Gerard Way Is My Dad?

Chapter 13

I was starting to get comfortable, letting Frank touch me like this. I began to get relaxed, like he told me too. Everything was dandy. Until...

"Hey Hel- FRANK!"

My Dad. Gerard.

Okay, it's not like we were having sex or anything. We weren't even kissing. But, Frank did have his arm wrapped around my waist and continued to brush my hair, getting closer.

I knew I shouldn't of let myself do it, though.

Frank suddenly let go and swung around, facing Gerard.

"W-What were you d-doing?" I stared at my feet, biting my lip.

"Nothing." Frank said, turning red.

"It didn't look like n-nothing." Gerard said and I took a huge breath. "Besides, Mikey just told me that you were..k-kissing."

Whoaaa...He knew?

"It was an accident." I said, turning around a little. I stepped a little bit away from Frank.

"How so?"

"We b-bumped into each other, dad. Don't worry. It's not like we m-made out or anything." I started to wonder why I implied that when Gerard gave me the look I got.

"What was up with that though?" He said, moving a little finger at me and Frank. I raised my eyebrows and Frank said, "what?"

"Y-You..looked like you were having sex with your clothes on!" Gerard muttered. I tried to hold in my gasps.

"Nuh-uh." I said.

Did we?

"Well..then what were you doing?"

"He was brushing my hair!"


"I don't know!"

"Frank, why?"

"God, Gerard. I don't know. You aren't my dad. Leave me alone. I'm an adult!" Frank snapped before walking out of the room.

"He's right, dad." I said, quietly.

"What, Helena?"

"Nothing." I said and I slipped into Gerard's small bunk. I watched Gerard leave and I took off Frank's shirt. I laid under the covers. I clutched Frank's shirt in my hands, tight as I slept.

The scary thing was, it was gone when I woke up. Actually, there was more than just the shirt gone. Everyone was gone. But, Frank. Frank was sitting next to the bunk, watching me sleep.