Gerard Way Is My Dad?

Chapter 106

Frank's POV

I took Ryanne from her crib and rocked her gently on the bed for a while. Everyone was in the living room watching a movie. Ryanne and I sat in there, keeping each other company. I felt like I had done something wrong when I hadn't. Maybe, it was something I was supposed to do but didn't. Whatever it was, I felt sick and lonely. I craddled a sleepy Ryanne in my arms kissing her nose tenderly. I descided to get up and go to the kitchen for something to drink. As I was walking down the hall way still holding my little princess, I bumped into someone hard.

"Oh shit!" I screeched before dropping my small child to the floor. "Ryanne!!!" I yelled but before I could do anything, my crying baby was picked up by Bob. "Ryanne!" I repeated, taking her from Bob. I burst out in tears too.

"What's going on?" I heard Helena ask, rushing down the hallway. "Ryanne!!" She squealed and took her from me. "What happened?" No one answered her. "Bob, tell me what the fuck happened to my kid!"

"I -We bumped into each other in the hallway," he stammered. "Then, F-Frank dropped Ryanne and they both started crying and..and..." I was still crying, making embarassing snorts and sniffles randomly.

"Frank, it's okay. Ryanne isn't crying anymore. Don't worry." Helena stated, trying to soothe me.

"I dropped my fucking kid!" I wailed, feeling horrible. Mikey walked down the hallway, gave us a look, and walked into the bathroom muttering about how many weird people he lived with. When he came out he gave me Bob a questioning look.

"What the hell?"

"Well..We I bumped into Frank and he -"

"Nevermind." Mikey muttered, shaking his head. "You guys are unbelievable."

"Only 'cause we love you!" Helena called after him.

"Do you think Ryanne's okay?" I managed to say in between the hiccups I had recieved from my crying fit.

"She's fine." Helena said, playing with Ryanne's hair, who was looking at me strangely.

"I'm sorry, baby." I said to her. "Daddy didn't mean to drop you!"

"Daaaddddyyyy." I heard her say.

"You said..daddy?" I asked, not believing it. I almost started choking on my own spit.


"Holy Fuck. Ryanne can say daddy!!!"
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