Gerard Way Is My Dad?

Chapter 48

I was soon moved into Frank's house. It looked almost exactly like Gerard's house but it was more neat. The only problem was, we had to go on TV together --I mean, with Gerard too -- telling the whole story. Gerard wouldn't stick up for us and Frank would have to deal with the consquences. I was scared to death. Frank could possibly go to prison for this. But, the baby gives us reasons to live together, right?

"What should I wear, Frank?" I asked, searching around in our drawers. We were going to be on television live in less than four hours. Frank was too busy finding his own clothes, pacing around the room to hear me. "Frank! I said, what should I wear?"

"Oh, sorry, baby. I don't know. What should I wear?" Frank asked, turning around. I couldn't help but laugh. He was running around in his boxers, unable to pick an outfit out. It would of been funnier if the reasoning were different. I walked over to his closet, looking through it. I took out a pair of black suit pants and a nice blue shirt that wasn't too fancy but looked professional and clean.

"There ya go. Now help me!" I dragged him over to my side of the room, searching. He did the same and pointed to a green shirt that showed off my baby bump and a black skirt. "I'm not there to show off my bump, Frank." He pouted and I sighed.

"I love that shirt on you though!" He objected. I took it out and slipped it over my head. Then, I put the skirt on with a pair of green flats I bought a few weeks ago. Frank smiled hugely and I hit him on his side.

"You're lucky I love you so damn much." I mumbled to him, laughing sweetly.

"Don't curse!" Frank said, poking my rib. "You don't want the baby to hear that, do you?" He began to rub my stomach.

"I don't really care. Just get dressed." He sighed and put on the clothes I picked out for him. I straightened my hair, quickly getting to the point. Then, I put on a light coat of eyeliner and lipgloss. Frank got fully ready and we walked over to Gerard's house together. We all set off to the studio.

"Don't be nervous." Gerard said and I rolled my eyes, wondering if he was serious. How can you not be nervous if you are going to be considered a rapist or something? Poor Frankie.

When we got to the studio, we were greeted by many people. Most gave Frank and I dirty looks. I guessed they had heard. This was going to be great. We all sat on a couch together, me in the middle. Frank and I were holding hands. Then, the interview started. Oh Shit, I kept thinking.

"So, Gerard, when did you realize that Helena was your daughter?" The woman asked my dad.

"At a concert in Jersey. I noticed she looked like her mother and I asked her. And here she is." Oh yeah, dad. Play Mr. Nice Guy.

"Well, Helena," She said, turning towards me. "Is it true you are pregnant?" I played with hands for a moment, sighing.

"Yes'm. I'm pregnant." She got a concerned looked on her face.

"Who's the father, darling?"

"F-Frank..." I looked over at him, trying not to cry. "Frank Iero is the father." There were gasps everywhere from the audience. Then loud boos.

Frank is not going to get out alive.