Gerard Way Is My Dad?

Chapter 129

Helena's POV

As we were walking away from the park, shivering like mad by the way, I realized something. The show was in three hours. I turned to look at Frank who was still holding onto my arm. Bob was walking beside us and Mikey was going a bit slowly, as if he wasn't sure if he should leave Gerard. I knew, in my heart, that we shouldn't but he deserved it. So, I let my anger get the best of me. "Frank, your show is in three hours."

"Wh- Oh shit." Frank stopped dead in his tracks. His face looked stricken and the cold wind blew parts of his hair into his eyes. Bob stopped too and Mikey caught up, finally paying attention to us.

"What?" He asked, looking at our annoyed faces.

"The show...three hours."

"Oh Fuck." Mikey grumbled. "I don't think we should leave him there." He turned around but I grabbed his arm and pulled him back. "ow." He rubbed his arm for effect.

"Even if we get him to come back with us, he can't perform you dumb ass." I reminded Mikey. "With the way he's acting he'll beat the shit out of anyone who talks to him."

"True." Bob said, nodding a bit. "Well, we can't cancel."

"I have an idea." Frank stated, glancing at me.

"What?" I asked, thinking for a moment. "No way, Frank. No fucking way am I going to sing for Gerard!"

"You're the next best thing and you know all the songs, right? Besides, you're his daughter."

"I'd rather not be right now." I mumbled, looking down.

"But he is." Frank told me. "Please, Helena? I know I told you, you could come to this show and have fun but what's more fun then being in it?"

"What if I mess up?" I asked, suddenly timid.

"It's okay. Everyone messes up, but it doesn't really matter because no one can tell." Frank reassured me.

"Please, Helena?" Bob said with pleading eyes.

"I'm not sure if this will work." Mikey stated, quietly.

"Look, if anyone wants to know where Gerard is we'll just say he's backstage throwing up. He'll probably be puking somewhere anyway."

"But what if some random fan comes to the park and finds a drunken Gerard stranded out here?" Mikey glanced behind himself to look for Gerard.

"Then we'll go get him. But, Helena still needs to do the show for us. Will you, Helly?"

"I guess so." My heart raced, unsure if my voice was good enough. "But, I don't sing as good as him. I have an entirely different voice."

"No you don't. You sound like him but womanly. Which is a good thing. Now, let's just go get Gerard to come with us and we can get ready." Frank deemed, ready to go back to get my father again.

"Mikey and Bob, go get him. I have to go get ready or something." I voiced, shooing them off with my hands.

"Okay." Bob and Mikey said in unison. They started to go back and I dragged Frank off to the bus with me.

"Thank you, Helena." Frank mentioned, as we were walking. I nodded and hurried up my pace. I opened the door, quickly, and was greeted by Nissa.

"Is everything okay?" She asked, looking at my face. "Oh God. He hit you?" I rubbed my face, remembering that I probably had a painful blister from his punch.

"Yeah, but that's not the point.. I have to get ready for the concert." I rushed back to my room and took out all of the My Chemical Romance CDs I had, putting each one in my CD player. I turned them up, extra loud, and sang along trying to picture myself being without Gerard's backup.

"Calm down, Helena." Frank voiced. I shook my head and kept belting out the lyrics.

"What's going on?" Ray pondered, entering the room. "Is she gonna sing for Gerard?"

"Yeah." Frank answered, quickly. "She won't fucking calm down." I stopped the melody.

"Dude, do you want me to the mess up the whole concert?"

"You won't! Don't worry so much."

"How's Gerard?" Ray asked in between our mini-argument.

"He's a shithead." I mumbled, gruffly.

"Oh..sorry. Um...well..I'm gonna go eat some cereal." Ray walked off.

"Helena, I think you should wear your black mini skirt with your red tank and black and red suspenders. Maybe with your knee-high boots." Frank changed the subject.

"Okay then." I stated, pulling things out of my closet. I got out what he told me to wear and set out my makeup when I heard the front door to the bus open.

"We're back!" Bob called from the front. I heard pounding steps that I could only assume was Gerard. My heart raced and I looked at Frank.

"Oh shit." He muttered. I heard a door slam and a clank of glass, from Gerard's room. Mikey and Bob walked into our room.

"Well, he's pissed." Bob stated.

"At least he's home." Mikey pointed out.

"Where all his fucking alcohol is!" I screeched, running out the door to his room.

"Oh God." I heard Frank say, coming after me. I banged on Gerard's door with all my might.

"Leave me the fuck alone!" Gerard, the man who claimed to be my father, yelled. I didn't start bawling or whatever this time. I decided I would be strong and pry the door open if I had to.

"Gerard," I wasn't going to call him dad until he started acting like one. "You are going to open this fucking door or I'll get it open myself."

"You wouldn't! You can't do anything! You are just a tiny teenage bitch!" That hurt. It stung my heart and my throat burned but I ignored the pain. I just let everything out. I turned the knob on the door and found it, obviously, locked. I touched the panel of the door with the tips of my fingers, running them down the sides. I tried to pull the door open but it was no use. I ran off to get a bobby pin from my room but Frank grabbed my arm.

"Don't mess with him Helena. Keep his door shut. Let him stop when he wants to."

"He'll never stop then, Frank. We have to stop him. Do you even realize that it could be everyone else's fault that he's like this? You never try to stop him so he won't stop. Maybe he thinks that no one cares about him when you just ignore it. This time we are going to try."