Gerard Way Is My Dad?

Chapter 87

This is great. My life is officially perfect. Gerard is the perfect dad. Ryanne is the perfect baby. Frank is, by far, the perfect boyfriend. There's no Corey to bother me now. I'll be fine. I'll be perfect. I have the perfect car. I will have the perfect wedding, the perfect honeymoon, too. Everything is going great.

In between all of these definately positive, good thoughts, I got a bad thought. I didn't think it was possible to bring down a mood like this one. I was all happy and chiper. Not even my hangover could bring me down. I was feeling great. But, then everything came colliding down.How did Frank afford this? How are we going to afford this wedding? Have we even paid the government their money yet? I cannot believe I just thought of this! What are we going to do? I am not letting him spend a penny on something that we don't need!

"Are you okay?" Frank asked, looking at me oddly.

" we have enough money for this, Frank?" I replied, using a form of the Socrates Method. I just was being blunt with this.

"Don't worry about the money, Helly. Everything will go great." He 'answered'. That was not the answer I was looking for though. He always tried to jump away from this whole money thing.

"No, Frank. Just tell me. Do we have enough money to go to Hawaii and to have the wedding and everything?" I reasked the question to say more specifics. He was going to tell me if I had to beat the crap out of him.

"Helena, we are going to have the wedding and our honeymoon no matter what. I'll just have more or something." Frank paused, playing with fingers a bit. "It's your birthday. Let's just have fun."

"O-Okay." I stammered, not wanting to admit how scared I was. There was an awkward silence following.

"What do you want to do?" Frank asked a few seconds later. I shrugged, trying to think about all the good things again. "I'm sorry." He whispered into my ear. I turned around, giving him a look. "You know why, Helena."

"I'm just worried about us." I grumbled.

"You don't need to be." He objected my caring nature. "But, don't think about it now, okay?" Frank leaned over to kiss me but I pushed him back, gently.

"Why do we always have sex after we are pissed at each other?" I asked, resting my hands on his chest.

"I don't know." He replied, playing with my hair. "Why don't we just keep the tradition going?"

So, we did.