Gerard Way Is My Dad?

Chapter 1

"Mom, why can't I talk about my dad?" I said pulling on a pair of skinny jeans.

"Because he wasn't a good man, sweetie." She always put things so simple when it came to him. No details. Just 'he wasn't a good man'. It wasn't fair, you would think I would get to at least know who he was.

Who am I? Well, I am Wedding Helena Cash. Don't ever call me Wedding though because it is the suckiest name in the universe. I love the name Helena. Not only because of the My Chemical Romance song but because my dad picked it out. I try not to express my feelings of love and need for a father because, I don't like to express any feelings. So, I have a boyfriend. Brik Adam Brazell is his name. He is 16 and was going to drive me to a My Chem concert that night. I loved Brik with all my heart. He was my soft spot, along with my dad.

"I know, mom. You always tell me that. I just want to know who he is."I replied, throwing on a MCR tee-shirt and applying eyeliner.

"I don't want to talk about this, Wedding. Where are you going, anyway?" I hate it when my mom calls me Wedding. She pretty much only says it when she's pissed.

"My Chemical Romance show. Remember?" I sighed and slipped on my old converse.

"Is that the one with Gerard Way in it?" For some weird reason my mother never liked Gerard. But, what's not to like about him?

"Yes, mom. Don't freak though. I will never get to meet him. Besides, even if I did, what's so bad about him?" I sighed and put on more eyeliner.

"I just don't like him, that's all." She said, quietly. I heard Brik's car beep outside, signaling that it was time.


"Bye." She muttered. And I swear I heard her mumbled as I closed the door, "You look just like your father."
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Comments? Suscriptions? This one should be good. Sorry it was kinda short.