Gerard Way Is My Dad?

Chapter 16

"So," Brik said, looking at me and Frank accusingly, "Are ya'll like dating or something?"

Oh Shit.

"No!" Frank and I chorused, way too fast.

"Oh..." Brik said.

"Well, what are you doing up here?" I asked Brik. He was looking at me a little weirdly.

"Oh, tonight I'm going to see you guys in concert. I watched everything on TV last night. Pretty awesome, Helena." Brik commented.

Great, he's coming. That's just wonderful.

"Thanks." I said, quietly.

"Helena....I want to tell you something. I was going to tell it to you tonight if I saw you at the concert but, I want to tell you now. Okay, I still love you. I want to be back with you, again. I know I just broke up with you but I need you, Helena."

But....what about...Frank?

I felt myself start to shake again and I glanced at Frank. He had an insecure look on my face and I couldn't speak. My mouth grew dry and my throat was stratchy. I couldn't do this to Frank or Brik. If I went with Brik again, I would just be leading him on until I turned 18 for Frank, right? Then if I went with Brik, Frank would probably be sad because he had feelings for me. It would be a huge love triangle. I just couldn't not have a boyfriend for three years though. I know that sounds slutty but it's the truth. I had been dating Brik for three years, since I was twelve so obviously I was not used to being single.

"Helena?" Brik asked, looking at me.

"Umerm..." I made a really weird sound in an attempt to speak. I couldn't talk though. My heart suddenly was beating fast and my palms were sweaty. Frank looked at me and I bit my lip hard. I could not do that to him. It just wouldn't be right. So, I looked at Brik and shook my head, no. Brik blinked for a moment, nodded, gulped, and walked away slowly.

"Don't think that you and Frank can be together now, Helena. It can't work, okay? You are too young." Mikey snapped, quietly. It was really unlike him but I guess Gerard made him be 'tough' like that.

I sighed and nodded. Frank took my hand and we walked inside. No one told us we couldn't hold hands. Mikey gave us a small look but then turned away. We all ordered some food and sat down. I played with my french fries a little and Frank watched me intently.

His eyes are so irrestistable.I love his soft, raspy, voice and his hair swished across one eye. Oh God, Helena, stop! You can't have him. You have to wait. Wait wait wait wait. Why do you have to be so young?

I looked up at Frank and he smiled at me, barely. It was a sweet yet intense gesture. How could I wait to just to kiss those gentle lips again?I just wanted to reach over and kiss them that very moment, make our bodies touch again. Of course I couldn't because, I was 15, I was in McDonalds, and Mikey was there. I rested my foot on his, under the table, and his smile brightened more. Mikey nudged my arm, causing me to almost spill ketchup on him.

"Shit, Mikey, what was that for?" I asked, breaking the silence. I set the ketchup on the table.

"You know, Helena."

"Whatever." I mumbled and looked at Frank. He sighed and shrugged at me. We smiled at each other a little and I stared into his big eyes for a moment and started to think about how he reminded me of a puppy. Adoreable and fun.

"Would you stop?" Mikey asked me

"Stop what? I can't stop until I know what bothers you so damn much." I snipped at him. He made a face.

"That whole 'Frank is so hot' face thing." Frank made a face when MIkey said that.

"But, I am hot." Frank said and I giggled, admiringly.

"That's what I mean. You act like Frank is the greatest thing."

"But...he is." I said, looking at Mikey.

"Whatever." Mikey said and got up to throw his trash away.

"What did Gerard put in Mikey's cereal this morning?" Frank asked, cutely, looking at me. I shrugged and we giggled together.

"We're leaving." Mikey said when he came back.

"okay?" I said and got up. Frank got out of his seat, too and we walked back to the car. The only problem was...the car wasn't there.