Gerard Way Is My Dad?

Chapter 115

Helena's POV

"What's that book that Frank is always reading? I've never seen him read before, I do believe." Gerard asked me, as he was starting to 'cook' something for us to 'eat'. I didn't have a good feeling about it but tried to support him. Wow, I'm making it sound like he was pregnant....Anyway, he chopped up some vegetables and waited for me to answer. "Helena?"

" don't know." I answered, half-heartedly.

"I think you do." He commented, giving me a look. "You know you can tell me anything. What could be in that book that's so bad anyway?"

"I, uh, don't know. I will, uh, go ask Frank." I ran off to the backroom and sat next to Frank who was settled on the bed, reading one of my entries. "Hi." He looked up from Dear.

"Hey." Frank mumbled, slamming the book shut. "What's up?"

"Nothing. I just ran away from my dad because he was questioning me about the book you are always reading." I told him, raising my eyebrow slightly.

"Oh." Frank grinned and then gave me a tender hug. I hugged back, wondering what it was for.

"What was that for?" I asked, quietly.

"Just because I love you even though you made out with your dad's picture." Oh no he didn't!

"Shut up, Frank!" I said, playfully pushing him. "I didn't know!"

"It's okay, only because you made out with my poster too. Twice!" Frank laughed, kissing me. I pulled him closer and kissed back. Then, I heard the thumping sound of someone coming down the hallway.

"Daddy!" Ryanne cried, crawling into the room. Frank pulled back and looked at the floor where Ryanne was.

"Hi, baby." He said, picking her up. She yawned babishly. "Is it your bedtime, darlin'?" Frank looked at the clock and nodded to no one in paticular. "Tell your mommy goodnight."

"Night, baby. I love you!" I told her and kissed her nose. Ryanne laughed, and gave me a baby hug.

"Mommyyyy." She said, staring up at me. Frank gasped and I took Ryanne from him.

"Hi!" I jumped up, joyfully. "Hi, Ryry."

"Mommyyy." Ryanne repeated. "Ovvv Mommyyy!" Frank and I stared in shock at her, our mouths gaping open.

"Mommy loves you too."
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Saint Patrick's Day sucks..I'm sorry. I just had to tell you that. It's really pissing me off. Probably because everyone keeps pinching me because I'm not wearing green. So, I lie and say my underwear is green. Then some pervs are like "LET ME SEE!" and then I hit them. See why I'm annoyed?

Sorry if this was shitty. But at least she can say mommy now. It was kinda rushed though because my family is here and I absolutely hate my sister's boyfriend...whatever, you damn rapist.