Gerard Way Is My Dad?

Chapter 5

I packed my bags, quickly and quietly. Then, I got out a piece of paper and wrote..

I'm not mad at you so don't think that. And I'm fine. Absolutely fine, actually. I'm just spending time with Gerard. Or...I guess my dad. So, don't worry. I will be back whenever. Remember, DON'T WORRY!

I love you,


I set the paper by the coffee maker and I walked over to Gerard.

"I'm ready." I said. He smiled and took a bag from me and we walked outside.

"You sure you want to come?" He asked as he slipped bags into the trunk of his car.

"I'm positive, dad." I said and slid into the passanger seat. Gerard got into the front and began to drive. He seemed to be happy that I called him dad.

That was all I wanted. A dad. I finally got one! Well, I've always had one, I just never got to see or meet him.

"She's back?" Ray said and Bob gave him a look.

"She's touring with us." Gerard said.

"Why?!?" Frank asked.

"Because she is my daughter. Okay?" He snapped.

"I didn't mean it meanly. I'm glad she is here." Frank said.

"You know, I am right here." I said, with a little attitude.

"Oh Yeah. Hi!" Mikey said.

"Hi Mikey." I replied. He giggled a little. I was starting to like him a lot.

"So, let's go on the bus I guess." Gerard said, smiling at me.

"Okay," Everyone chorused and got up. I walked with my father, inside the bus.

"Let me give you a tour, Helena" Mikey offered as soon as I got on. I nodded and he took my hand.

"This is Bob's bunk." He said, motioning to a small space.

"This is Ray's." Mikey pointed to another small bed next to Bob's. We went to another room.

"This is Gerard's bunk and my bunk," He said showing me closer. I noticed that Gerard's area seemed to be a bit disorganized but Mikey's more organized. Hm...

"And Frank sleeps on the couch which turns into a bed." Mikey said, showing me a living room with a medium sized TV and large couch.

"Hey Uncle Mikey, where do I sleep?" I asked, soft.

"Um...I don't know. I will have to ask Ger- your dad," He said, smiling a little.

"Gerard!" Mikey called and he walked in.


"Where is Helena going to sleep?" Gerard got a look on his face.

"Um..I dunno. Helena you want to sleep in my bed? I can lay on the floor or something." He said, turning towards me.

"Nah, I can stay on the floor. I'm fine."

"No, you aren't going to sleep on the floor. I invited you and I'm the dad so you're gonna sleep in a bed unless you are weird and like to sleep on the floor." Gerard said, giggling.

For some reason that made me think of Brik.

"BRIK!" I shouted and Gerard looked at me.

"Who the fuck is Brik?" Mikey said.

"My boyfriend...who I forgot about." Oh Dear.

"Oh Yeah. That boy that was with you?" Gerard asked. I nodded.

"Brik is a weird name," Mikey made a face, "I thought you meant someone dropped a brick on you or something."

"Nahh." I said, laughing.

"How old is Brik, Helena? He looks older than you." Gerard asked, concerned. He sounded like my mother.

"He's only 16, dad. Don't worry."

"You're 15, right? That's fine. He just looks older, I guess."

"Yeah. He's pretty awesome," I said with a smile.

"That's nice." Mikey said.

Gerard started to set my bags around the room.

"Get comfortable, sweetie. This is your new home."
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