Gerard Way Is My Dad?

Chapter 11

"Natasha, it's okay...She's fine. You aren't going to get her. I'm her!...Fine then, Bye!" I heard Gerard saying, firmly. on the phnoe, the next morning. I sighed and tried to wake myself up. When I go tup, I looked at MIkey who was still lying in the bunk next to Gerard's. The one I slept in.When I walked out, Gerard gave me a groggy, weak smile.

"That was my mom on the phone?" I asked as I leaned down to set myself on the couch. Gerard nodded.

"Does she want to come get me?" I had a feeling she did.

"Yeah, but she doesn't know where we are. Dont' worry. YOu can stay with me if you like."

"What did she say?"

"She was just going on about how she saw us on TV last night an-"


"Yeah, it was recorded last night. Now, the world knows you as my daughter, Helena Way." The night before was still in my memory. After the concert, Frank grabbed me and gave me a small kiss on the cheek. Everyoen said they were proud of me. Of course my mom wouldn't be, though. I had practically announced that I was changing my name on televison.

I'm not sure who I am anymore. Oh Yes, I'm Gerard's Way's daughter would is wearing Frank Iero's teeshirt, that he draped upon my small frame the night before, when he realized that I was cold. But, other than that. I have no idea anymore.

"Helena, are you okay? You look a little...sick." Gerard asked and sat closer to me.

"I'm fine. But..where's Frank?" I probably needed to give him his shirt back. Besides, I liked talking to him.

"Sleeping. Speaking of Frank, are you wearing his shirt?" I noticed him give me a look-over.

"Yeah, I need to give it back."

"Oh. You can wake him up. It's 10:30, he needs to get up, anyway."

Me, wake up Frank Iero?

"Really, Helena, he wont' mind." I toko a deep breath, nodded, and got up. As I headed towards his room, looking out my feet, I bumped into someone (hard) and squealed. I jumped, pushing myself against the wall. Then, I heard Frank's soft voice, whisper, drousy, "sorry."

" scared me. I was just coming you up." He smiled and wrapped his arm around me.

"I didn't mean to scare you, Helena. Let's go sit on the ocuch, okay?" We walked off to the living room and Gerard said good morning.

"Hi, Gerard" Frank said, as we sat close to each other. There was a short silence.

"Frank, what do you want me to do with your shirt? I'll change out of it and wash it for you." I said.

"Ahh, Helena. Don't worry about ti .You can wear it as long as you like and I don't care about washing it. Relax a little."

He was telling me to relax? Like that would ever happen.

"Um..thanks Frank." I said, staring to smile. I looked at my lap and started to play with the ends of the shirt.

"So, do you want to go to McDonald's today? We are going to have another concert here tonight." Frank asked me.

"Okay, that sounds nice."

I couldn't help but wondering...A DATE?
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Sorry, I have a huge project for school due tomorrow and I've barely started it. This was kinda rushed. Comments? Susciptions?