Gerard Way Is My Dad?

Chapter 50

I fell asleep on the way to the hospital. It was so hectic everywhere. The flashes from the cameras were as wild as ever and people were screaming. Firefighters were trying to put out the fire from the black van that caused all this shit. Frank and Gerard were passed out cold. I was practically alone with the nurses and doctors. When I woke up in my hospital room, I mean. They were constantly worrying about my baby. I never heard a thing about my dad and Frank. I would ask a nurse every few minutes and they said they couldn't tell me. About an hour later, Ray, Mikey, and Bob came up. They first visited me, because I was the only one awake.

"Helena, are you okay?" Mikey asked, rushing into the room. Bob and Ray followed very close behind. The two nurses and doctor left the room, hopefully giving us privacy.

"I don't know, Mikey." I actually knew I wasn't okay. I just didn't have the courage to admit it. He would obviously find out soon enough, I guess. It was my stomach that hurt so incredibly bad. I heard the doctor's whisper about the baby. Secretly, I longed for it to be okay. Even though I acted as if this baby was a horrible thing, I knew inside that I would love him or her, no matter what.

"Is the baby okay?" Bob said quietly. He probably didn't want to worry me with the baby or anything. He didn't need to worry though, it didn't upset me anymore then I already was.

"I don't know." There was a silence. "Can you guys find out whats going on with Frank and my dad?" I saw Mikey gulp, slowly.

"S-Sure." Mikey said, "I will. Ray and Bob, stay in here, okay?" He looked over at them and they nodded. "I'll be back." Mikey walked out of the door, slowly. When he left, Ray turned to look at me.

A few minutes later Mikey came back. He didn't look happy at all.

"Frank's okay." He mumbled, I smiled a little. "But...Gerard' a c-coma."
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I can't believe we are at Chap. 50 already!!! Yay. lol