Gerard Way Is My Dad?

Chapter 143

The Next Day

“Frankie, get up.” Someone whispered to me the next morning. I groaned and pushed them off of me. “Frank.” Oh, it was Helena, of course. I shook my head and buried my face under the covers even more. “Get up.” Helena repeated, shoving my arm. “Frank, we have to leave for the airport in less than two hours!” That got me up. Today our honeymoon would start. It would be the best week on my life. Helena giggled at me as I popped up.

“Good morning, beautiful.” I whispered, pulling my new wife into a romantic kiss. She laughed and we both got out of bed. “Do you have everything packed?”

“Yep. “ Helena gestured towards a suitcase and a few bags by the door. “Everything’s there. Including your stuff, too. I moved it.”

“Helena!” I cried, pulling her close to me. “You can’t do stuff like that. I’m the husband…I do the work.”

“That’s such a stereotype, Frank.” She commented, poking my side.

“Just like poking people’s sides hurt? Because it doesn’t hurt me.”

“Something like that.” Helena chuckled and pulled me into a small, playful kiss. Suddenly, Gerard, Mikey, Bob, Nissa, and Ray walked in and shielded their eyes.

“Well…hello.” I stated after pulling back. “Doesn’t anyone knock nowadays?”

“Nope.” Mikey answered, smirking. “It’s okay, now that you’re married though. We were just all saying goodbye.”

“And we hope you have fun.” Nissa added and winked Helena.

“That too.” Mikey said.

“Goodbye and Thank you.” I voiced, grinning at them.

“Not so fast!” Gerard started, smiling at us. “When you guys get back I expect more grandchildren in the picture.”

“Anything for you, daddy.” Helena giggled. Since when does Gerard ask us to have sex? That was a first. I wrapped my arms around my new wife’s waist.

‘Well, I know you guys have to get ready to leave so…bye.” Mikey leaned over to hug us both. We all said good-byes and Helena and I were soon alone. We both got dressed in a beautiful silence. Everything was beautiful that day.

“Well…rather to go, dear?” I asked, entwining our hands. My wonderful bride nodded and we were off. We arrived in the airport twenty-five minutes before the plane was scheduled to leave. There was a horrible rush of paparazzi stalking us as we walked in but I decided to ignore it and let them take all the pictures they wanted. I must have been in a really, really good mood. Actually, I knew I was. I was going to Hawaii with my new bride who was the absolute girl of my dreams and I would get her pregnant again, right? Everything was perfect.

There was a beeping noise and then a voice overhead announced our flight. I lead Helena onto it and we took our - first class, might I add? – seats. She smiled at me, appreciatively. “So, are you hungry? Do you want to listen to music? Or anything?”

“Music would be nice. And…Coke Zero.” Helena smirked. I got both for her and received a lovely kiss on the cheek, in return. Hours later, she was asleep on my arm. I snuggled up to her and was soon asleep too. We both slept pretty much the whole time. It was tiring, being married. I didn’t awake until Helena pushed my arm slightly. “Frank, we’re almost there.” I blinked my eyes open and saw her striking blue eyes peering over at me from seat 21.

Damn, those chairs were comfortable.

The flight ended soon. It was not bad at all. Almost relaxing, really.

I peered down below into the crystal blue oceans and the white, sandy beaches. It was beautiful and we hadn’t even landed the plane yet. I saw the gigantic hotel that I made reservations for us at and a couple more it’s size or a bit smaller. I pointed it out to Helena and I saw the already huge grin that was planted on her face, widen. We landed at the airport and got all of our luggage and left in our rental limousine. Yes, I rented a limo for the week. Tell me if I spoil my wife too much, please. We arrived at the hotel and were greeted by friendly workers. Once we got to the room…that was the fun part. We didn’t have sex first thing though. Helena said she wanted to check out the heated pool downstairs, so of course, being the wonderful husband I am, I decided we could go.

“Nice trunks.” Helena commented as I pulled on my custom made My Chemical Romance swimming trunks.

“It was your dad’s idea.” I mumbled and she laughed at me. “What? That’s not funny….” I looked up at her and saw her absolute…beauty. “You…look amazing.” Helena blushed and turned around in a circle. Her swimsuit was red and black with dots and tiny skulls inside the dots. I must admit the first thought in my mind was Damn. She’s sexy.

“Thank you.” She said and dragged me to the elevator. We were soon jumping in the pool, removing any peacefulness. Helena was laughing her head off and the fact that you could see through the My Chemical Romance swimming trunks. I didn’t find that funny at all.

“Help me!” I squealed, trying to cover myself. Helena shook her head, as she enjoyed herself. “Helena!” I squeaked. “Please?” She nodded and we rushed back up to the room, covering me with a towel. “I feel like a dumbass.”

“You aren’t, Frankie. Don’t worry.” Helena kissed me softly. In between the rough kisses, I managed to mumble…

“Remind me to tell Gerard not to wear those trunks.”
♠ ♠ ♠
By the way, that whole swimming trunks happened to my cousin, Corey, at the best last year. =]
