Gerard Way Is My Dad?

Chapter 30

"What made you even think about doing that, Frank? And Helena you too!" Gerard yelled, wagging a finger at us. I was very amused but also extremely pissed.

"Dad, thats what...people in love do." I answered, quietly. I wasn't lying. This was just another uncomfortable situation for us to be conversing about.

"No, that's what criminals do to little girls!" Gerard objected, definitely offending both me and Frank. I did not love a rapist. I let him fuck me!

"Excuse me?" Frank said, not quite believing what Gerard accused him of.

"Dad, Frank isn't a rapist. That's sick and I would never fall in love with a rapist."

"Well, you had sex. That's rape because you are under 18!" Gerard replied to my comment. I rolled my eyes.

"It's barely considered rape. It's called Statutory Rape. I let him fuck me. I started it all, dad. So, don't get all pissed at Frank. I'm not even lying." I wrapped my arms across my chest.

"It's still rape, Helena. And I'm very disappointed in you for doing that with him."

Like I care.

"Dad, drop it, please? I really don't want to talk about this. Maybe later or something." I said, pretending to yawn. Pfft, Oh I was so tired.

"Helena, Frank could go to prison for this. We can't drop it. He needs to understand that it was totally unacceptable and he will never do this again." God, big words much?

"It's not Frank's fault, dad. I started it. Okay?" I rolled my eyes, "Would you be mad if I had sex with some other guy? Is it just Frank?" I began to question myself on if I should of asked that.

"Helena, I don't know. Frank is 26. You are almost 16. There's a huge difference. Sex is a really delicate thing, Helena. You shouldn't be in such a hurry do it." Oh My God. Was he serious? I've had this talk a millon times.

"Oh My God, dad. Ew. Stop talking about that. I know. But, we aren't talking about that, okay? Look, I love Frank. You should be glad that I did it with the man I love." I was trying very hard not to be too short with him. I didn't want to get into any more trouble than I was already in. But, I had to be frank. Hahaha. Frank.

"But Frank is fucking 26!" Gerard replied.

"And you are fucking 30! Who really cares?" I noticed that Frank just sat there looking down the whole time. Man, I hope he wasn't crying. I saw Gerard roll his eyes. No, he didn't look cute. He looked fucking evil. It made me want to cry my eyes out. Poor Frank. I started to feel really bad. "Frank, are you okay?" I whispered, watching him. He nodded. I took my arm and wrapped it around him. Gerard opened his mouth to say something but I ignored it.

"Helena, please stop. I'm already angry enough." Gerard said a few seconds later.

"Dad, fuck off. It's not your business" I said loud and proud, continuing to hold onto the only thing that mattered to me.