Gerard Way Is My Dad?

Chapter 73

Ring. Ring.

I was locked up in the bedroom listening to the phone ring. Frank obviously wasn't going to answer it. Or maybe he left. I wasn't sure. But, I knew who was calling. Gerard, of course. I still felt bad for leaving him at the Dunkin' Donuts but I couldn't do anything about that - legally, I mean. Well, I could answer the phone but that would involve looking at Frank, which I wouldn't do. Like I said in our argument, he needed to mature up. I bet he knew Gerard was calling. I was trapped in a room, crying silently, and was aware of it. It was kind of obvious because he was stuck.

Then, the ringing stopped. I heard Frank say in a small, weak voice, "G-Gerard?" I felt his footsteps closing in on me and saw his shadow by the door. I layed down and acted like I was sleeping, even though I knew he wasn't going to come in. "Yeah, everything's f-fine."

Liar. Everything is not fine.

Soon there was a slow, quiet knock on the door. I kept my eyes squeezed shut. I heard his voice again, "Okay. I'm sorry. Yeah, I'll pick you u-up." He was still stuttering a bit. Frank stopped knocking but I still saw his shadow at the bottom of the door. He's wasn't going to leave. "H-Helena's okay. Yeah, Ryanne is too. Don't worry..."There was another drop of silence. "No, she's not coming...she's,uh,s-sleeping." I opened my eyes, again. "Okay, bye, Gee." I heard the beep from the phone, ending their conversation. I wondered if he was going to say anything or just leave. He knocked on the door, once more, only louder. "Helena, I'm going to go get G-Gerard." I repositioned myself in the bed, quietly, not going to respond. I wanted him to feel bad.

I heard him go outside and start up Gerard's car. Oh yay, he was an automobile their now, too. I tell you, I date way too many criminals.

I got up and went to the bathroom. Then, I got a large snack and brought it to the bedroom, peaking into Ryanne's crib. She was sleeping soundly, with no idea of what was going on. I shut myself inside, again and locked the door. Hey, I might as well bring something to eat. I would be staying there for a while, I thought. I didn't want to talk to Frank ever again, at that moment.

About ten minutes later, I heard Frank and Gerard's feet come crashing inside. "She's fine, G-Gerard. You don't have to check on her."

Oh shit.

"I know ya'll got in a fight. It's obvious. Let me see her." Gerard said. I could feel him walking toward's the bedroom door. Then, I saw the doorknob move slightly. "Helena, open the door. I know damn well you aren't sleeping."

"Ryanne is!" I exclamied. "So, shut up." I know that sounds rude but I was pissed.

"Helena, get your ass out here right now!" Whoa, he was mad. I rolled my eyes, getting up. I unlocked the door and slammed it open, if that's possible. "You and Frank are going to work this out."

"Frank is being an immature asshole." I put my hand on my hip and watched Frank look up at me, sadly. I rolled my eyes again.

"You have to be reasonable to work this out, Helena." Gerard replied.

"Maybe I don't want to work this out!" I yelled and saw Frank's face totally drop. I tried to tell myself to stay angry, but I couldn't. I was being a bitch. "I'm sorry.." I whispered.

"I'm sorry, too." He whispered back. Gerard contined to eye us.

"I'm such a bitch." I mumbled. Frank shook his head and reached over to hug me. "Frank?" I asked, bitting my lip.


"What was going on with you?" I had to know.

"I'll tell you later, okay?" I nodded, hating that the last time someone said they would tell me later they ended up going in the hospital and tried to rape me.

"I guess my work here is done." Gerard said and both Frank and I hugged him.

"Hey, Gee?" Frank asked, before Gerard left.


"Can you keep Ryanne for a bit?"

Why does he need to keep Ryanne?

"Sure thing, Frank. I'll go get her." Gerard turned around and walked to the bedroom, slipping Ryanne out of her crib. "I still have some of her toys at my house. Call me later, okay?" Frank nodded and we both mumbled a goodbye. Frank turned to look and me and he kissed me.

"Whoa." I said in between the kiss. I really hadn't expected this. That's why he told Gerard to take Ryanne.

Hm...will this lead to sex?

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OH MY GOD! I love you guys soooo much. I have exactly 100 suscribers as of today! YAY! I'm sooo happy. I love your comments and everything. :-)

I know it's kinda weird for them to be all pissed and end up fucking but I felt like doing that. lmbo