Gerard Way Is My Dad?

Chapter 29

"What were you doing then?" Gerard asked. I felt myself freeze. I couldn't move or breathe. What was he thinking?

If he tells Gerard I am going to kick hi-

My thoughts were interuppted by Frank.

"Just...stuff." Frank replied.

Why did he even bring it up?

"What kind of stuff, Frankie?" Gerard asked, trying to be 'nice'. I rolled my eyes and I hit Frank on his back, where Gerard couldn't see. Frank coughed a little.

"Just...stuff." He repeated.

"What kind of 'stuff?' Was stuff?" This was...disturbing.

"It was very fun stuff, Gee."

Are you fucking kidding me?

"Can you tell me what you did?" Gerard was just...crazy. I couldn't exactly tell if Frank was being serious or not. It freaked me out.

"We...kissed." Frank said, childishly and giggled girlishly. I slapped him so hard he had to rub his arm a moment. Gerard just sat there, staring at us, in shock.

"Anything else?" I shook my head, no. But, Frank had to continue on.

"We had s-" I had to cut him off. I wouldn't let him do this.

"We had swimming lessons." I said, quickly, hitting Frank again.

"" Gerard asked us, obviously amused. I got very annoyed. Frank opened his mouth to speak and I covered it with my smallish hand.

"We just....jumped on your bunk and pretended to swim. It was...awesome."

"I thought we had sex." Frank stated and I hit him very hard.

"ARE YOU SERIOUS?" Gerard yelled then added sarcasticly, "THATS GREAT!"

"It was!" Frank said, giggling.

"Oh shit." I muttered. Then hell really did come.