Gerard Way Is My Dad?

Chapter 126

"Oh My God." Nissa broke the harmful silence that followed the outburst. I was still holding onto Helena who was now shaking like a leaf. "Where...where is going?"

"I..don't know." Bob said, after another minute.

"I'm going after him." Helena said, getting up. She received some crazy looks and I pulled her back down.

"No you aren't. He'll k-kill you." I stammered, shaking my head. Helena shrugged a little.

"He's my dad and I'm going to save him." She demanded, trying to wiggle out of my arms.

"Helena, this is serious. You can't." I told her. Before she could stubbornly respond, Mikey walked in looking horrible. "Hello."

"Gerard's gone."

"We know." Ray answered.

"Where'd he go?" Helena asked, pleadingly.

"I don't know." Mikey looked emotionless; his expression had no feelings what so ever but it's what made him look so terrible. It even scared me.

"Mikey....I wanna go get him." Helena told her uncle. He just shook his head.

Helena's POV

It felt like everything was my fault. I wanted to fix things but no one would let me. I tried to slip out of Frank's grip several times but I failed each try. It wasn't until Frank, Bob, and Mikey got into a discussion that I could leave. I moved over, off of Frank's lap, casually and then got up slowly and ran down the hallway. I slipped on my shoes and rushed out of the tour bus. My feet thumped down the dark sidewalk and I looked at the setting around me. I didn't know where I was. It was cold, I knew that much. I should of looked at the tour schedule to at least know what state I was in. I tried to find a place that looked like some drunk rock star would go. I didn't see anything. The streets were practically bare and the wind howled in my ears. There was an eerie stillness and quiet other than that. I turned to my left and saw an entrance to what seemed like a peaceful park. I walked towards it, slowly and nervously. I swore I could hear someone screaming my name from the bus. I shrugged it off and made my way into the park.

It was very green at the park. There was even a small pond on one side. I saw a few benches and a sign that pointed to a walking trail. I started to walk towards it when I certain noise caught my attention. It was the moans and lurches of vomiting. I felt a sharp pain and walked where I heard the noises. I kept creeping closer. "Dad?" I asked, sort of quietly. I saw him then. Gerard was in the grass, puking his guts out. My heart practically stopped. "Dad.." Gerard couldn't turn around because he wasn't finished. I smelled a sickening stench of alcohol and throw up mixed together. I wanted to go get someone or something but I felt as if I had to do this on my own. "Dad, I'm sorry for whatever I did or anyone else did. Just..please...stop. I love you." He finished and turned around to look at me. His eyes were flooded with anger. I had tears in my eyes again.

"What do you want?" Gerard's voice sounded unfamiliarly scary and harsh. It was raspy and tainted.

"I want you to stop drinking." I stammered, looking at the ground. The pungent smell was definitely getting to me. "Dad, I love you and this is hurting me..."

"Is that all you care about? You?"

"Wh-What? No..I..." I tried to explain what i meant. My face felt hot, despite the temperatures.

"Just leave! Go away. I don't want you here." Gerard yelled, turning back around. His words strangled me. They stood in the air for at least five minutes. "Are you gonna leave?"

"No..I want to be here with you because your my dad and...I love you and want you to get better."

"Leave me the fuck alone!" Gerard screamed and threw a punch at me. I stepped back, stunned. My heart raced and tears were flowing down my cheeks. I stared at him in shock. "Fuck off, bitch." I stumbled backwards even more as he swung at me again. My mind wasn't working right at the moment, apparently, because I just stood there.

"Dad, stop." I whispered, weakly. But he didn't stop. He hit me hard and I toppled to the ground, sinking into the dark, green grass. It was damp and chilly.

And Gerard just left me there.
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I loved this chapter even thought it was sad. It took me sooooooooooooooooo LONG! like at least 4 hours.