Status: This was for my creative writing class!! Hope you liked it!! :D

Crime Scene

1. Lego pirate-Matthew’s favorite Lego.
2. Stopwatch-Time how long it took to murder the victim.
3. Silver marble-Lodged in the throat of the victim.
4. 2 black balloons-used to carry things. (One containing a stick of Big Red gum-belongs to one of the suspects, love note-Note from the victim’s fiancé, a book mark-belonged to Matthew, and a handle-the handle that was ripped off of the freezer.)
5. Bullet-Found lodged in the victim’s stomach.
6. Die-Die from suspect’s casino.

Alleged Crime:

Date & Time:
December 31st, 1999

Olympia, WA

Family fortune or love conflict.

Name: Katrina Martian
Age: 26
Sex: Female
Marital status: Single
Race: Caucasian
Address: 64 Mason Drive, Olympia, WA
Profession: Works at a casino
Educational background: High school dropout

Name: Matthew Sanders
Age: 28
Sex: Male
Marital status: Engaged
Race: Caucasian
Address: 42 Sunny Blv. Olympia, WA
Profession: Owns music store
Educational Background: High school graduate