Gerard Way Is My Dad?

Chapter 82

After five more shots, I was really drunk. Don't ask why Frank let me drink so much more, I don't even know myself. He felt bad, though.

You get a weird feeling when you are drunk almost as if you are dreaming or something. At least, I do. I can only recall the feelings not what happened when I was drunk. Frank told me all about what happened. He forced himself not to drink once he saw my current state. I found that incredibly sweet, might I add.

Charlie walked over to us, chatting about My Chemical Romance for a while. Apperently, in my drunk state, I had a bit of a crush on him. I thrusted myself at him, longing for love. He must of noticed how much I drank and began to fuss at Frank, swearing and such. Maybe he was drunk, too. Frank couldn't tell, he said. Frank also told me that I tried to drag Charlie off somewhere. Of course, Frank wouldn't let me. Oh please, have sex with him? I must of been very drunk.

If I was Frank, I would of been extremely angry. He later said he wasn't mad, only very worried. He let me stay because it was only eleven thirty and he didn't want any members of the paperazzi to be hanging around to catch a shot of any partying celebrity who could happen to be drunk. I guessed I might of been known as the next Britney Spears or 'party girl' reputation if I had been found. That would of sucked majorly. I know it was only one party, but I haven't told you the rest of the story, now have I?

Music boomed over the speakers and I watched people from around age 19-31 dancing along to it. If I was sober I would feel extremely out of plyace and would of begged Frank to carry me home, letting me have good girl fun. Instead of listening to people fuck and puke from their alcohol and drug comsumption, I mean. But, no, I was in full party mode, ready to do whatever, whenever, with whoever. I got up and rushed to the dance floor with Frank following me close behind. "Dance with me!" I demanded so Frank had no choice but to dance with so I wouldn't cause a scene. We danced for a while then I threw up. I just started puking everywhere. All over Frank. He and Charlie rushed me to the bathroom while I threw up even more. Damn, I must of ate a lot before this. It was obviously pretty nasty. Frank said that I tried to run off and I actually escaped into a room where all kinds of drugs were being served. Frank ran after me in a horrible panic. The chase continued on when I walked in on a couple fucking in Charlie's bed, then I ran back to the bathroom to puke again. Frank said he grabbed me but I passed out in his arms. Random, right? I felt overly embarassed, blushing like a baboon's ass, the whole time he was telling me this. Later, Charlie kicked us out and Frank had to speed down the road, dodging anyone who looked like the paperazzi with me still passed out. We walked in to find Bob sleeping in our bed and Ryanne in her crib.

"Bob! Get up!" Frank pushed on the bear that had taken over the bed. Frank was holding me but set me down no the bed beside Bob. "Bob!" He said, louder. Bob opened his eyes slowly and saw me passed out next to him.

"What the hell happened?" He whispered, watching me. I continued to lay there, plopped out next to him. Bob sat up and raised his eyebrows.

"She got drunk. Now go home." Frank muttered, not wanting to admit this so he wouldn't be in trouble.

"What? She did!?! Gerard is going to kick your ass if he finds out."

"I know! You aren't going to tell him or I will kick your ass. Now go home!" He demanded and eventually Bob left. I woke up at about eleven the next morning, with a huge hangover. I blinked my eyes open and looked over at Frank who was sitting up, looking at me. "Oh My God, are you okay?"

"What the hell happened?" I asked, feeling very strange.

"You got drunk at the party. Really drunk, apperently." Frank said, holding me close to him. I glanced up at him.

"I have a killer headache." I mumbled, sighing.

"I'll get you something for it, okay, baby? Oh yeah," Frank said, glancing at the clock. "Happy Birthday!"

"Wh-Oh My God. It's my birthday!" I screeched, making my head hurt worse. "Owww." I whined, covering myself under the covers.

Knock Knock.

"Oh shit." I heard Frank say from the kitchen. "Gerard!" He mumbled and I ducked even more under the covers.