Status: Editing last chapters...

From a Distance


College seemed lonely without Jake by my side but Luke filled up the space that my best friend couldn't. He joined in one of the university's fraternities. Although the university doesn't have a varsity football team, his classmates would go to the park to play and I'll go watch them.
I didn't pay attention to boys too much. For me, it was still Jake. Luke and I are doing good for now. We have a platonic relationship. We casually go on dates and hang out on Friday nights. But being with Jake was no comparison.

My second year in college flew by so fast that I even forgot what even happened. Luckily, our so-called "platonic relationship" got a third wheel or fourth wheel... I guess. We met Jason and Mike. I was one of the boys but it was alright. My head is filled with thoughts about Jake. I wanted to talk to him. I tried calling him but all I get is the answering machine and I also called his brothers back home but he hasn't called them either.

"Has he called you yet?" Luke asked.
I didn't answer because he already knows when I evade a question about Jake.
"Can I ask a stupid question?" Jason raised his hand while playing his PSP. I laughed, "Better than anyone I know."
"If you're so in-love with this guy then why are you here?" he asked.

Yeah, his so-called stupid question made some sense. Why am I here?
"W-Well... I-...I don't know." I couldn't find the right words to answer him. I sat there quietly while Luke held my hand and the other two stared at my expressionless face.

(Jake's P.O.V)
College is boring without Alex. I keep on dreaming about her. She's been on my mind since I don't know when. My morning were a lot quieter ever since I got here. I wanted to call her but I didn't have the courage to pick up the phone and dial a number.

I tried distracting myself with basketball and it worked. I've made a few friends and I met one of my teammates from high school, Chester. He was in a fraternity now. As distracted as I am now, my head keeps on wandering about.

"Have you called her yet?" Chester asked me.
I shook my head and stared at the people pass by, "I don't need to check up on her, Chester. Luke is with her, remember? Besides, I'm sure she's having a great time with Luke." I said with a forced laugh in the end. It seemed like a joke but it hurts.
"I don't know what's going on inside your head but you gotta call her. Luke called me the other day and asked why weren't answering her calls. She wants to talk to you badly." he said.
I know that she wants to talk but what will tell her? It doesn't seem like she needs me in her life. She seemed happy when she left messages on my answering machine.
"Fine, but just because you and Luke are going to kill me if I don't." I told him. I took out my phone and dialed her number. After three rings, she finally picked up.

"Hey, what's up?" I said.
"Oh my gosh! Jake, is that you?" The moment I heard her voice, I felt my world lit up. If I could see her right now, I'd melt in front of her.
"Yeah, it's me. How're you?" I asked.
"I'm doing great but I still miss you though. How about you? Anything new?"

I wanted to tell her what's been going on with my life without her in it but I couldn't bear to hear her voice.
"I'm doing good. Listen, I'm sorry I couldn't answer your calls. I've been busy with training and school and other things." I lied. I wasn't busy at all. My schedule isn't really hectic. Me and lies. I sighed.
"It's all right, Jake. I understand. I'm glad you called me." she said. Her voice was getting weaker like she wanted to cry.

"Uh... hey, Alex! I need to go. I-I'll call you as soon as I can. Bye." I hung up before I could even hear her say goodbye.
I lowered my head and breathed out heavily. "I didn't eve let her say goodbye." I told Chester.

(Alex's P.O.V)

Hearing his voice again after such a long time made me want to see him more. We didn't talk too much over the phone. I couldn't even say goodbye because he hung up before I could even say it.
After that phone call, Luke gave me a very warm hug and told me that everything s going to be alright. I thought to myself that even though it was such a short conversation, at least we had the chance to talk. It felt good to hear his voice again.

I glanced at my desk. It had three picture frames; one is a picture of me and my family, second is with Luke, Jason and Mike and third is with Jake. I sighed as I looked at myself in the mirror. Who would like a girl who wears thick glasses and sweats?
I took off my glasses and took out my contact lenses. I changed everything about me. I wanted to change and today was the start.