Status: In-complete

Angelic Amnesia

I Awake

I wake up and see the shining light of the sun, seeping through the trees, and wonder, 'Who am I? How did I get here?'. I look around and see trees for endless miles and a strange fire next to me that, to my eyes, appeared a dark blue instead of a red flame. I sit up and see the remains of a fallen plane in a tree. It had crashed, I remember. I remember a flight to New York, but I can't remember why I was on the plane or who I am. I look down to see my ashy torn clothing and burnt red hair, then I remember the fire that sent the flying device down into the forest, leaving no surviors but myself, at least that's what I think. The smell of the forest is comforting and I name myself, Laila, "Earth" in my language. My language. I wonder what it might be.
My plan of escape is to run through the forest and hopefully find a road, along with some information on who I am. I take a deep breath of the forest air as I stand up and look at my surroundings. I see a cliff not far off from the destroyed plane. A cliff. I suddenly hear a voice saying to me, "You"ve fallen." I turn and see a boy with hair as black as night and eyes as blue as the Carrabien Sea. Strangely, I feel like I know him.
"Who are you?", I ask, hearing my raspy weak voice for the first time. The boy just smiles and says, " You'll find out soon." He then walks away into the wood, disappearing without a trace.
Strange boy. I suddenly felt a jolt toward the cliff. Escape, I think. Then, without any will over my feeble body, I begin to walk toward the cliff.
At the cliff, I can see a bright blue sky filled with fluffy soft clouds. I wonder what it would be like to fly amongst the clouds but I feel as id I've already known what it"s like. I look over the edge and see nothing but trees and without knowing it, I fall over the edge but do not scream or panic. Instead, I remain clam and fall until I feel a strange sharp pain in my back. At first, I think it's just my body telling me I'm going to die but then I feel as if something is sprouting from my back. I can almost see the ground when I stop falling, but instead I float. Fly. Then I realize I'm not floating bur flying, I now hear the deep sound of wings flapping and look behind me. I see two huge white wings with golden-black tips. Now, I move toward the ground slowly and land in a tall tree on a thick branch. When I look back at the wings, I see nothing. My new question is no longer, 'Who am I?' but 'What am I?'
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Thanks for reading this is my first story on Mibba!