‹ Prequel: Irresistible


Emma Wolfe has the perfect life; a great family, the best friends anyone could ask for, and a brain big enough for three people. But when it comes to love, she doesn't know a single thing about attracting the opposite sex. Besides her intelligence and her obvious humour, Emma doesn't feel that she has much going for her. When the new boy, Ben Griffith arrives, it's not just Emma's attention he has caught, but every other girl at school. But as they get closer and closer through the months leading to the end of their high school life, Emma realizes that maybe the one boy she has spent years looking for isn't the one she expected.

Recently widowed Julia Vanderlinde is not prepared to attend the funeral of her husband, William. But when an unexpected guest, Detective Jonathan Louis Hopkins, shows up and claims that her husband's death was no accident, they tumble into a love triangle only pitied by those around them. Not only is Jonathan a brownnosed, self-absorbed mess of a man, but he is also William's best friend. But what can a woman do when she falls for the exact wrong person, at an even worse time?

Rosalinda Grimaldi doesn’t know who she is, or what she wants. With an over-protective father and a mother focused on her marriage to Dante—a young, uprising duke of Venice—nothing seems to be going the way she had hoped. But when rebellious and scandalous Matteo Giordano falls into her crazy world—literally—the two star-crossed lovers are forced to defy the basic expectations of society and follow their hearts. But not even raging parents or fifteenth century classism can come between true love.

When one world ends, another begins. And between Emma, Julia and Rosalinda, just about anything can happen—even the things you have only seen in your wildest dreams.