Gerard Way Is My Dad?

Chapter 88

It was great. It actually made me feel a lot better than I felt before. There was only one problem. We didn't close the blinds and we were in the living room. Our house, unfortunately, was not entirely surrounded by the guys. There was an elderly couple living next to us who apperently saw us.

"SHUT THE BLINDS YOU DAMN KIDS!" The old man, Fred, screamed to us. I pushed Frank off of me, looking at the window. We were both naked by then. Frank jumped up, closing the blinds as fast as he could. I couldn't help but laugh. I swear, I heard Fred say to his husband - Yes, they are gay - who's name is Mark, "Them fucking kids need to learn how to control themselves."

I suddenly felt random and hysterical so I screamed, "FUCK YOU!!!!!"

"CONTROL YOUR LANGUAGE YOUNG LADY!" Mark yelled back from the house next door.

"I was talking to you, Old man!" I shouted to Mark, trying to contain my laughter. Frank was staring at me, weirdly. "What? It's my birthday!" I defended myself.

"O-kay..." We were quiet a few minutes after that, waiting for a response from Fred or Mark. We didn't get one so I just jumped on Frank, giving him kisses everywhere. He obviously enjoyed it. Until, I heard my phone ring. It said I had one new text so I read it. It was from Mikey.

who were u yelling at?

I laughed a little.

fred & mark, our old gay neighbors.

Frank watched me text and chuckled. I got a reply a few minutes later. Oh dear. y were you yelling?

Then, I heard the most hilarious thing in the world. I'm not even lying when I say I heard old Fred moaning, "HARDER Mark HARDER!!!!!" Frank and I burst into fits of laughter. I couldn't even reply to the text message.

HELENA! Answer me!

But, Frank and I were too busy mocking Fred yelling, "HARDER Mark HARDER!" to reply.

That's just another reason why this was the best birthday ever.
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Don't even ask what inspired me to write this chapter.