Gerard Way Is My Dad?

Chapter 64

"Thanks, Corey." I mumbed, grimancing slightly.

"You're welcome. How's everything? You sound tired." I had never really thought about being tired. There was so many different feelings when first becoming a mom.

"Everything's fine. I guess I'm a bit tired." I answered and turned to Frank. He was bouncing Ryanne up and down, while watching me chat.

"Hows the baby? Ryanne, is her name right?" I played with the phone cord, admiring my ring again.

"She's great, tiny but great." I stated, now looking at her. Her deep eyes,that were a misty undefinable color, streamed the room in a startled way.

"Oh, I bet she's little. How much did she weigh?" Frank finally sat down next to me, trying to listen closer.

"Four pounds, twelve ounces." Her weight scared me so much but the doctors always told me that she was going to be fine. Just small.

"Whoa, well, is she healthy and everything?" Ryanne suddenly began giggling. I looked at Frank and he bursted out in grins. I kissed her nose, gently.

"She's perfect." Frank wrapped his free arm around me and we watched Ryanne with our heads pinned close.

"Oh that's nice." I heard a shout in the background. I pulled away from Frank, deciding to get serious.

"Corey, what is going on with you? Like with the screams and you having to go so fast? I just want to make sure you're okay." Frank made a clicking noise with his mouth. He didn't like for me to talk to Corey long.

"I just stay in bad area, don't mind me." Corey said, quietly.

'"Then why don't you move, Corey? It really upsets me to not know what's going on." Frank began kissing Helena's nose lightly.

"I'm not someone to worry about, Helena."

"Corey, I just want to fucking know. Can you tell me? Please, just tell me." I noticed Frank's ears perk up and look at me, accusingly when I swore. Too bad for Ryanne. She would have to get used to it, I guess.

"Okay..." Corey said, searching for words. "I'll tell you. Just...not now."