Gerard Way Is My Dad?

Chapter 43

"What the hell were you thinking? I can't fucking believe this!" Gerard yelled at me and Frank, in his room. I could hear whispers outside of the closed door. It was probably Mikey, Bob, and Ray eavesdropping. "You are barely 16! He's 26! My God! His career is over! My career is over, too! Your life is over! Have you even thought about this? I knew I shouldn't of let you guys even see each other! I should of kicked your ass when I even saw you kissing. Then, maybe you would of never had sex. Oh My God, Helena. Frank you too."

"She's pregnant?!?!" I heard Ray's voice from outside say. I rolled my eyes.

"Nice way to make me feel like shit, dad." I mumbled.

"Helena, stop being so Goddamn rude! You got yourself into this situtation." Gerard replied. Frank began to rub my back but stopped when Gerard started to get even more pissed. "I should fucking murder Frank. I really fucking should."

"No you shouldn't. Then there would be no one to help with the kid." I surprised myself with the clever comeback. But, I was also surprised with the fact that I wasn't crying. I was being strong.

"Helena, shut up. Okay? You are making the chance of Frank's survival slimmer." Would he really kill him? "I'm so pissed, I don't even know what to do. I want you guys seperated. No more talking or anything. When this gets out in the media, I'm done." Gerard stomped out of the door and Frank got up and left too. I was alone. Oh wait, no I wasn't. There was a kid inside of me. I forgot.

"Whoa." I heard Bob say. I wanted to get up and fucking murder them guys. They were getting on my nerves so badly. Or maybe it was the moody pregnant woman thing, already. I sighed and got up to get a bowl of ice cream. But when I got into the kitchen and opened the freezer, I heard Gerard say from the other room, "No ice cream, Helena!"

"What the hell? I have cravings!" I yelled back. I slammed the mini-door shut, walking back to the room. This was not going to be fun. At all.