarah, smiling at her in that knowing way she did that got on everyone’s nerves; or at least Sarah’s. So Sarah fixed her gaze on her currently twice its usual size ankle, and then on a small bowl of nachos that Niki made especially for her so she didn’t have to stretch to share with everyone else.

“She’s still watching me,” Sarah whispered to Zack as he took a handful of nachos and stuffed them in his mouth. “Zack,”

“hOoo?” He tried to talk with a mouthful of food. Sarah just shook her head and picked up one of the chips twirling the melted cheese round before it snapped.

“So you two?” Brian spoke up, as Rhian got up to go and get a top up for her wine giving up her chair to him. Sarah ignored him, while Zack took the easy option of stuffing more nachos into his mouth.

“Hey leave some for everyone else!” Niki protested as she walking out of the kitchen and perched on the arm of the sofa. “The chilli is almost done, I have both veggie and meat, plus taco shells and wraps, and a hell of a lot of dip,”

“Sounds brilliant,” Rhian spoke up. “You’ve out done yourself, and replaced cocktail night with a true feast,”

“Why thank you!” Niki chuckled, moving as the doorbell rang. “Love could you get me another beer, while I get that?”

“Sure thing,” Rhian turned back around and walked over to the fridge, followed by Matt. “Did you want another beer?” She questioned opening the fridge but turning to face him.

“If you’re offering,” He smirked leaning over and pressing a kiss against her forehead.

“Hey!” She laughed pushing him softly away. “That lot aren’t blind,” Rhian added with a whisper, nodding her head to the living room full of friends.

“Look about this afternoon,” Matt spoke up a smile on his face. “I don’t want it to be like this,”

“What?” Rhian muttered grabbing two beers and fishing out the bottle opener.

“Ya know, I mean quick fuck hiding away from everyone,”

“Oh you want it more public?” She chuckled, ignoring his comments. He was just asking for more sex, and right now Rhian was on such a high it didn’t matter. She had completely forgotten about last night’s text, she had forgotten about Lexie, forgotten that this guy didn’t really love her and they probably would never get together; because right now she felt loved and that’s all that mattered.

“No, I want more of you, not just sex,” He muttered kissing her against. “I want something else,” Rhian bit her lip and gazed up as she pushed the fridge door shut, the only thing blocking her and Matt from everyone else’s view. Matt smiled and nodded. “I’m thinking of discussing it, bringing it to council, Rhian I’m feeling different,” He’d never said this before. She leant up and pressed a soft kiss against his lips, as he pulled her a little closer his arms wrapped around her waist.


No one else spoke, only her voice could be heard. Rhian’s whole world stopped for that brief second; when it hit her that she was ruining someone else’s life. That she had totally destroyed someone else’s happiness.

Everyone knew what happened with Matt and Rhian, when he turned snarly once a month, but no one had ever seen them actually do anything, except a friendly hug.

JB grabbed Taylor’s arm, holding her back from hitting either of the two.

Sarah rested her hand on Jimmy’s leg, praying this wasn’t hurting too much.

But no one held onto Lexie.

Not that they needed to because Lexie, being Lexie, dealt with it in the most mature and adult way anyone would. She didn’t hit anyone, or call anyone certain names. Lexie looked from Matt to Rhian and shock her head. She didn’t cry or scream or make a scene. Lexie just stared at the two, as if waiting for one of them to do something.

Rhian was silent, she couldn’t do anything she was too scared of the outcome.

Matt on the other hand was silent because he knew of the outcome. Him and Lexie were mates for life, whatever happened they would be together for the rest of their lives. It didn’t matter what he said now, because he had a life time of groveling ahead of him to make this better. If she wanted she could make his life hell; but Matt knew she wasn’t that kind of person. She was better than him, she was probably a better person than anyone else in this room. She had a good heart and was understanding. Lexie was well mannered, mature, and always had her head in the right place.

Lexie right now was slowly thinking through the situation, realizing her boyfriend, her partner, her mate was cheating on her. She was wondering how long for and how they would deal with it; would the elders have a say.

Rhian on the other hand was close to having a panic attack. Taylor was going to kill her, Niki looked like she might just help, and Sarah looked so disappointed it almost broke Rhian in two. Then there was Matt who hadn’t said a word, he hadn’t run towards Lexie or blamed it all on Rhian. He just stood there silent, and that wasn’t helping matters at all.

“I’ll be at home,” Lexie finally broke the silence; she turned around and went to walk away.

“Lex?” Matt finally spoke up.

“Not here, not in public,” She added, her back towards everyone. Matt gazed on as she left without another word.

The horrific silence filled the room again, and no one dared speak. It was too horrible, it was too awkward. It wasn’t as if the junior member of the pack had kissed the wrong girl, and all the senior members could now rip him to shreds. No this was the alpha male of the pack fucking up, it was almost unheard of and no one knew what to say.

Gates was the first to stand up; he went to his best mate’s side and muttered something low no one else could hear. Matt just nodded looking round, avoiding Rhian, and then leaving the room.

“Guys, Nik, Taylor, tonight 7pm, the park,” Gates spoke up, before taping JB and Mattie on the shoulder. “Time to go, Zack stay here,” He added, walking towards Rhian and taking her hand. “Now,”

“What?” Rhian suddenly snapped looking at Brian.

“Now,” He nearly snarled, the whites of his eyes gleaming and making him look ever more ferocious. The girls had never been scared of the guys, they’d never had a reason to be, but now Rhian felt she had more than enough reasons. “Go get in the car,” He turned and looked at Zack. “Brief her, don’t scare her, she’s done nothing wrong,” He looked at Sarah and smiled. “Keep her safe,”

“She will be,” Zack muttered, Sarah could tell something had pissed him off.

“I’ll leave you with the girls for now, remember 7pm no later!” With those last words Brian stormed out of the house, shouting at Rhian who was dithering outside. “Get in the fucking car!” He snapped pulling the door open and nearly off its hinges. “I’m fucking doing you a favour!”

“Alright,” She whispered climbing in, followed by Jimmy and Mattie, who never said a word. JB climbed in the driver’s seat, with Brian in the passenger’s, no one uttered a word. Zack and Johnny had stayed behind to explain what was happening to the girls. Rhian was left none the wiser, with Brian in control.

All Brian knew was he had to keep Rhian out of harm’s way. Matt was pissed at himself, and at her, even if he did not realize that yet the wolf inside him would. Tonight they’d all transform at the full moon, and Rhian was at risk from one fully grown alpha male werewolf who was pissed. She did not stand a chance, and no did anyone around her.

“You’re all angry with me,” She whispered as the car started up.

“No,” Brian muttered shaking his head and looking round. “Trust me beautiful I know how hard it is,” He sighed and took her hand in his, squeezing tightly. “No one hates you, right now we just want to keep you safe,”
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry its taken sooooo long!
Enjoy xxx