Gerard Way Is My Dad?

Chapter 45

"Well, tonight is the last show." Gerard announced as we were driving back towards our homes in New Jersey. We were all sitting on the couch flipping through the channels.

"Already?"I was surpised. It had been two and a half months but I couldn't believe it. "Damn."

"Yeah, it's been fun." Mikey joined in on the conversation.

"Where is our house, dad?" I began to wonder.

"It's kind of downtown. All us live near each other...well, for now at least." What did he mean for now?

"What do you mean?"

"Well, now that I have you we are going to have to move to a larger house."

"No! We can't move away from the guys. Especially not Frank, he's got to help with my baby." I couldn't do it alone and Gerard probably wouldn't be the best of help.

"Helena," He replied, glancing at the clock. "We have to get ready." 6:15? Already? Time was moving so fast. All the boys got up and left ot get ready,except for Frank. He walked over to me and said the first words he had said to me since my pregnacy was confirmed, pretty much.

"Don't worry, Helena. You're not going anywhere. I'll stay with you through this baby's whole life." Frank touched my stomach for a moment and walked off. I layed on the couch only a bit worried. I heard the bus pull up to the venue and come to a startling stop. I had gotten used to the way it moved but the stops always bothered me. We were back where we started. The guys soon came out, prepared to perform.

"Wanna come, Helena?" MIkey asked me and I shook my head.

"I'm a little tired, Mikey. Thanks though. I'm sure you guys will do great." Frank gave me a small smile and everyone left. I could hear them playing from the bus and I sang along, quietly to myself. Suddenly I became a bit lonely so I looked on the Caller ID on the phone, wondering if I should call the number Corey had called from. I missed talking to him. When I looked though, it said pay phone. I got an idea that I might need to call the pay phone back. I doubted he would answer it. Well, and it wouldn't be the safest thing but I did it anyway. For a few seconds it only rang. Then, a faint, tired sounding voice answered.


"Is this..uh...Corey?" I tried to sound calm and serious. Not like a pregnant 16 year old girl.

"H-Helena?" His voice was shaky as he spoke.

"Corey? This is you! A-Are you okay?"

"Oh, I'm already." He didn't sound alright but his voice became a bit more colorful.

"Well thats good..."There was an akward silence. "Are...are you homeless, Corey?"

"I don't know, Helena. I guess I am."

"You guess? Well, I could find you a house down here or something, I'm sure. You could move to Jersey with u-" Before I could finish, Corey started.

"No, you aren't going to help me. I'm fine. Don't worry. I'm just scared for you. Is everything okay? Is Gerard still mad? What about Frank?" So many questions!

"Yeah, it's all good. The guys are just playing the last show. Gerard's okay now. He let me eat ice cream. Frank and I still don't talk much." I missed Corey. But, I noticed her only wanted to talk about me and my life. Nothing about him, at all. It was kind of creepy.

"That's nice. Well, not about Frank but yo-" Then I heard a scream from behind that frightened me deeply. "i have to go. Sorry, Bye! I love you,Helena."

" me?" But he had arleady hun up. This had happened way too many times to me.

What was with the scream? Is he okay? He's homeless for Pete's sake! Of course he isn't okay. Oh My God. This isn't good, at all.

"Honey, I'm home!" Ray shouted, running inside. I heard Bob's deep laugh and Mikey's giggle. Everyone else followed in close behind. They all took a seat next to me.

"What's wrong, Helena?" Gerard asked me.

"Oh...nothing. Just something about Corey and all. It's probably the end of the tour, too. But, I'll be fine."Frank watched me as I spoke. I could see his soft eyes moving slowly, distracting me.

"You can tell us." Gerard said and the rest of them nodded in agreement.

"Nah. I'll deal." I started to get up to go to bed when Mikey's voice floated into the atmosphere.

"He said he loves you, didn't he?" I thought for a moment before replying. I didn't want Gerard to be angry again.

"Yeah...that's what he said."