Gerard Way Is My Dad?

Chapter 41

" fucking God." Mikey muttered, Bob and Frank watching his expression. I almost began to cry but Mikey took my hand and nodded a little. "It's okay, Helena."

"No it' s fucking not, Mikey!" I wailed, and Bob gave us a questioning look.

"Helena, you really need to go. I'll take you. Frank will take you. Gerar-"

"Gerard can't know!" I yelled, getting even more upset. Frank came over and wrapped his arm around me. He didn't even know what was going on but he was going to support me.

"Well, then don't tell him...yet. I will take you to the doctor. Then, if we need to we will tell Gerard.But, I think you need to talk to Frank." When Mikey said that, Frank looked at me. He could tell it was something really serious. I took a deep breath.

"Make Bob leave." I said and Bob, gasped trying to be offended. I rolled my eyes and he walked away. Frank's grip on me tighened, slowly.

"I think...I'm...well..." I started, unable to spit it out. I glanced at Mikey, who finished for me.

"She thinks shes...p-pregnant." He said very quietly. Frank almost had a heart attack.

"WHAT?" He yelled, gasping for air.

"Frank, calm down." I said, wishing I never said anything to anyone. Mikey gulped and I laid my head on his shoulder.

"No way. No way, you can't be, Helena. That is...impossible. No way." Frank spoke a little quieter but there was huge panic in his voice. He was shaking along with me now. Mikey watched us.

"Actually, it's very possible." Mikey said, sort of softly. With that, Gerard and Ray walked into, together. Frank and I looked with faces of terror still.

"What's going on?" Ray asked as him and Gerard set down some stuff.

"Oh. Nothing." Mikey said, speaking for both Frank and I. Gerard looked over at us. I didn't know what to do.

"Gerard, is there like a doctor's office or something around here?" Mikey asked his brother.

"Yeah, why?" Gerard replied, glancing over at me. I faked a smile.

"Helena's stomach has been hurting a little. I just wanted to get everything checked out to make sure she's okay." Mikey smiled at Gerard.

"Oh, I'll take her." Gerard stated and I bit my lip.

"No, I want to. " Mikey objected. I held my breath and glanced over at Frank. He still had a panicky look on his face and it made me feel horrible.

"Why? Is there a probelm?" Gerard asked, suspciously.

"No, I only want to spend time with my niece, Gerard. I love her too, you know." I kept holding my breath. Then, I got up and walked back to Gerard, Mikey,and my room. Frank followed me back there. He sat on the bed next to me and held my hand.

"Is there something going on that I don't know?" I heard Gerard ask aloud. I tried to ignore it. I layed my head on Frank shoulder and he rubbed my back.

"Frank, I don't know what to do." I whispered. He gulped and kissed under my ear.

"Helena, you don't if know if you know..yet. We'll deal with it if it's true." Frank whispered back. I buried my face into his chest. Then, Mikey knocked on the door.

"C'mon, Helena. We are going to the doctor now." I raised my eyebrows and got up. Then, looked back at Frank. He got up, too. We both left with Mikey. I didn't know we were going to go right then! I became scared to death. When we got to the office, I was in tears.

Wait...Are they gonna find out Frank's the father? oh My God. No.

"It will be okay." Frank and Mikey kept trying to reassure me. I wouldn't believe them, though.

"What are they going to do to Frank?" I asked, helplessly.

"Don't worry about me, Helena." Frank said and they took me inside. I noticed that it was a pretty place. But, it was also very large and I got uncomfortable, fast. When they took me back to a room, I was sweating horridly. By the time the doctor walked in, I thought that i was going to pass out.

"Hi, Ms. Way." There they go with the whole Ms. Way shit again. "What can I do for you today, dear?"

"Well, Doctor...she thinks she's...pregnant." Mikey said, nervously.

"Pregnant? Oh Dear. Well, we can check that." He said before pulling something out of his pocket. A pregnacy test, great. You know, I could of just gotten one for myself. The doctor handed it to me and I sighed. "Go urinate on this."

"You might as well just say piss." I said before getting up, rolling my eyes, and walking to a bathroom. I did what the doctor told me and came back, waiting for the results. Frank and Mikey each held a hand of mine.

"'re going to be a mother, Helena."