Gerard Way Is My Dad?

Chapter 58

Drip. Drop. Drip. Drop.

"FRANK! Come back!"

I watched Frank walked out of the house through the pouring rain. I called for him but that did nothing. He didn't even glance back for a tenth of a second. He continued walking on the soaked sidewalk, staring at his naked feet. What was wrong with him? Just one phone call from a friend did this? I think not. I shouted his name out the door once again, but never recieved an answer. I pulled my hair up in a quick, ugly ponytail and rushed outside, the rain colliding with my skin causing my body to get goose-bumps all over. It was freezing cold and the rain was sliding down my legs. The ground was slippery but I forced myself to push my feet as hard as they could go. I had to catch up with Frank.

"Frank, what's wrong?"

I was closer to him now but he didn't even glance back, again. I was soon out of breath, I really couldn't breathe. Being pregnant and running in the rain was not a good comination, I'd learned. My hair was plastered to my face and water streamed down my forehead. My clothing was soaked and it was the same with Frank. Or at least what I could see of him. Didn't he care?

I grabbed his shoulder and turned him around. It wasn't that hard considering how little he is.

"Frank, what the hell?!?" I asked, realizing I was crying in between all of this. He shook his head like he didn't even know. He tried to pull from my grasp but before he could I tightened my grip and looked him in the eyes. "Frank, I'm sorry. I don't even know what the fuck I did to you. If you told me, then I would fix it. Don't you understand how much I care? I'm out in the fucking rain, forcing myself to run up to you just because I love you so damn much. If it's Corey, then, you know what? I'll make him stop calling me babe or show any affection what so ever. I just care about him because he's homeless and he's a nice boy. But, I don't love him. I really fucking don't. I love you. I love you more than I ever thought I could love someone."

"H-Helena..." Frank said, beginning to shake. His lips were quivering and his hand's outreached to mine. "I l-love you too. But...What about G-Ger-" But, before he could finish I heard a familar voice scream our names.

Gerard opened the door to his house and began yelling for us to come inside. He was obviously pissed. But, my vison was blurred so I couldn't tell where I was walking to. Frank was almost in a trance or something. I was scared to death but I was also frozen so I didn't even know what to do. Next thing I knew, Gerard was leading us inside his house. I took a deep breath knowing he was going to go on asking us why the hell we were outside in the rain.

"What the hell is going on?" Gerard asked, holding onto me and Frank. He was trying to warm us up but only ended up causing himself trouble. "Shit, you are cold."

"Frank left and I followed him." I stammered, quietly. Gerard glared over at Frank who was shivering like crazy.

"C-Can we just g-go home and c-change?" Frank stuttered to Gerard. He looked us over and nodded, quickly. Frank and I walked nextdoor in silence. Once we had both gotten dressed and warmed up a bit, I sat on the couch, looking at Frank. He sat down next to me looking nervous.

Our hair was both soking wet but we ignored it. My hair was creating a small stream, trickling down the side of the couch onto the grey floor. It was the only sound that I could hear other than the sound of the rain outside. But, it was lighter than before.

"H-Helly, I'm sorry."

"Well...can you tell me what I did?"

"I don't know...I guess I was just upset about Corey." Frank sighed, taking a blanket from the top of the sofa down and laying it on top of us both. He moved closer to me. "I think, just knowing this guy loves you is too much for me. I'm worried that you might...leave me for him."