Gerard Way Is My Dad?

Chapter 47

"Of course not!" Gerard said in complete shock. "Who knows what the hell you will do!"

"Gerard, we won't do anything! It would be best for the baby and everything. We won't sleep together. We'll just live together. I'll support Helena and the baby. Please?" Frank joined it and I raised my eyebrows, finally understanding how much he loved me. "Please?" Frank repeated, begging almost.

"Frank, please don't act like a child. You know that it's not going to happen so drop it. " Gerard said maturely.I looked over at Frank.

"Why not, Gerard? I have reasons! Please?" Frank said and Gerard began shaking his head no again, so I decided not to say anything. I would just let Frank handle it. "Gee, please??!?!" Frank had on his adorable look that I couldn't say no to. I wondered if it worked the same with my dad.

"You told me you weren't going to do anything before. Now, she's pregnant. Frank I don't know if I can trust you with her." Gerard sighed after he finished.

"Gerard, you live right fucking next door. If you ever hear or see us do anything wrong then you can take her back. I swear on my life, man." Frank was seriously begging. I didn't want them to get in a fight but I couldn't speak. My throat felt all scratchy and swollen, suddenly.

"Frank, no." Gerard stated simply. I saw Frank's eyes fill up with tears. I wrapped both of my arms around him, tight. I wanted to make everything better. I honestly did not think he would cry over this. "Don't cry, Frank." Gerard said, rolling his eyes a little.

"Frank, calm down." I whispered into his ear. "It will be okay. Just calm down." A tear slipped down his cheek and I wiped it off, gently.

"Why are you even crying? Everythings okay," Gerard watched us as he spoke.

"Dad, everything's not okay! Isn't it obvious?" I continued trying to comfort Frank. He was overly sensitive lately.

"Well, I, not everythings perfect, Helena. But you guys not living together is not something to cry about."

Actually, dad, it is.

"Dad, please just be quiet for a minute and let me help Frank." I watched him as he let the tears fall and I tried to wipe the most of them away. I felt horrible for him.

"I'm s-s-sorry." Frank said, hiccuping.

"Frank, don't blame yourself."

"It's my f-fault though. I'm the a-adult. Even if we a-are in l-love then...I h-have to o-obey G-Gerard." I couldn't believe he was saying this. But, it impressed Gerard, suprisingly.

"I'm sorry, Frank. This isn't easy for me either, you know?" Gerard softened up, I guess.

"H-Helena, c-can I talk to your d-dad alone?" Frank asked, looking at me. I nodded and left the room. I could hear them talking from Gerard's bedroom pretty well. Actually, not well but just some words.

""Thats what I heard from Frank's side of the conversation.

"" Gerard was speaking a bit louder but that's all I heard. Then, Frank made a squealing sound and he opened the door to the room I was cooped up in. He had a humongous smile on his face.

"You can be moved in by tomorrow if we hurry."