Gerard Way Is My Dad?

Chapter 44

My Chemical GrandBaby?!?!?

Sixteen year old Helena Way, daughter of Gerard Way from the famous band My Chemical Romance, is suspected to be pregnant. Last night, it was reported by local California doctor, Adam Sheheen, that Helena, along with MIkey Way and Frank Iero, came in asking for a pregnacy test. Once it was confirmed they all left the office with mixed emotions; Helena was angry, Frank crying, and Mikey seeming as if he just wanted to leave. Peopel are asking if Gerard, her father, didn't know about the visit to the office or maybe didn't support it. Ms. Way refused to say who the father is. We will update with the latest news as soon as possible.

I read the article in a slow whisper, laying in the bunk. I coudln't believe they had heard this already. I started to cry for the first time since I found know. But, the phone beside me rang and I slipped it in my hand after the first ring.


"Helena?" COREY

"Corey! It's me. What's up?" I tried to sound as happy and vibrant as ever.

"Well, I just called to ask you something. Er...well...are you pregnant?" Shit. He had heard already. I sighed, getting up to close the door. Gerard and I were still tense around each other.

"...Yes. I am pregnant. But no one can know. Well, they kinda already do. Just if anyone asks...don't say anything about Frank." That's when I realized, What if everyone thought he was the dad? I suddenly felt bad for him.

"Oh, okay. Congratulations, I guess. I bet Gerard is pissed."

"Believe me, he's more than pissed. I can't even look at Frank...or icecream...without getting yelled at. It sucks." It was true. Gerard was bothering everyone, horridly.


"Yeah, he won't let me eat any. Even though I'm having cravings. But, right now all I want to do is talk to Frank. I mi-" I stopped, hearing a beep. Someone was on the other line. I glanced at the phone. It read People Magazine. "Damnit." I muttered. Should I answer it? "Corey, it's People Magazine, should I answer it?"

"Um...I don't know. I don't think so. Wait...answer it. I'll call you later." He hung up then and I was forced to answer the other line.

"H-Hello?" I said, beginning to shake. At that moment, Mikey walked in.

"Hi, Is this the Way residence?" I heard a professional sounding woman say. Mikey mouthed "Who's that?" I shrugged.

"Yes'm." I tried to sound polite and unteenage like.

"Is this Helena Way?" Shit. They found me.


"May I ask a few questions?" I bit my lip. Mikey sat down next to me, trying to listen.

"Yes'm." My God, that's all I was saying.

"Who is your boyfriend?" Oh Shit.

"No one." I replied, modestly. I really wasn't lying. Frank and I were broken up, I guess. Gerard wouldn't let us be together.

"Oh really? What's with this rumour you are pregnant, dear? Is that a true one?" Mikey gave me a concerned looked and I didn't know what to say. I just sat there making unreal words.

"Well, I don't exactly know. Um..." Mikey hit my arm and said, sort of loudly. "Ahh, Shit. Mikey!" He covered my mouth and I looked at the phone, thinking 'oops.'

"You don't know? That's...interesting. Anyway, so what happened to this Corey guy? Didn't I hear he was your boyfriend at your sweet sixteen just the other day?" I licked Mikey's hand to make him uncover my mouth and he flinced. I tried not to laugh.

"Oh yes'm. We broke up, though. He didn't want a long distance relationship." I sighed, trying to add effects. "It's cool though. We're still friends." I knew she was going to say something about Frank next.

"I'm sorry about that. At least you are still friends, right? What's this about a love connection wtih you and Frank Iero?" Damn. Damn. Damn! Mikey grabbed the phone from me and before I could say anything he said, rudely, "She's not going to talk about that." Then, he hung up.

"Mikey!" I shrieked, slapping his arm. "You retard, I can answer for myself." Honestly, I probably couldn't but I wasn't going to let him know that. He lifted up a hand to slap me back but I dodged it. "You can't hit a pregnant woman! I'll tell Gerard."

"He would probably be glad I kicked your ass for him." He laughed a little and I nodded.

"But, I could kick your ass!"

"No way. Not you! Little Helena? Ha. Funny." I punched his shoulder, giggling.

"You're mean! I won't be little for long. Then, I can squish you and punch you which, to me, equals kicking your scrawny ass!" He began to laugh. But, I heard a knock at the door.

"Helena, I have to talk to you." Wonderful, it's Gerard. He walked in taking a sit next to us. "If someone calls asking you questions or anything just hang up, please?"

"Too late." Mikey looked over at his brother.

"W-What? They already called?Shit. Well, it's okay, I guess. What did you say?" I looked at my feet.

"Nothing much." I mumbled, making Gerard lean forward to hear me.


I couldn't help but think that...excuse me. I continued on, "I told the woman about how Corey and I 'broke up' and that's"

"Also, you're shithead of a daughter said that she didn't know if she was pregnant." Mikey added, causing me to hit him harder.

"You did, Helena? Damnit, why?" I looked over at Mikey.

"Great way to get him even more pissed, Mikey." I rolled my eyes, then glanced over to my dad. "I didn't know what to say, dad. Gosh. Why do you have act like I'm the worst daughter ever?"

Gerard's face turned a bit softer and he sighed. There was a silence and Gerard sat closer to me, wrapping his arm around me. "Helena, I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry too, dad. For everything. But, please please please, don't be mad at me anymore. I already hate this enough."

"Do you want some ice cream, Helena?" Gerard asked and I could help but nod and laugh.