Gerard Way Is My Dad?

Chapter 103

Frank's POV

"Frank just drop me off right here." Helena told me, pointing towards a curb by the place I figured they were going to eat. I wasn't so sure about this even if Nissa did have the right intentions. Helena still had slight feelings for Bob, I could tell. I would live that alone, though. Hopefully, the whole thing would blow over soon. It was one of those things I had to force myself not to think about. I watched Helena's small frame get out of the car after kissing my cheek. She walked into the restaurant and I saw her silhouette walk past the front with a shadow next to her. I assumed it was Nissa. I could only see the outlines of their feminine bodies for a moment because they soon were sat down at a table. I pulled off to head to Mikey's house. I knocked on his door to pick up Ryanne. Lately Gerard and Mikey had been splitting costs for Ryanne. I couldn't let Helena find that out, though. She would realize what I failure I am and then leave me for Bob. Or at least that's what I thought. I guess we both had our own little secrets.

"Oh, Frank. Come in." Gerard said, opening the door. I wondered if he was ever going to move out of Mikey's place now. I walked in and sat on the couch next to Mikey who was holding my sleeping baby. Mikey and I whispered various hellos to each other. "Is Helena with Nissa?" Gerard mouthed to me, not wanting to wake Ryanne. I nodded, nervously. I still had that weird feeling about it.

"Daaaa!!!" Ryanne cried, reaching out to me. She must of woken up when I wasn't watching. I chucked and lifted her out of Mikey's arm. I received a baby kiss from her. I squeezed my little princess close to me, playing with her thin hair tenderly.

"Hi Ryanne." I said, greeting her back. "I love you."

"Ovvv daaaaa." She cried out, attempting to hug me. She made my worries disappear quickly. My heart fluttered watching this adorable tiny person light up the room with her slight giggles.

A few hour later, I got a call knowing it would be Helena. "Hey."

"Hi. Can you come pick me up?" Her sweet voice also made my heart sing. Even after the two years I had known her, she was still as fresh and radiant to me.

"Sure, baby. How'd it go?" I wasn't sure if I should of asked that, really. Especially after the huge pause following her answer. "Hel?"

"I'll tell you later." That couldn't be good. "Bye."

"Okay, Bye baby." I hung up, wondering what could of happened. My mind raced with so many bad things. "I'll be back guys. I have to go pick up Helena." Gerard took Ryanne and I rushed out of the door. Once I got to the restaurant and Helena got in, I almost jumped on her with questions. "Are you okay? What did you eat? What did she say? What happened?"

"Dude, Nissa is like my new best friend, silly!" She kissed my nose and turned the radio up a few decibals and then sang along, louder.

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