Gerard Way Is My Dad?

Chapter 38

"So," I said, sitting on a bench next to Corey, "Where do you live?" We were sitting awfully close, it felt kind of awkward, knowing that he wasn't really my boyfriend. I had my hand on his lap and he touched the top of my hand with the tips of his fingers, lightly. Unfortunately, this was way more romantic then Frank and I would ever be able to be together, anymore.

"No where, really. I just go different places whenever I get tired of staying somewhere." Whoa, how would I keep up with this guy?

"Interesting," I replied, not quite knowing what to say. "I used to live in Jersey. Now, I'm just touring and following my dad and Frank where ever."

"Did you used to live with your mom?" I hated this question.

"Yeah, long story." I nodded and he gave me a small smile.

"Well, I have time, if you want to tell me. After all you are my 'girlfriend'." Corey said, laughing a little. I laughed some too.

"Okay, I always wanted to know who my father is. My mother would never tell me who it was or anything. So, I was very pissed at her. It may seem kind of silly but, I just wanted to know my dad. It was all I wanted. One night, me and my boyfriend, Brik, were going to a MCR concert. My mom always hated them but I never knew why, especially Gerard. Well, Brik and I were leaving the concert when Gerard Way walked up to me and said I looked like Natasha Cash and did I know her. I told him that it was my mother and he just was like, 'I think I'm your dad.' It was very awkward but true. I am now." Corey nodded, throughout the explination, understanding my point.

"That's nice, I guess. Where is your mom now?" I glanced around a moment.

"She's somewhere here." Corey raised his eyebrows and I giggled, " She said she wanted to 'see' me. I think it's bullshit, personally. We got in a fight a while ago and stuff. She pretty much forgot about me. I don't care, though. I have Gerard now. But, we get in fights , too. Mostly about Frank and all." I rubbed my elbow and Corey kissed my cheek, gently. I blushed and we held hands.

"Can I meet her?"

"My mom!?!? No way, you don't want to." I shook my head.

"Yes, I do. Please?" Corey got an adoreable look on his face that made me laugh.

"Come on." I said, rolling my eyes and getting up. "Yay!" Corey said, quietly. Then, wrapped his arm around my waist. It wasn't as awkward this time. We both walked around for a minute, searching for my mom. The music was still incredibly loud and I sang along to myself - Corey was listening, though. A woman with a camera walked up to us, snapped some pictures and said, "Who's this?" She pointed to Corey.

"My boyfriend," I said, smiling and Corey got closer to me.

"But, I thought Frank Iero was," The woman replied, putting a hand on her hip.

"No way, Frank and I are just good friends." Corey's grip on my hand, tightened. I was not very good at this lying stuff. My hands were sweating and Corey was probably very uncomfortable but...he agreed to being my 'boyfriend' so, he had to deal with this.

"Then what's with those pictures?" I gave her a questioning look, as if I had no idea what she was talking about. "The ones where you were kissing earlier. That boy was in them too. What do you have to say about that, Ms. Way?"

Ms. Way? HA! That made it sound like Gerard was my husband.

"That was a huge misunderstanding, okay? Corey is my boyfriend. Frank and I didn't mean to kiss. Just forget it."

"Well, what did you and Gerard fight about earlier?" How did she know?

"W-What?" I asked, biting my lip.

"You were fighting with your father about Frank earlier. What was that about?" Corey and I exchanged glances. I exhaled a few breaths.

"Corey is my boyfriend, end of story. Now, I must talk to my mother."

"You're mother is here? Natasha Cash?" Shit, I shouldn't of told her that.

"Look, I really have to leave." I hurried off with Corey. "Where can we go where other people aren't?" I said, kind of quietly.

"The bathroom?" Corey asked me and I nodded, dragging him to the bathroom doors. "Which one?" I mouthed to him and he shrugged. I took him into the unisex one and locked the door. I leaned up against the wall and took a deep breath.

"Are you okay?" Corey asked and I nodded a little.

"I just need to get things in order for a minute." Corey came over and stood next to me and smiled, trying to comfort me. I leaned my head on his shoulder and he looked down at me, suprised. I was a little surprised I did that, too. I just needed to be held or something. What I really needed was Frank but Corey was my legal boyfriend, so I just had to think about him.

But, as I was thinking, something interuptted my thoughts. It was Corey. He kissed me. Corey touched my waist and pulled me in front of him, kissing me. For some stupid reason, I kissed him back.